57 research outputs found

    Photodynamische Therapie (PDT) und wassergefiltertes Infrarot A (wIRA) bei Patienten mit therapierefraktĂ€ren vulgĂ€ren Hand- und Fußwarzen

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    Background: Common warts (verrucae vulgares) are human papilloma virus (HPV) infections with a high incidence and prevalence, most often affecting hands and feet, being able to impair quality of life. About 30 different therapeutic regimens described in literature reveal a lack of a single striking strategy. Recent publications showed positive results of photodynamic therapy (PDT) with 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) in the treatment of HPV-induced skin diseases, especially warts, using visible light (VIS) to stimulate an absorption band of endogenously formed protoporphyrin IX. Additional experiences adding waterfiltered infrared A (wIRA) during 5-ALA-PDT revealed positive effects. Aim of the study: First prospective randomised controlled blind study including PDT and wIRA in the treatment of recalcitrant common hand and foot warts. Comparison of "5-ALA cream (ALA) vs. placebo cream (PLC)" and "irradiation with visible light and wIRA (VIS+wIRA) vs. irradiation with visible light alone (VIS)". Methods: Pre-treatment with keratolysis (salicylic acid) and curettage. PDT treatment: topical application of 5-ALA (Medac) in "unguentum emulsificans aquosum" vs. placebo; irradiation: combination of VIS and a large amount of wIRA (HydrosunÂź radiator type 501, 4 mm water cuvette, waterfiltered spectrum 590-1400 nm, contact-free, typically painless) vs. VIS alone. Post-treatment with retinoic acid ointment. One to three therapy cycles every 3 weeks. Main variable of interest: "Percent change of total wart area of each patient over the time" (18 weeks). Global judgement by patient and by physician and subjective rating of feeling/pain (visual analogue scales). 80 patients with therapy-resistant common hand and foot warts were assigned randomly into one of the four therapy groups with comparable numbers of warts at comparable sites in all groups. Results: The individual total wart area decreased during 18 weeks in group 1 (ALA+VIS+wIRA) and in group 2 (PLC+VIS+wIRA) significantly more than in both groups without wIRA (group 3 (ALA+VIS) and 4 (PLC+VIS)): medians and interquartile ranges: -94% (-100%/-84%) vs. -99% (-100%/-71%) vs. -47% (-75%/0%) vs. -73% (-92%/-27%). After 18 weeks the two groups with wIRA differed remarkably from the two groups without wIRA: 42% vs. 7% completely cured patients; 72% vs. 34% vanished warts. Global judgement by patient and by physician and subjective rating of feeling was much better in the two groups with wIRA than in the two groups without wIRA. Conclusions: The above described complete treatment scheme of hand and foot warts (keratolysis, curettage, PDT treatment, irradiation with VIS+wIRA, retinoic acid ointment; three therapy cycles every 3 weeks) proved to be effective. Within this treatment scheme wIRA as non-invasive and painless treatment modality revealed to be an important, effective factor, while photodynamic therapy with 5-ALA in the described form did not contribute recognisably - neither alone (without wIRA) nor in combination with wIRA - to a clinical improvement. For future treatment of warts an even improved scheme is proposed: one treatment cycle (keratolysis, curettage, wIRA, without PDT) once a week for six to nine weeks. © 2004 Fuchs et al; licensee German Medical Science. This is an Open Access article: verbatim copying and redistribution of this article are permitted in all media for any purpose, provided this notice is preserved along with the article's original URL : http://www.egms.de/en/gms/volume2.shtmlHintergrund: VulgĂ€re Warzen (Verrucae vulgares) sind humane Papillomvirus-Infektionen (HPV) mit einer hohen Inzidenz und PrĂ€valenz, die am hĂ€ufigsten HĂ€nde und FĂŒĂŸe befallen und die in der Lage sind, die LebensqualitĂ€t zu beeintrĂ€chtigen. Etwa 30 in der Literatur beschriebene Therapieverfahren zeugen von einem Mangel an einer einzigen ĂŒberzeugenden Strategie. JĂŒngste Veröffentlichungen zeigten positive Ergebnisse der Photodynamischen Therapie (PDT) mit 5-AminolĂ€vulinsĂ€ure (5-ALA) in der Therapie von HPV-induzierten Hautkrankheiten, besonders Warzen, wobei sichtbares Licht (VIS) verwendet wird, um ein Absorptionsband des endogen aus 5-ALA gebildeten Protoporphyrin IX zu stimulieren. Weitere Erfahrungen, wassergefiltertes Infrarot A (wIRA) wĂ€hrend der 5-ALA-PDT zusĂ€tzlich anzuwenden, offenbarten positive Wirkungen. Ziel der Untersuchung: Erste prospektive randomisierte kontrollierte Blind-Studie, die PDT und wIRA in die Behandlung von therapierefraktĂ€ren vulgĂ€ren Hand- und Fußwarzen einbezieht. Vergleich von "5-ALA-Salbe (ALA) vs. Placebo-Salbe (PLC)" und "Bestrahlung mit sichtbarem Licht und wIRA (VIS+wIRA) vs. Bestrahlung mit sichtbarem Licht allein (VIS)". Methoden: Vorbehandlung mit Keratolyse (SalizylsĂ€ure) und KĂŒrettage. Photodynamische Therapie (PDT): topische Applikation von 5-ALA (Medac) in "Unguentum emulsificans aquosum" vs. Placebo; Bestrahlung: Kombination von sichtbarem Licht (VIS) und einem hohen Maß an wassergefiltertem Infrarot A (wIRA) (HydrosunÂź-Strahler Typ 501, 4 mm WasserkĂŒvette, wassergefiltertes Spektrum 590-1400 nm, kontaktfrei, typischerweise schmerzlos) vs. sichtbares Licht (VIS) allein. Nachbehandlung mit Vitamin-A-SĂ€ure-Salbe. Ein bis drei Therapiezyklen im Abstand von 3 Wochen. Hauptzielvariable: "Prozentuale Änderung der GesamtwarzenflĂ€che jedes Patienten ĂŒber die Zeit" (18 Wochen). Globales Urteil von Patient und von Arzt sowie subjektive EinschĂ€tzung von Empfindung/Schmerz (visuelle Analogskalen). 80 Patienten mit therapierefraktĂ€ren vulgĂ€ren Hand- und Fußwarzen wurden randomisiert einer der vier Behandlungsgruppen (mit vergleichbarer Anzahl an Warzen in vergleichbaren Lokalisationen in allen Gruppen) zugeteilt. Ergebnisse: Die individuelle GesamtwarzenflĂ€che nahm wĂ€hrend 18 Wochen in Gruppe 1 (ALA+VIS+wIRA) und in Gruppe 2 (PLC+VIS+wIRA) signifikant mehr als in den beiden Gruppen ohne wIRA (Gruppe 3 (ALA+VIS) und 4 (PLC+VIS)) ab: Mediane und Interquartil-Spannen: -94% (-100%/-84%) vs. -99% (-100%/-71%) vs. -47% (-75%/0%) vs. -73% (-92%/-27%). Nach 18 Wochen unterschieden sich die zwei Gruppen mit wIRA deutlich von den zwei Gruppen ohne wIRA: 42% vs. 7% komplett geheilte Patienten; 72% vs. 34% völlig verschwundene Warzen. Das globale Urteil von Patient und von Arzt und die subjektive EinschĂ€tzung des Empfindens waren in den zwei Gruppen mit wIRA viel besser als in den zwei Gruppen ohne wIRA. Folgerungen: Das oben beschriebene vollstĂ€ndige Therapieschema von Hand- und Fußwarzen (Keratolyse, KĂŒrettage, Photodynamische Therapie, Bestrahlung mit VIS+wIRA, Vitamin-A-SĂ€ure-Salbe; drei Therapiezyklen im Abstand von 3 Wochen) erwies sich als effektiv. Innerhalb des Therapieschemas zeigte sich wIRA - als nicht-invasive und schmerzlose TherapiemodalitĂ€t - als ein wichtiger, effektiver Faktor, wĂ€hrend die Photodynamische Therapie mit 5-ALA in der beschriebenen Form nicht erkennbar - weder alleine (ohne wIRA) noch in Kombination mit wIRA - zu einer klinischen Verbesserung beitrug. FĂŒr die zukĂŒnftige Behandlung von Warzen wird ein weiter verbessertes Schema vorgeschlagen: ein Therapiezyklus (Keratolyse, KĂŒrettage, wIRA, ohne PDT) einmal pro Woche fĂŒr sechs bis neun Wochen

