915 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic interpretation of the scaling of the dynamics of supercooled liquids

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    The recently discovered scaling law for the relaxation times, tau=f(T,V^g), where T is temperature and V the specific volume, is derived by a revision of the entropy model of the glass transition dynamics originally proposed by Avramov [I. Avramov, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 262, 258 (2000).]. In this modification the entropy is calculated by an alternative route, while retaining the approximation that the heat capacity is constant with T and P. The resulting expression for the variation of the relaxation time with T and V is shown to accurately fit experimental data for several glass-forming liquids and polymers over an extended range encompassing the dynamic crossover. From this analysis, which is valid for any model in which the relaxation time is a function of the entropy. we find that the scaling exponent g can be identified with the Gruneisen constant.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figure

    Stationary probability density of stochastic search processes in global optimization

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    A method for the construction of approximate analytical expressions for the stationary marginal densities of general stochastic search processes is proposed. By the marginal densities, regions of the search space that with high probability contain the global optima can be readily defined. The density estimation procedure involves a controlled number of linear operations, with a computational cost per iteration that grows linearly with problem size

    Dynamic probe of the interface in lamellar forming non-linear block copolymers of the (BA) 3 B and (BA) 3 B(AB) 3 type. A dielectric spectroscopy study

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    Abstract Dielectric spectroscopy is employed in lamellar forming non-linear block copolymers of the type (BA) 3 B and (BA) 3 B(AB) 3 based on polyisoprene (A) and polystyrene (B), at temperatures well below the order-to-disorder transition temperature and below the glass transition temperature of the hard phase (polystyrene). We show here that dielectric spectroscopy can be used as a tool to probe the interface in ordered block copolymers with a basic triblock unit. Our estimate of the interfacial width is based on the mobility of the junction points at the interface and compares favorably with the estimated thickness from thermodynamics.

    Positive Semidefiniteness and Positive Definiteness of a Linear Parametric Interval Matrix

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    We consider a symmetric matrix, the entries of which depend linearly on some parameters. The domains of the parameters are compact real intervals. We investigate the problem of checking whether for each (or some) setting of the parameters, the matrix is positive definite (or positive semidefinite). We state a characterization in the form of equivalent conditions, and also propose some computationally cheap sufficient\,/\,necessary conditions. Our results extend the classical results on positive (semi-)definiteness of interval matrices. They may be useful for checking convexity or non-convexity in global optimization methods based on branch and bound framework and using interval techniques
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