11 research outputs found

    Characterizing Vegetation-Hydrology Relationships for Tidal Marsh Restoration

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    Sea Grant sponsorship to this program was used to establish the role of some of the many factors affecting vegetation distribution and zonation in San Francisco Bay-Delta marshes. Although much of the more recent research has emphasized species interactions, we emphasized physical factors in the belief that these were the principal factors that could be manipulated in early restoration. In particular, we found in our comparative studies of tidal marshes that seasonal changes in soil salinity were likely controlling distribution and biomass production in the vegetation. However, soil salinity itself is partly a function of tidal hydrology, since tidal input is capable of both increasing and decreasing salinity. As one of the principal accomplishments of this past year, we were able to develop a conceptual model of vegetation response to physical gradients in the marsh environment, for the major dominant vegetation species

    Ecological Systems and the Environment

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    xv, 591 p.: illus.; 23 c

    Inter-population differences in salinity tolerance and osmoregulation of juvenile wild and hatchery-born Sacramento splittail.

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    The Sacramento splittail (Pogonichthys macrolepidotus) is a minnow endemic to the highly modified San Francisco Estuary of California, USA and its associated rivers and tributaries. This species is composed of two genetically distinct populations, which, according to field observations and otolith strontium signatures, show largely allopatric distribution patterns as recently hatched juveniles. Juvenile Central Valley splittail are found primarily in the nearly fresh waters of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers and their tributaries, whereas San Pablo juveniles are found in the typically higher-salinity waters (i.e. up to 10‰) of the Napa and Petaluma Rivers. As the large salinity differences between young-of-year habitats may indicate population-specific differences in salinity tolerance, we hypothesized that juvenile San Pablo and Central Valley splittail populations differ in their response to salinity. In hatchery-born and wild-caught juvenile San Pablo splittail, we found upper salinity tolerances, where mortalities occurred within 336 h of exposure to 16‰ or higher, which was higher than the upper salinity tolerance of 14‰ for wild-caught juvenile Central Valley splittail. This, in conjunction with slower recovery of plasma osmolality, but not ion levels, muscle moisture or gill Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity, in Central Valley relative to San Pablo splittail during osmoregulatory disturbance provides some support for our hypothesis of inter-population variation in salinity tolerance and osmoregulation. The modestly improved salinity tolerance of San Pablo splittail is consistent with its use of higher-salinity habitats. Although confirmation of the putative adaptive difference through further studies is recommended, this may highlight the need for population-specific management considerations

    Strategies of learning and teaching on the cellular division processes at the basic level

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    A recente explosão do conhecimento da genética molecular e o avanço da indústria da biotecnologia requerem que o público compreenda muitos conceitos da genética para a tomada de decisões sobre a pertinência do uso dessas novas ferramentas. Durante os últimos 30 anos a literatura educacional produziu conceitos e teorias para lidar com estas dificuldades, mas a maioria dos professores desconhece estas produções, principalmente porque os periódicos de referência são publicados em línguas estrangeiras (principalmente em inglês). Esta pesquisa-ação pretende preencher esta lacuna e foi baseada em testes que envolveram 283 estudantes de 12 a 15 anos de idade. Nela descrevemos as concepções dos estudantes sobre a localização e transmissão da informação genética antes e após a aplicação de uma seqüência didática elaborada especificamente para desenvolver estratégias metacognitivas de aprendizagem. As idéias dos estudantes foram colhidas por meio dos questionários e redações, nas quais os estudantes descrevem como imaginam ser o interior das células e dos gametas. Verificamos que as crianças do ensino fundamental possuem concepções semelhantes àquelas descritas para estudantes do ensino médio. A comparação das redações produzidas pelos estudantes antes e após a aplicação da seqüência didática permitiu verificar que o padrão mais comum de aprendizagem é sincrético, ou seja, as crianças tendem a distorcer as informações oferecidas pelo professor em virtude da existência de conhecimentos prévios. Por fim, a descrição e a documentação de seqüências didáticas planejadas a partir de conhecimentos produzidos na literatura educacional permitem o entendimento dos processos de transposição didática e a relação deste com a aprendizagem dos estudantes.The recent knowledge explosion on the areas of genetics, molecular biology and biotechnology introduced many new concepts hard for common people to grasp in their decision-making processes. During the last 30 years or so the educational literature produced concepts and theories to cope with these difficulties but the vast majority of our elementary and highschool teachers remain unaware of them possibly because the available literature is written in foreign languages (mainly in English). The action-research here presented intends to fill this gap and was based on tests performed with 283 students aged 12 to 15. We describe their conceptions on the location and transmission of genetic information before and after the application of a didactic sequence specifically elaborated to develop metacognitive learning strategies. The students\' ideas were gathered by means of questionnaires and through essays describing how they imagine the interior of cells and germ-cells. We verified that children on basic educational level have conceptions very similar to those of students of middle-level education. The paired comparison of before and after essays suggests the existence of a common, syncretic learning standard. In plain language, the results indicate that previous informal knowledge of children tends to distort the formal information transmitted by their teachers. It is clear that the description and documentation of planned didactic sequences, available from the specialized literature, provide the understanding of the didactic transposition process and its relation with the students´ learning process