    Generation of Free Fatty Acids from Phospholipids Regulates Stratum Corneum Acidification and Integrity

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    There is evidence that the “acid mantle” of the stratum corneum is important for both permeability barrier formation and cutaneous antimicrobial defense. The origin of the acidic pH of the stratum corneum remains conjectural, however. Both passive (e.g., eccrine/sebaceous secretions, proteolytic) and active (e.g., proton pumps) mechanisms have been proposed. We assessed here whether the free fatty acid pool, which is derived from phospholipase-mediated hydrolysis of phospholipids during cornification, contributes to stratum corneum acidification and function. Topical applications of two chemically unrelated secretory phospholipase sPLA2 inhibitors, bromphenacylbromide and 1-hexadecyl-3-trifluoroethylglycero-sn-2-phosphomethanol, for 3 d produced an increase in the pH of murine skin surface that was paralleled not only by a permeability barrier abnormality but also altered stratum corneum integrity (number of strippings required to break the barrier) and decreased stratum corneum cohesion (protein weight removed per stripping). Not only stratum corneum pH but also all of the functional abnormalities normalized when either palmitic, stearic, or linoleic acids were coapplied with the inhibitors. Moreover, exposure of intact murine stratum corneum to a neutral pH for as little as 3 h produced comparable abnormalities in stratum corneum integrity and cohesion, and further amplified the inhibitor-induced functional alterations. Furthermore, short-term applications of an acidic pH buffer to inhibitor-treated skin also reversed the abnormalities in stratum corneum integrity and cohesion, despite the ongoing decrease in free fatty acid levels. Finally, the secretory-phospholipase-inhibitor-induced alterations in integrity/cohesion were in accordance with premature dissolution of desmosomes, demonstrated both by electron microscopy and by reduced desmoglein 1 levels in the stratum corneum (shown by immunofluorescence staining and vizualized by confocal microscopy). Together, these results demonstrate: (i) the importance of phospholipid-to-free-fatty-acid processing for normal stratum corneum acidification; and (ii) the potentially important role of this pathway not only for barrier homeostasis but also for the dual functions of stratum corneum integrity and cohesion

    Role of IL‐17 in atopy—A systematic review

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    Purpose of Review: Atopy is defined as the genetic predisposition to react with type I allergic diseases such as food-, skin-, and respiratory allergies. Distinct molecular mechanisms have been described, including the known Th2 driven immune response. IL-17A (IL-17) is mainly produced by Th17 cells and belongs to the IL-17 family of cytokines, IL-17A to F. While IL-17 plays a major role in inflammatory and autoimmune disorders, more data was published in recent years elucidating the role of IL-17 in allergic diseases. The present study aimed to elaborate specifically the role of IL-17 in atopy. Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted in MEDLINE, Embase, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, regarding IL-17 and atopy/allergic diseases. Results: In total, 31 novel publications could be identified (food allergy n = 3, allergic asthma n = 7, allergic rhinitis [AR] n = 10, atopic dermatitis [AD] n = 11). In all allergic diseases, the IL-17 pathway has been investigated. Serum IL-17 was elevated in all allergic diseases. In AR, serum and nasal IL-17 levels correlated with the severity of the disease. In food allergies, serum IL-17E was also elevated in children. In AD, there is a trend for higher IL-17 values in the serum and skin specimen, while it is more expressed in acute lesions. In allergic asthma, serum IL-17 levels were increased. In two studies, higher serum IL-17 levels were found in severe persistent asthmatic patients than in intermittent asthmatics or healthy controls. Only one therapeutic clinical study exists on allergic diseases (asthma patients) using a monoclonal antibody against the IL-17 receptor A. No clinical efficacy was found in the total study population, except for a subgroup of patients with (post-bronchodilator) high reversibility. Summary: The role of IL 17 in the pathogenesis of allergic diseases is evident, but the involvement of the Th17 cytokine in the pathophysiological pathway is not conclusively defined. IL-17 is most likely relevant and will be a clinical target in subgroups of patients. The current data indicates that IL-17 is elevated more often in acute and severe forms of allergic diseases

