25 research outputs found

    The Influence of Flow of Fund, Financial Knowledge, Financial Attitudes and Personality Towards Financial Management Behavior in the Owners MSMEs Kupang City

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    This study aims to determine The Influence of Flow of Fund, Financial Knowledge, Financial Attitudes, and Personality Towards Financial Management Behavior In The Owners Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Kupang City. This research is included in associative causal research. The subjects of this study were the owners of the woven fabric MSMEs in Kupang City as many as 30 MSMEs. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire. Validity and reliability tests were carried out on 20 people outside the subject who were registered as woven fabric MSMEs in Kupang City. Analysis prerequisite tests include linearity test, multicollinearity test, and heteroscedasticity test. Data analysis techniques with multiple linear regression. The results showed that (1) there was a positive Influence Of Financial Knowledge On Financial Management Behavior of The Owners Woven Fabric MSMEs Kupang City (2) there was a positive Influence Of Financial Attitudes On Financial Management Behavior of The Owners Woven Fabric MSMEs Kupang City (3) there was a positive Influence Of Personality On Financial Management Behavior of The Owners Woven Fabric MSMEs Kupang City (4) there is a positive Influence of Financial Knowledge, Financial Attitudes, and Personality towards Financial Management Behavior on the The Owners Woven fabric MSMEs Kupang City


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    This research was conducted on consumers of PT. Mutiara Timor Star Kupang. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of promotional strategies and market segmentation partially and simultaneously on purchasing decisions for Honda motorbikes. This research used a qualitative descriptive method approach. The sample data collection used a simple random sampling method. Samples involved in this study were 100 respondents taken from distributed questionnaires, interviews as well as observations to consumers of PT. Mutiara Timor Star Kupang as the primary data source, and reports on Honda motorcycle sales data obtained as secondary data sources. The data analysis technique used in this research was descriptive statistical analysis test, multiple linear regression test, T test, F test, and determination coefficient test using the SPSS version 21 software program. The results of this study indicated that in the paartial approach, the promotional strategy variable did not influence the purchasing decision, while market segmentation variables influenced the purchasing decision. In simultaneous approach, however, the promotional strategy and market segmentation variables influenced the purchasing decisions for Honda motorbikes at PT. Mutiara Timor Star Kupang. Keywords: Promotion Strategy, Market Segmentation, Purchasing Decision


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    The goal of a company is to achieve optimal results and profits so that the continuity of the company can be maintained. The purpose of this study was to analyze the production patterns used by the Batako Jalan Baru in minimizing additional costs. Data collection techniques used in this study are additional cost analysis techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. This research was conducted in June 2020. The results of the study using three production patterns shows that the most efficient production pattern in minimizing additional costs on the Batako Jalan Baru is a corrugated production pattern because it has the smallest additional costs. The results of this study can provide an alternative choice for companies with the aim of minimizing costs. Keywords: Analysis, Corrugated Production Patterns, Constant Production Patterns, Moderate Production Patterns

    Perencanaan luas produksi pada Perusahaan Tahu Putra Jaya di Kota Kupang

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the production area planning at the Putra Jaya Tofu Company in Kupang City. The research method used is using Trend Linear forecasting method and Break Even Point analysis. Based on the sales data for the last five years, it can be determined that the production area planning is obtained from the forecasting results and the Break Even Point analysis is carried out. The results showed that the company does not have a specific method in planning the area of ​​production. This has an impact on excess inventory or product residue which results in an increase in inventory costs. For the area of ​​tofu production at the Putra Jaya Tofu Company in Kupang City in 2020-2022, it has increased by 3% per year compared to the previous period. It is recommended for the Tahu Putra Jaya company to plan production area using the Trend Linear forecasting method and perform a Break Even Point analysis so that it is known that the production area planning experiences sales profits


