30 research outputs found

    Deriving Global Authorizations for Federated Databases

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    This paper considers semi--automatic derivation of global authorizations for federated databases. Federated databases and their security issues are defined. A comprehensive review of Castano's approach to semi--automatic derivation is then presented. Finally, extensions to his approach for composite objects are considered. 1 Introduction A federated database (FDB) attempts the problem of how to tightly integrate information from independent, heterogeneous databases. Aside from the classical interoperablility problem, federated databases (FDB) introduce serious new security issues not seen in traditional database systems. 1.1 Federated Databases FDBs extend the functionality of distributed database systems in two fundamental ways. First, FDBs provide autonomy to constituent databases (CDB). Autonomy means that the exported schema and management of the constituent databases are decoupled from the federation. Second, FDBs provide heterogeneity. This means that the federation provides a ..

    Deriving Global Authorizations for Federated Databases

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    This paper considers semi{automatic derivation of global authorizations for federated databases. Federated databases and their security issues are de ned. A comprehensive review of Castano's approach to semi{automatic derivation is then presented. Finally, extensions to his approach for composite objects are considered.

    The power motive as an influence on group decision making.

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    Concurrent Language Support for Rapidly Prototyping Interoperable Applications

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    This paper presents an alternative approach to this problem. Synchronizing Interoperable Resources (SIR) extends the communication mechanisms in the SR programming language. This work will benefit distributed system researchers and developers as SIR's expressive communication facilitates prototype development