    Atopic Patients Show Increased Interleukin 4 Plasma Levels but the Degree of Elevation Is Not Sufficient to Upregulate Interleukin-4-Sensitive Genes

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    Background: Atopic diseases constitute a major health challenge for industrialized countries, and elevated levels of interleukin 4 (IL-4) frequently characterize these disorders. Previous in vitro analyses have indicated that IL-4 strongly upregulates the expression of IL-4-sensitive genes in human monocytes. Objective: To explore whether similar expression alterations may contribute to the pathomechanisms of atopic diseases in vivo we carried out a small-scale case-control clinical study (n = 43), in which we quantified the plasma levels of IgE and IL-4 as well as the expression of selected IL4- sensitive genes in blood leukocytes. Methods: 34 allergic patients suffering from allergic rhinitis (n = 11), atopic eczema (n = 11) and allergic asthma (n = 12) as well as 9 healthy control individuals were recruited. IgE and IL-4 plasma levels were determined by ELISA, and the expression of selected IL-4-sensitive gene products in blood leukocytes was quanti-fied by qRT-PCR. In addition, the fatty acid oxygenase activity of isolated monocytes was measured by RP-HPLC analysis of the arachidonic acid oxygenation products (ex vivo activity assays). Results: We found that plasma levels of IgE and IL-4 were significantly elevated in atopic patients but the degree of elevation was not sufficient to upregulate the expression of the selected IL-4-sensitive genes in circulating leukocytes. Moreover, the arachidonic acid oxygenase activity of blood monocytes was not significantly altered in atopic patients. Conclusion: Our data suggest that the IL-4 plasma levels of atopic patients are not high enough to impact the expression of IL-4-sensitive genes

    Melanosome Morphologies in Murine Models of Hermansky–Pudlak Syndrome Reflect Blocks in Organelle Development

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    Hermansky–Pudlak syndrome is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by pigment dilution and prolonged bleeding time. At least 15 mutant mouse strains have been classified as models of Hermansky–Pudlak syndrome. Some of the genes are implicated in intracellular vesicle trafficking: budding, targeting, and secretion. Many of the Hermansky–Pudlak syndrome genes remain uncharacterized and their functions are unknown. Clues to the functions of these genes can be found by analyzing the physiologic and cellular phenotypes. Here we have examined the morphology of the melanosomes in the skin of 10 of the mutant mouse Hermansky–Pudlak syndrome strains by transmission electron microscopy. We demonstrate that the morphologies reflect inhibition of organelle maturation or transfer. The Hermansky–Pudlak syndrome strains are classified into morphologic groups characterized by the step at which melanosome biogenesis or transfer to keratinocytes is inhibited, with the cappuccino strain observed to be blocked at the earliest step and gunmetal blocked at the latest step. We show that all Hermansky–Pudlak syndrome mutant strains except gunmetal have an increase in unpigmented or hypopigmented immature melanosomal forms, leading to the hypopigmented coat colors seen in these strains. In contrast, the hypopigmentation seen in the gunmetal strain is due to the retention of melanosomes in melanocytes, and inefficient transfer into keratinocytes

    Topical Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Activators Accelerate Postnatal Stratum Corneum Acidification

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    Previous studies have shown that pH declines from between 6 and 7 at birth to adult levels (pH 5.0–5.5) over 5–6 days in neonatal rat stratum corneum (SC). As a result, at birth, neonatal epidermis displays decreased permeability barrier homeostasis and SC integrity, improving days 5–6. We determined here whether peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) activators accelerate postnatal SC acidification. Topical treatment with two different PPARα activators, clofibrate and WY14643, accelerated the postnatal decline in SC surface pH, whereas treatment with PPARÎł activators did not and a PPARÎČ/ÎŽ activator had only a modest effect. Treatment with clofibrate significantly accelerated normalization of barrier function. The morphological basis for the improvement in barrier function in PPARα-treated animals includes accelerated secretion of lamellar bodies and enhanced, postsecretory processing of secreted lamellar body contents into mature lamellar membranes. Activity of ÎČ-glucocerebrosidase increased after PPARα-activator treatment. PPARα activator also improved SC integrity, which correlated with an increase in corneodesmosome density and increased desmoglein-1 content, with a decline in serine protease activity. Topical treatment of newborn animals with a PPARα activator increased secretory phospholipase A2 activity, which likely accounts for accelerated SC acidification. Thus, PPARα activators accelerate neonatal SC acidification, in parallel with improved permeability homeostasis and SC integrity/cohesion. Hence, PPARα activators might be useful to prevent or treat certain common neonatal dermatoses

