6 research outputs found

    Идентификация опасностей и оценка профессиональных рисков на АЭС

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    Приведены методические основы идентификации опасностей и оценки профессиональных рисков в системе управления АЭС. Сделан обзор основных стандартов риск-менеджмента. Приведены также некоторые примеры форм документов для идентификации опасностей и оценки профессиональных рисков.Наведено методичні основи ідентифікації небезпек та оцінки професійних ризиків у системі управління АЕС. Зроблено огляд основних стандартів ризик-менеджменту. Наведено також деякі приклади форм документів для ідентифікації небезпек і оцінки професійних ризиків.In the article the methodical bases of authentication of hazards and assessment occupational safety and health in the management system of NPP are resulted. The review of basic risk management standards is done. Some examples of forms of documents for authentication of hazards and assessment occupational safety and health are resulted also

    James Joyce and His Other Language: the abnihilization of the etym

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    This thesis proposes to say something new about Joyce\u27s female characters that would in a sense redeem Joyce from the sharp criticism his texts encounter from feminist theorists. To achieve this, I have worked to dismantle the notion of literal, primary-word meanings to expose the etymon\u27s origin from nothing. By tracing points in various works of Joyce where the word, the basis for most patriarchal literary representation, is not revered, but instead is dismantled, proven inadequate, and ultimately abnihilizated, I attempt to demonstrate that female characters kept outside active participation with the word warrant serious consideration, as harbingers of a logic alternative to the word

    IASIL Bibliography for 2011

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