349 research outputs found

    Urban agriculture in East Africa as a tool for poverty reduction: a legal and policy dilemma?

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    African Studies CentreASC – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde

    Religion and society

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    Book chapter in book titled "Kenya Coast Handbook: culture, resources and development in the East African littoral"The peoples of the Kenya Coast follow a variety of religious traditions. Whereas Islam has been present in the region for centuries, the beginning of Christianity in modern times only goes back some 150 years. African religious beliefs and practices existed long before the coming of Islam or Christianity. This chapter examines the religious traditions of the Kenya Coast, looking first at their historical origins and development. Rather than attempt a detailed description of the tenets and practices of each of the traditions, the chapter seeks to explain how they have influenced and interacted with each other. At the same time it assesses their overall importance, their relation to the social life and political economy of the region, and what their general circumstances are today.The peoples of the Kenya Coast follow a variety of religious traditions. Whereas Islam has been present in the region for centuries, the beginning of Christianity in modern times only goes back some 150 years. African religious beliefs and practices existed long before the coming of Islam or Christianity. This chapter examines the religious traditions of the Kenya Coast, looking first at their historical origins and development. Rather than attempt a detailed description of the tenets and practices of each of the traditions, the chapter seeks to explain how they have influenced and interacted with each other. At the same time it assesses their overall importance, their relation to the social life and political economy of the region, and what their general circumstances are today

    Climatic seasonality in Kenya with special reference to Coast Province

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    The agricultural potential of land is largely determined by soil and climatological characteristics, notably temperature, annual rainfall and seasonal distribution of rainfall. The author deals in particular with the last factor, climatic seasonality, first as a measurable quantity, with reference to Kenya as a whole, and secondly in relation to agricultural potential and actual land use, with reference to Coast Province, in particular Kwale and Kilifi Districts. The data were obtained during a number of socioeconomic and nutritional studies carried out between 1985 and 1987 as part of the Food and Nutrition Studies Programme, a joint Dutch-Kenyan research programme. Bibliogr., sumASC – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde

    The face of Africa : essays in honour of Ton Dietz

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    Book editorialGasten/Guests;"Bibliotheek;Afrika Studiecentru

    Seasonality in the coastal lowlands of Kenya: Part 3: Socio-economic profile

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    Third part of a five-part study on seasonal fluctuations in food supply and nutrition in the coastal lowlands of Kenya. Household surveys were carried out in six locations in Kwale and Kilifi Districts in 1985-1987. The present report offers a description of the socioeconomic characteristics of the area: demographic characteristics, living conditions, food production (farm size, land use, labour, food self-sufficiency), production of cash crops and livestock, off-farm employment, household income.ASC – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde

    De opdeling van Centraal-Afrika, 1875-1885: een analyse van twee territoriale conflicten

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    Deze studie beschrijft een politiek-historisch proces en vormt een bijdrage aan de systematische studie van internationale territoriale conflicten vanuit het gezichtspunt van de politieke geografie. Tevens worden aspecten van het Europese imperialisme van de late 19e eeuw nader verklaard. De conflicten tussen Frankrijk en de Association Internationale du Congo (AIC) en tussen Portugal en de AIC over de opdeling van Centraal-Afrika, een proces dat plaatsvond in de periode 1875-1885, dienen als voorbeelden. Het boek bestaat uit drie delen. In deel 1 komen de theoretische en methodologische aspecten aan de orde. Deel 2 bestaat uit de case-study. Hoofdstuk 3 behelst de beleidsbepaling. De hoofdstukken 4, 5 en 6 behandelen de beleidsuitvoering van de factoren die rechtstreeks bij de territoriale conflicten betrokken waren: Leopold II, Frankrijk en Portugal. In hoofdstuk 7 staat de conflictoplossing centraal. Deel 3 bestaat uit ‚‚n hoofdstuk. Eerst wordt nagegaan in hoeverre de theorie‰n van toepassing zijn op dit onderdeel van de opdeling van Afrika. De conclusie is dat ze meer zeggen over de afloop van dit stukje opdelingsgeschiedenis dan over het ontstaan ervan. Die afloop betreft het gehele proces van de opdeling van Centraal-Afrika, en wordt geanalyseerd met behulp van de begrippen en modellen uit hoofdstuk 2.ASC – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde

    Urban agriculture in Tanzania: issues of sustainability

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    This book, the result of a collaborative study carried out by researchers from Tanzania, Israel and the Netherlands, assesses the sustainability of urban agriculture in two medium-sized towns in Tanzania: Morogoro and Mbeya. It first gives an overview of urban agriculture in Tanzania and a description of the two towns. Then it analyses the ways in which people in Morogoro and Mbeya carry out crop cultivation and livestock keeping. This is followed by chapters on food and income, environmental issues, and employment creation, the marketing of produce, and the legal and policy setting. A concluding chapter summarizes the findings, bringing together various aspects of sustainability, and discusses local residents' views on the future of urban agriculture. The study is based on field research carried out in 2000-2001. [ASC Leiden abstract]ASC – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde

    Jaarlijkse hongerseizoen valt samen met arbeidspiek

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    ASC – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde
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