13 research outputs found

    Planning and designing an integrated management of coastal hypoxia in the Emila Romagna region water (Northern Adriatic Sea)

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    Abstract The design of an integrated monitoring network useful for the early-warning, the management and mitigation of both the environmental and socio-economic costs of hypoxia/anoxia events in the Northern Adriatic coastal zone, south of the mouth of the Po river, is described in the contribute. It has been developed within the EMMA research project (Environmental Management through Monitoring and Modelling of Anoxia; LIFE04ENV/IT/0479) (2004-2007). Over the past few decades, hypoxia events have recurrently affected the coastal zone of Emilia Romagna Region (Italy). Data collected by the C.Z. lying in the Province of Rimini, because of its economic importance, are presented. The area is subjected to intense anthropogenic pressure due to its high population (416 000 equivalent inhabitants) with tourist seasonal peaks of up to 973 110 equivalent inhabitants (in summer time), to industrial and agricultural activity, to maritime traffic and nutrient river discharges (about 600 tons y-1 of nitrogen and 300 tons y-1 of phosphorus, in 2002). Hypoxia and anoxia have a negative effect on the quality of bathing waters as well as on fishing and mussel farming, which are important activities for the economy of the area. The planning of the monitoring network has been carried out by analyzing the scientific knowledge on hypoxia in the local area; its integration with other existing monitoring activities, available facilities and data resources was considered in order to optimize cost effectiveness of the network

    L’esperienza di ISMAR-CNR in Adriatico, Un approccio a lungo termine per la comprensione dei cambiamenti climatici

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    Variability of the oceanographic structure in the Adriaticb Sea and the its relation to climate change: the activity of ISMAR-CNR. Over the last few decades, ISMAR-CNR carried out several oceanographic studies in the Adriatic sea using research vessels, buoys, moored instrumentations and satellite remote sensing for earth exploration and climate change interpretation. The present paper describe the activities of ISMAR-CNR finalized to the answering of key scientific questions and defines the drivers for sea-level rise, eutrophication, hypoxia, and mucilage. In particular, the importance of long term research for spatial and temporal observations of semienclosed marine basins as a key environment for the earth system as a whole is highlited

    Environmental monitoring during anoxic events: the Emma Project.

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    Operational observing and forecasting system for dissolved oxygen and environmental parameters in the Northern Adriatic Sea

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    The northern Adriatic Sea (NA) is affected by strong anthropogenic pressure, superimposed to a large river runoff. The consequent pressure exerted on the NA ecosystem either triggers or worsens negative phenomena like anoxic/hypoxic events. During the summer-autumn period, the NA is often exposed to these events, which can be categorised as either coastal (relatively frequent south of the Po River delta during the summer) and offshore (rare, affecting wider areas). An operational system for monitoring and forecasting anoxic/hypoxic events has been set up in the framework of the EU LIFE “EMMA” project. The system is composed of a meteo-oceanographic buoy; a numerical prediction system based on the Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS), including a Fashamtype module for biogeochemical fluxes; and oceanographic surveys. Every day since June 2007, the system provides 3-hourly forecasts of marine currents, thermohaline and biogeochemical fields for the incoming three days. The system demonstrated its ability to produce accurate temperature forecasts and relatively good salinity and dissolved oxygen forecasts. The Root Mean Square Error of the dissolved oxygen forecast was largely due to the mean bias. The system is currently being improved to include a better representation of benthic layer biogeochemical processes and several adjustments of the model. While developing model improvements, dissolved oxygen forecasts were improved with the removal of the 10-day mean bias