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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the determination of production volume to maximize profits.This research is a quantitative research. Data analysis techniques are Forecasting and LinearProgramming (Simplex Method). The result of analysis concluded that the production volume usingLinear Programming simplex method obtained in 2019 should produce as many as 405,792,000molten chocolate bread per year and by 2020 should produce as many as 4,107,480 molten chocolatebread per year for earning maximum profit. Meanwhile, the Forecasting result is to produce 4 typesof bread as many as 6,308,240 breads in 2019 and 6,365,560 breads in 2020. In terms of profitoptimization then calculation using Linear Programming is better however considering the marketingaspect where consumers require a variety of bread flavors then calculation using forecasting method ismore recommended. Keywords: Forecasting, Linear Programming, Optimization, Volume Productio


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    The purpose of this research is to know the performance of queue service and to find solutions to overcoming queues at Liliba gas station. This study using the observation method. Based on the observation data obtained and then set up a calculation of the observed system. The data analysis method uses multiple line queue models (Single Channel – Multi Phase). Data in the analysis is descriptively quantitative and qualitative. The results derived from such calculations are noticeable that there is a queue in the afternoon. So that the solution is given that in the period of busy time or at the time there is a long queue, companies should divert motorcycle customers to the car line if on the car line there is no queue, so it can improve efficiency of service at Liliba gas station. Keywords : Queueing Theory, Queueing Mode


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    ABSTRACT Usage Internet banking is one of the services of banking non-cash productsprovided by the management of banking services as a means of payment usingthe Internet network to process transactions.The core problem in this research is1) how the customer perception of information technology on internet bankingusage? 2) how are the risks faced by customers on the use of internetbanking?The research method used in this research is descriptive quantitative byusing Likert scale and weighting from distributed questionnaires. The resultsprove that Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) has applied various advances ininformation technology to provide BNI customers various benefits when usinginternet banking services. Customers enjoy the elements of speed, the element ofconvenience, security elements and elements of convenience in transactions usinginternet banking. The results of research also shows that the application oftechnology does not cover the level of risk experienced by customers when usinginternet banking servicesBased on the results of research can be concluded thatthe perception of BNI customers to technology on the use of internet banking sothat researchers suggest to BNI to do a lot of promotion to introduce internetbanking more lua among society. Furthermore, for other researchers who want toinvestigate with the same problem menyaraknan to use the latest data so thatobtained can show comparison of internet banking development from year toyear. Keywords: Information Technology, Ease, Speed, security, E-Banking risk,Internet Bankin


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the inventory control of raw material (cement) inCV. Dua Bersaudara, Kupang. The method used is the Economic Order Quantity, SafetyStock and ReOrder Point. The results of the study showed that the total cost of cement rawmaterial inventory using the EOQ method is smaller than the method used by the company.CV. Dua Bersaudara, Kupang should try to apply the EOQ method in terms of raw materialinventories so that the company can minimize inventory costs. Keywords: Economic Order Quantity, Safety Stock and Re-Order Poin


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    This study aims to explain the Financial Performance (Current Ratio, Total Asset Turnover, DebtTo Equity Ratio, Return On Asset) and Market Value of the company (Earning Per Share) in thetobacco industry listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2012-2016. This research describesthe company financial condition through a quantitative approach in the form of Financial Ratiosand Market Value. Financial Performance is viewed from (1) Current Ratio for PT. GudangGaram, Tbk (GGRM) and PT. Bentoel International Investama, Tbk (RMBA) are not liquid.While PT. Handjaya Mandala Sampoerna, Tbk (HMSP) is in a liquid condition (2) TotalAsset Turnover PT. Gudang Garam, Tbk (GGRM) and PT. Bentoel International Investama, Tbk(RMBA) are in an inefficient category. While PT. Handjaya Mandala Sampoerna, Tbk (HMSP) isin the efficiency category. (3) Debt To Equity Ratio for tobacco companies are in the solvablecategory. (4) Return on Asset PT. Gudang Garam, Tbk and PT. Bentoel International Investama,Tbk (RMBA) are in the category not efficient. While PT. Handjaya Mandala Sampoerna, Tbk isin the efficiency category. (5) Earning per Share PT. Gudang Garam, Tbk (GGRM) and PT.Handjaya Mandala Sampoerna, Tbk (HMSP) are in the good category. While PT. BentoelInternational Investama, Tbk (RMBA) is in the not very good category.Keyword : Current Ratio, Debt To Equity Ratio, Earning Per Share, Return On Asset, Total AssetTun Ove