161 research outputs found

    Hip Fracture in the Elderly: Partial or Total Arthroplasty?

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    Modular Femoral Neck Fracture After Total Hip Arthroplasty

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    The Effect of Drainage After Hip Arthroplasty

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    Cervical Cancer Screening: A Slovenian Experience

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    In Slovenia, opportunistic screening was introduced in regular gynaecological practice in 1960. The proportion of population screened was unknown, as well as there were no standards for quality assurance and control. Despite great number of smears read, there were no major changes in invasive cervical cancer incidence in the period 1979 till 1993, but in 1994 the incidence rate started to increase again to reach its peak in 1997 (23,1/100.000, 241 new cases). Based on the experiences from the countries with effectively organised screening programmes, a decision was made in 1996 by the Minister of Health to nominate a group of experts to prepare a proposal for organised cervical cancer screening programme after testing the methodology in pilot study. In the pilot the central computerised information system (Screening Registry) was gradually established to register all smears from the whole country, to identify women who do not attend for screening to send them invitation for screening and to monitor screening activity and its quality. The aim of pilot was also to develop guidelines for quality assurance and control of all procedures involved in cervical cancer screening and treatment of intraepithelial lesions. In three years since the beginning of the national programme, nearly 70% of women in the target age group were registered with at least one smear. All other results are presented in regular programme reports. There is still place for further development of the programme, but the incidence of cervical cancer already started to decline especially among younger women, who attend for screening more often than those aged over 50

    Identification of women with high grade histopathology results after conisation by artificial neural networks

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    Background: The aim of the study was to evaluate if artificial neural networks can predict high-grade histopathology results after conisation from risk factors and their combinations in patients undergoing conisation because of pathological changes on uterine cervix. Patients and methods: We analysed 1475 patients who had conisation surgery at the University Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics of University Clinical Centre Maribor from 1993-2005. The database in different datasets was arranged to deal with unbalance data and enhance classification performance. Weka open-source software was used for analysis with artificial neural networks. Last Papanicolaou smear (PAP) and risk factors for development of cervical dysplasia and carcinoma were used as input and high-grade dysplasia Yes/No as output result. 10-fold cross validation was used for defining training and holdout set for analysis. Results: Baseline classification and multiple runs of artificial neural network on various risk factors settings were performed. We achieved 84.19% correct classifications, area under the curve 0.87, kappa 0.64, F-measure 0.884 and Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) 0.640 in model, where baseline prediction was 69.79%. Conclusions: With artificial neural networks we were able to identify more patients who developed high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion on final histopathology result of conisation as with baseline prediction. But, characteristics of 1475 patients who had conisation in years 1993-2005 at the University Clinical Centre Maribor did not allow reliable prediction with artificial neural networks for every-day clinical practice

    Preoperative Diagnosis of Fallopian Tube Malignancy with Transvaginal Color Doppler Ultrasonography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging after Negative Hysteroscopy for Postmenopausal Bleedin

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    Primary Fallopian tube carcinoma is a rare malignancy and is not often diagnosed preoperatively. We present a case of a 67-year old woman who complained of postmenopausal vaginal bleeding. After a negative hysteroscopy, transvaginal ultrasound showed a well vascularized solid-cystic tumor in the adnexal region separate from the ovary. The presence of an adnexal mass was confirmed by MR imaging. Total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingoophorectomy, omentectomy and appendectomy, as well as pelvic and para-aortic lymphadenectomy was performed. The pathohistological diagnosis was poorly differentiated serous adenocarcinoma of the Fallopian tube, FIGO stage IA. The patient was subsequently treated with platinum based adjuvant chemotherapy

    Zasevki tumorja Sertolijevih celic v dimeljski bezgavki - citomorfološka slika

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    Odvzem brisa materničnega vratu in testa HPV

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    Diagnostic performance of p16/Ki-67 dual immunostaining at different number of positive cells in cervical smears in women referred for colposcopy

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    . The aim of the study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of p16/Ki-67 dual immunostaining (p16/ Ki-67 DS) in cervical cytology and the number of positive p16/Ki-67 cells to diagnose high grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN2+) in colposcopy population. Subjects and methods. We performed an analysis on a subset cohort of 174 women enrolled within a large-scale randomised controlled human papillomavirus (HPV) self-sampling project organised as part of the population-based Cervical Cancer Screening Programme ZORA in Slovenia. This subset cohort of patients was invited to the colposcopy clinic, underwent p16/Ki-67 DS cervical cytology and had the number of p16/Ki-67 positive cells determined. Results. Among analysed women, 42/174 (24.1%) had histologically confirmed CIN2+. The risk for CIN2+ was increasing with the number of positive cells (p < 0.001). The sensitivity of p16/Ki-67 DS for detection of CIN2+ was 88.1%, specificity was 65.2%, positive predictive value was 44.6% and negative predictive value was 94.5%. Conclusions. Dual p16/Ki-67 immunostaining for the detection of CIN2+ has shown high sensitivity and high negative predictive value in our study, which is comparable to available published data. The number of p16/Ki-67 positive cells was significantly associated with the probability of CIN2+ detection. We observed a statistically significant and clinically relevant increase in specificity if the cut-off for a positive test was shifted from one cell to three cells