114 research outputs found

    Restructured products from tilapia industry by products: the effects of tapioca starch and washing cycles.

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    The tilapia fileting industry generates large amounts of nutritionally significant waste material, and the recovery of this material is important. The manufacture of restructured products from mechanically recovered fish meat (MRFM) obtained from tilapia fileting allows the use of proteins of high biological value that would otherwise be discharged into the environment. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of washing cycles (either one cycle or five cycles) and of the addition of tapioca starch (20% vs. a no-starch control) on the characteristics of surimi obtained from MRFM produced by the tilapia industry and destined for use in restructured products. To evaluate the quality attributes of the product, the structure of a surimi protein matrix and its relationship to selected physicochemical parameters and morphological characteristics was assessed. Both the number of washing cycles and the starch addition were found to influence the moisture, protein and lipid content of the MRFM surimi. Higher whiteness was found after five washing cycles. Because the tapioca starch acted as a stabilizer, the fat globules were more stable and well distributed, and an emulsion with better properties resulted. A homogeneous network of fat globules linked to the protein matrix by a layer of tapioca starch was formed. Another advantage of this approach is that tapioca starch is gluten free. This property is important for specific groups in the population, e.g., celiac-intolerant consumers.Autoria na publicação: FABÍOLA HELENA FOGAÇA

    Analise morfométrica das conchas e rendimento da carne de Anomalocardia brasiliana no estuário adjacente a Praia de Barra Grande, Cajueiro da Praia – PI.

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    Apesar da elevada importância ambiental, econômica, social e cultural, não existem estudos voltados para a pesca de moluscos bivalves no litoral piauiense. Esse estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a morfometria e o rendimento de carne do bivalve marinho venerídeo Anomalocardia brasiliana. Exemplares de Abrasiliana foram coletados em cinco pontos distantes 200 metros entre si, em estuário próximo a Praia de Barra Grande-PI, durante a maré baixa de sizígia. A temperatura e salinidade da água foram medidas na margem dos pontos de coleta com utilização de sonda multiparâmetros. Em cada amostragem foi coletado sedimento para análise de pH e matéria orgânica. Os parâmetros abióticos foram semelhantes nos pontos de coleta. A análise morfométrica determinou valores de comprimento de concha acima de 16 mm, indicando que os exemplares coletados foram todos adultos. O rendimento determinado esteve entre 6 a 12%, variando conforme o peso total da concha fechada das amostras. O baixo rendimento encontrado para A. brasiliana, em exemplares com comprimento de concha entre 16 e 20 mm, justifica o desenvolvimento de estudos que avaliem formas de agregação de valor ao produto.CBO2010

    Crescimento e sobrevivência da ostra de fundo, Crassostrea gasar, cultivada no Nordeste e Sul do Brasil.

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    This study evaluated the growth, survival, and time to reach the minimum market size (50 mm shell height) of the bottom oyster Crassostrea gasar with seeds produced at hatchery. Culture areas were located in the States of Maranhão [1-Morro do Meio (MM); 2-Torto (TT)] and Santa Catarina [1-São Francisco do Sul (SFS); 2-Florianópolis (SB)]. Eight thousand seeds were transferred to each location and cultivated from June 2012 to July 2013. Oyster growth in Santa Catarina was bigger than in Maranhão..

    Changes in Weight Loss, Health Behaviors, and Intentions among 400 Participants Who Dropped out from an Insurance-Sponsored, Community-Based Weight Management Program

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    The majority of weight management research is based on data from randomized controlled studies conducted in clinical settings. As these findings are translated into community-based settings, additional research is needed to understand patterns of lifestyle change and dropout. The purpose of this study was to examine reasons for and consequences associated with dropout (or removal) from an insurance-funded weight management program. Using a mixed methods approach with objectively measured changes in body weight and attendance along with quantitative and qualitative survey data, patterns of intention and behavior change were explored. The results from a sample of 400 respondents support the idea that there are both positive and negative consequences of program participation. Overall, 1 in 5 respondents lost a clinically significant amount of weight during the program (>5% of baseline body weight) and 1 in 3 experienced a positive consequence, while only 6% expressed a negative outcome of participation. Additionally, nearly 90% of all of the consequences that emerged from the data were positive. Attitude change was a major theme, including positive health intentions, perceived success, learning skills, and new appreciation of exercise