    Application of parelectric spectroscopy to detect skin cancer—A pilot study

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    Background: The early detection of skin cancer is still challenging and calls for objective, fast diagnostic, and ideally non-invasive methods in order to leave the potentially malignant tumor cells unaltered. In this paper, the parelectric spectroscopy was applied to evaluate the potential of a non-invasive detection of basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and malignant melanoma. Materials and methods: A prototype of parelectric spectroscopy was used to investigate non-invasively dipole density and mobility of suspicious skin lesions. The differences in investigated tissue were analyzed compared to pathohistological findings in a clinical study on 51 patients with suspected BCC and malignant melanoma. Results: The non-invasive parelectric spectroscopy could differentiate between normal skin, BCC, and melanoma but failed to distinguish between different types of skin cancer. The data were normalized to unsuspected nearby skin because the different skin locations influence dipole density and mobility. Conclusion: The results of the pilot study indicate that the parelectric spectroscopy might be an additional, useful non-invasive diagnostic procedure to distinguish between normal skin and skin cancer

    Induction of a hardening phenomenon by repeated application of SLS: analysis of lipid changes in the stratum corneum

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    Adaptation of the skin to repeated influence of exogenous irritants is called the hardening phenomenon. We investigated the stratum corneum lipid composition before and after induction of a hardening phenomenon. Irritant contact dermatitis was induced in 23 non-atopic volunteers by repeated occlusive application of 0.5% sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) over 3 weeks. At 3, 6 and 9 weeks after irritation, the SLS responses of pre-irritated skin and normal skin were compared. The horny layer lipid composition (ceramides 1–7, cholesterol and free fatty acids) was assessed before irritation and 3, 6 and 9 weeks after irritation. During the first 2 weeks of irritation the transepidermal water loss increased continuously and seemed to decrease during the third week (effect of adaptation). The barrier function of pre-irritated sites was more stable to SLS challenge. Three weeks after irritation, there was a significant increase of ceramide 1 (pv0. 001). The only volunteer without hardening phenomenon showed no increase of ceramide 1. Ceramide 1 seems to play a key role as a protection mechanism against repeated irritation. Key words: hardening phenomenon; irritant contact dermatitis; stratum corneum lipids; ceramides; transepidermal water loss

    How to turn the Fast-Track into a Fast-Track: Process integration for evaluation of the quality of Digital Health Applications (DiGAs) on the example of the German Fast-Track Process

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    In this paper, we address the research question of which integration points in the \textit{German Fast-Track process} are particularly well suited for the integration of evaluation platforms for digital health applications. For this purpose, possible integration points are first identified and then analyzed with the help of a utility analysis with regard to the posed research question. Finally, a recommendation for action is made based on the results of the conducted utility analysis

    An Expert Position Paper from the Special Interest Group on Sensitive Skin of the International Forum for the Study of Itch

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    Sensitive skin is a frequent complaint in the general population, in patients, and among subjects suffering from itch. The International Forum for the Study of Itch (IFSI) decided to initiate a special interest group (SIG) on sensitive skin. Using the Delphi method, sensitive skin was defined as “A syndrome defined by the occurrence of unpleasant sensations (stinging, burning, pain, pruritus, and tingling sensations) in response to stimuli that normally should not provoke such sensations. These unpleasant sensations cannot be explained by lesions attributable to any skin disease. The skin can appear normal or be accompanied by erythema. Sensitive skin can affect all body locations, especially the face”. This paper summarizes the background, unresolved aspects of sensitive skin and the process of developing this definition
