29 research outputs found

    Шляхи підвищення ефективності використання виробничих ресурсів сільськогосподарських підприємств

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    Single-phase polycrystalline samples and single crystals of the complex boride phases Ti8Fe3Ru18B8 and Ti7Fe4Ru18B8 have been synthesized by arc melting the elements. The phases were characterized by powder and single-crystal X-ray diffraction as well as energy-dispersive X-ray analysis. They are new substitutional variants of the Zn11Rh18B8 structure type, space group P4/mbm (no. 127). The particularity of their crystal structure lies in the simultaneous presence of dumbbells which form ladders of magnetically active iron atoms along the [001] direction and two additional mixed iron/titanium chains occupying Wyckoff sites 4h and 2b. The ladder substructure is ca. 3.0 Å from the two chains at the 4h, which creates the sequence chain–ladder–chain, establishing a new structural and magnetic motif, the scaffold. The other chain (at 2b) is separated by at least 6.5 Å from this scaffold. According to magnetization measurements, Ti8Fe3Ru18B8 and Ti7Fe4Ru18B8 order ferrimagnetically below 210 and 220 K, respectively, with the latter having much higher magnetic moments than the former. However, the magnetic moment observed for Ti8Fe3Ru18B8 is unexpectedly smaller than the recently reported Ti9Fe2Ru18B8 ferromagnet. The variation of the magnetic moments observed in these new phases can be adequately understood by assuming a ferrimagnetic ordering involving the three different iron sites. Furthermore, the recorded hysteresis loops indicate a semihard magnetic behavior for the two phases. The highest Hc value (28.6 kA/m), measured for Ti7Fe4Ru18B8, lies just at the border of those of hard magnetic materials

    Исследование оптических свойств реконденсатов CCl4, полученных методом криоматричной изоляции

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    Объектом исследования являются тетрахлорметаан (четырёххлористый углерод) CCl4, которые были получены методом газофазной конденсации с матричным газом в различных концентрационных соотношениях с азотом и аргоном. Целью работы является изучение процессов формирования и эволюции свойств тонких пленок реконденсатов молекул фреона CCl4, образующихся в результате структурно-фазовых превращений и релаксационных процессов в твердых растворах исследуемых веществ при низких и сверхнизких температурах. Для достижения, были поставлены такие задачи: определить взаимосвязь между условиями криоосаждения и свойствами образующейся криоконденсированной пленки, а также изучить особенности криоконденсации тетрахлорометана и определить температуру стеклования образованных при низких температурах криопленок.The object of the study is carbon tetrachloride, which were obtained by gas-phase condensation with matrix gas in various concentration ratios with nitrogen and argon. The aim of the work is to study the processes of formation and evolution of the properties of thin films of recondensates of CCl4 freon molecules formed as a result of structural-phase transformations and relaxation processes in solid solutions of the studied substances at low and ultra-low temperatures. To achieve this, the following tasks were set: to determine the relationship between the conditions of cryopreservation and the properties of the resulting cryocondensated film, as well as to study the features of cryocondensation of tetrachloromethane and to determine the glass transition temperature of cryofilms formed