19 research outputs found

    Rola glonów glebowych w inicjalnych etapach rozwoju gleby na zanieczyszczonych obszarach piaszczystych

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    Research to evaluate the role of the soil algae in the initiation of pedogenesis in sandy areas and to establish the mineral, chemical and organic composition of soil-algal crusts was done. The investigations area is located in southern Poland in a landscape of drift sand (Bledowska Desert) formed as a result of medieval deforestation related to Ag, Pb and Fe mining activities. Fifteen species of algae (Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta and Heterokontophyta) were identified. In the soil-algal crusts, Corg contents ranged from 0.35-2.23%, Pavail from 9-34 mg · kg–1 and Nt was variable. In investigated area the ground on which soil algae developed was acidic (pH 4.4-5.7 in KCl). Among mineral components in the crust, phases rich in Fe and K dominated (776.5(±2.3) - 2803(±31) mg · kg–1 and 230.5(±3.7) - 696(±22) mg · kg–1, respectively) and elevated concentrations of Zn, Mn and Pb occurred. Soil-crust organic matter includes aliphatic and aromatic compounds, carbohydrate derivatives, phenols, furan and pyrene structures. N compounds have significant contribution in composition of soil-algal crusts - the algae are main source of organic matter in this stage of soil formation. It could accelerate the regeneration of disturbed ecological systems

    Ocena pobrania z dietą wybranych składników mineralnych przez młodzież w wieku 13-15 lat w zależności od płci oraz miejsca zamieszkania

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    Absorption of minerals compound by the investigated population aged 13-15 depending on gender and place of residenceIntroduction.The life period between 11-19 years of age is defined as the adolescence (phase), which is a period of intense growth and development, during which the organism ultimately heads for achieving a biological, psychological and social maturity. During this period, proper nutrition is an essential factor in the harmonious development of the young organism and to achieve a high health potential.The aim.The aim of this study was to evaluate the absorption of minerals compound by the investigated population depending on gender and place of residence.Material and methods.The evaluation was performed by 24 hours diet recall in randomly selected schools in Krakow and Skawina area. The content of mineral compounds (Na, K, Ca, P, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu) consumed by the subjects was assessed by the use of the "Dieta 2.0" software.Results. It were discovered a numerous irregularities in consumption of selected minerals, including significant calcium deficiency, and also the excess of sodium in the diet. Calcium deficiency combined the excess of phosphorus can adversely affect the achievement of the peak bone mass and increase the risk of osteoporosis in later stages of life. Also demonstrated high sodium and low potassium intakes could contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease

    Functional Food—Consumer Motivations and Expectations

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    This review provides insight into consumer attitudes toward functional food (FF), with the purpose of better understanding the needs and behavior regarding this kind of product. A total of 47 articles were selected for this paper. The available studies from last 20 years differ according to the focus (awareness, attitudes, motivations, willingness, acceptance by consumers) and methodologies used. Several factors, including socio-demographic, cognitive and attitudinal ones, seem to be serve as the basis for the acceptance of functional products. The research papers showed that nutritional knowledge is the most important of these. Older people are more interested in functional products than younger consumers, because of their stronger belief in the health benefits of FF. Moreover, women are more open to compromise between taste and health properties. Claims concerning the disease preventative properties of FF are the most attractive for consumers. This review focuses also on future perspectives for the functional food market. Adequate knowledge and evidence-based communication seem to be the most promising ways to increase consumers’ interest in these kinds of products

    When Incorporated into Fruit Sorbet Matrix, Are the Fructans in Natural Raw Materials More Beneficial for Bone Health than Commercial Formulation Added Alone?

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    We assessed the extent to which fructans from various sources and added in various forms (raw materials in diet alone or incorporated into a strawberry matrix) differ in their effectiveness towards selected parameters related to bone health under calcium hypoalimentation in growing female Wistar rats. The aim of this study was to evaluate the levels of selected parameters involved in calcium metabolism, in response to a 12-week restriction of Ca intake: serum ions (Ca, Mg, P); the activity of alkaline phosphatase—using a BS 120 analyzer; the markers of bone turnover (osteocalcin, CTX; using a Rat-MidTMOsteocalcinEIA Kit and RatLapsTMEIA, respectively); and the bone mineral content (BMC) and density (BMD), using a Norland Excell Plus Densitometer. Among the examined markers, the CTX concentration increased dramatically under calcium hypoalimentation. The presence of Jerusalem artichoke (independently of the form of addition) and yacon root powder (with strawberry sorbet matrix) in the rats’ diet led to a significantly lower CTX concentration than was observed in the low-calcium control group. The type of fructan influenced the bone mass content. When fructan was added to the low-calcium diet as an ingredient of sorbet, it exerted more pronounced effects on the biochemical parameters of bone metabolism than when added alone, in the growing-female-rat model

    Ocena pobrania z dietą wybranych składników mineralnych przez młodzież w wieku 13-15 lat w zależności od płci oraz miejsca zamieszkania

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    Absorption of minerals compound by the investigated population aged 13-15 depending on gender and place of residenceIntroduction.The life period between 11-19 years of age is defined as the adolescence (phase), which is a period of intense growth and development, during which the organism ultimately heads for achieving a biological, psychological and social maturity. During this period, proper nutrition is an essential factor in the harmonious development of the young organism and to achieve a high health potential.The aim.The aim of this study was to evaluate the absorption of minerals compound by the investigated population depending on gender and place of residence.Material and methods.The evaluation was performed by 24 hours diet recall in randomly selected schools in Krakow and Skawina area. The content of mineral compounds (Na, K, Ca, P, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu) consumed by the subjects was assessed by the use of the "Dieta 2.0" software.Results. It were discovered a numerous irregularities in consumption of selected minerals, including significant calcium deficiency, and also the excess of sodium in the diet. Calcium deficiency combined the excess of phosphorus can adversely affect the achievement of the peak bone mass and increase the risk of osteoporosis in later stages of life. Also demonstrated high sodium and low potassium intakes could contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease

    Directions of Changes in the Content of Selected Macro- and Micronutrients of Kale, Rutabaga, Green and Purple Cauliflower Due to Hydrothermal Treatment

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    Little is still known about macro- and micronutrients in processed selected Brassica vegetables such as purple and green cauliflower, rutabaga and kale. This study evaluates the influence of different processing conditions (blanching and boiling) on the stability of selected macro- and micronutrients in the aforementioned vegetables. Results indicated that blanching and boiling affect the mineral content of Brassica vegetables. Of the examined Brassica vegetables, the largest losses were found for potassium and iron (on average by 39.72%)

    Impact of Different Packaging Systems on Selected Antioxidant Properties of Frozen-Stored Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis)

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    Brassica vegetables, including cauliflower, are characterized by a high number of valuable metabolites, which act effectively in the cancer chemoprevention, as was already revealed by several studies. This work investigates the effect of the type of container: low density polyethylene (PE-LD) packages and oriented polystyrene (OPS) packages on selected quality parameters in frozen cauliflower. The vegetable was subjected to blanching, freezing and 3 months of storage. At every stage of the experiment, the material was examined in terms of: dry matter, vitamin C, total polyphenols content, and antioxidant activity. Statistical analysis proved that the type of container had no considerable effect on the levels of the aforementioned constituents and antioxidant activity in the freeze-stored vegetables