2,495 research outputs found

    Adaption of evolutionary programming to the prediction of solar flares

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    Adapting evolutionary programming to prediction of solar flare

    Toward autonomous spacecraft

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    Ways in which autonomous behavior of spacecraft can be extended to treat situations wherein a closed loop control by a human may not be appropriate or even possible are explored. Predictive models that minimize mean least squared error and arbitrary cost functions are discussed. A methodology for extracting cyclic components for an arbitrary environment with respect to usual and arbitrary criteria is developed. An approach to prediction and control based on evolutionary programming is outlined. A computer program capable of predicting time series is presented. A design of a control system for a robotic dense with partially unknown physical properties is presented

    Pigment production and isotopic fractionations in continuous culture: okenone producing purple sulfur bacteria Part II

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    Okenone is a carotenoid pigment unique to certain members of Chromatiaceae, the dominant family of purple sulfur bacteria (PSB) found in euxinic photic zones. Diagenetic alteration of okenone produces okenane, the only recognized molecular fossil unique to PSB. The in vivo concentrations of okenone and bacteriochlorophyll a (Bchl a) on a per cell basis were monitored and quantified as a function of light intensity in continuous cultures of the purple sulfur bacterium Marichromatium purpuratum (Mpurp1591). We show that okenone-producing PSB have constant bacteriochlorophyll to carotenoid ratios in light-harvesting antenna complexes. The in vivo concentrations of Bchl a, 0.151 ± 0.012 fmol cell^(−1), and okenone, 0.103 ± 0.012 fmol cell^(−1), were not dependent on average light intensity (10–225 Lux) at both steady and non-steady states. This observation revealed that in autotrophic continuous cultures of Mpurp1591, there was a constant ratio for okenone to Bchl a of 1:1.5. Okenone was therefore constitutively produced in planktonic cultures of PSB, regardless of light intensity. This confirms the legitimacy of okenone as a signature for autotrophic planktonic PSB and by extrapolation water column euxinia. We measured the δ^(13)C, δ^(15)N, and δ^(34)S bulk biomass values from cells collected daily and determined the isotopic fractionations of Mpurp1591. There was no statistical relationship in the bulk isotope measurements or stable isotope fractionations to light intensity or cell density under steady and non-steady-state conditions. The carbon isotope fractionation between okenone and Bchl a with respect to overall bulk biomass (^(13)ε_pigment – biomass) was 2.2 ± 0.4‰ and −4.1 ± 0.9‰, respectively. The carbon isotopic fractionation (^(13)ε_pigment-CO_2) for the production of pigments in PSB is more variable than previously thought with our reported values for okenone at −15.5 ± 1.2‰ and −21.8 ± 1.7‰ for Bchl a

    Survey of the Law on Employee Drug Testing

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    Survey of the Law on Employee Drug Testing

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    An island based hybrid evolutionary algorithm for optimization

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    This is a post-print version of the article - Copyright @ 2008 Springer-VerlagEvolutionary computation has become an important problem solving methodology among the set of search and optimization techniques. Recently, more and more different evolutionary techniques have been developed, especially hybrid evolutionary algorithms. This paper proposes an island based hybrid evolutionary algorithm (IHEA) for optimization, which is based on Particle swarm optimization (PSO), Fast Evolutionary Programming (FEP), and Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (EDA). Within IHEA, an island model is designed to cooperatively search for the global optima in search space. By combining the strengths of the three component algorithms, IHEA greatly improves the optimization performance of the three basic algorithms. Experimental results demonstrate that IHEA outperforms all the three component algorithms on the test problems.This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of UK under Grant EP/E060722/1

    Ecologically and geologically relevant isotope signatures of C, N, and S: okenone producing purple sulfur bacteria part I

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    Purple sulfur bacteria (PSB) are known to couple the carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur cycling in euxinic environments. This is the first study with multiple strains and species of okenone-producing PSB to examine the carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and sulfur (S) metabolisms and isotopic signatures in controlled laboratory conditions, investigating what isotopic fractionations might be recorded in modern environments and the geologic record. PSB play an integral role in the ecology of euxinic environments and produce the unique molecular fossil okenane, derived from the diagenetic alteration of the carotenoid pigment okenone. Cultures of Marichromatium purpuratum 1591 (Mpurp1591) were observed to have carbon isotope fractionations (13_ε_biomass – CO_2), via RuBisCO, ranging from −16.1 to −23.2‰ during exponential and stationary phases of growth. Cultures of Thiocapsa marina 5653 (Tmar5653) and Mpurp1591 had a nitrogen isotope fractionation (15_ε_biomass – NH4) of −15‰, via glutamate dehydrogenase, measured and recorded for the first time in PSB. The δ^(34)S_VCDT values and amount of stored elemental sulfur for Mpurp1591 cells grown autotrophically and photoheterotrophically were dependent upon their carbon metabolic pathways. We show that PSB may contribute to the isotopic enrichments observed in modern and ancient anoxic basins. In a photoheterotrophic culture of Mpurp1591 that switched to autotrophy once the organic substrate was consumed, there were bulk biomass δ13C values that span a broader range than recorded across the Late Devonian, Permian–Triassic, Triassic–Jurassic, and OAE2 mass extinction boundaries. This finding stresses the complexities in interpreting and assigning δ13C values to bulk organic matter preserved in the geologic record
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