7 research outputs found
T-cell receptor determinants of response to chemoradiation in locally-advanced HPV16-driven malignancies
BackgroundThe effect of chemoradiation on the anti-cancer immune response is being increasingly acknowledged; however, its clinical implications in treatment responses are yet to be fully understood. Human papillomavirus (HPV)-driven malignancies express viral oncogenic proteins which may serve as tumor-specific antigens and represent ideal candidates for monitoring the peripheral T-cell receptor (TCR) changes secondary to chemoradiotherapy (CRT).MethodsWe performed intra-tumoral and pre- and post-treatment peripheral TCR sequencing in a cohort of patients with locally-advanced HPV16-positive cancers treated with CRT. An in silico computational pipeline was used to cluster TCR repertoire based on epitope-specificity and to predict affinity between these clusters and HPV16-derived epitopes.ResultsIntra-tumoral repertoire diversity, intra-tumoral and post-treatment peripheral CDR3β similarity clustering were predictive of response. In responders, CRT triggered an increase peripheral TCR clonality and clonal relatedness. Post-treatment expansion of baseline peripheral dominant TCRs was associated with response. Responders showed more baseline clustered structures of TCRs maintained post-treatment and displayed significantly more maintained clustered structures. When applying clustering by TCR-specificity methods, responders displayed a higher proportion of intra-tumoral TCRs predicted to recognise HPV16 peptides.ConclusionsBaseline TCR characteristics and changes in the peripheral T-cell clones triggered by CRT are associated with treatment outcome. Maintenance and boosting of pre-existing clonotypes are key elements of an effective anti-cancer immune response driven by CRT, supporting a paradigm in which the immune system plays a central role in the success of CRT in current standard-of-care protocols
FFPE breast tumour blocks provide reliable sources of both germline and malignant DNA for investigation of genetic determinants of individual tumour responses to treatment
Background: Bio-banked formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues provide an excellent opportunity for translational genomic research. Historically matched blood has not always been collected as a source of germline DNA. This project aimed to establish if normal FFPE breast tissue could be used as an alternative to blood. Methods: Exome sequencing was carried out on matched tumour tissue, normal breast tissue and blood on five patients in the START trial. Retrieved samples had been archived at different centres for at least 13 years. Following tissue macro-dissection and DNA extraction, targeted exome capture was performed using SureSelect Human All Exome v5 reagents (Agilent). Illumina paired-end libraries were prepared from the captured target regions and sequenced on a HiSeq2500 (Illumina) acquiring 2 × 75 bp reads. Somatic variants were called using the MuTect software analysis tool and copy number abnormalities (CNA) were identified using CNVkit. Targeted sequencing and droplet digital PCR were used to validate somatic variants and CNA, respectively. Results: Overlap of somatic variants and CNA called on tumour versus blood and tumour versus normal breast tissue was good. Agreement in somatic variant calling ranged from 76.9 to 93.6%. Variants with an allele frequency lower than 10% were more difficult to validate irrespective of the type of germline DNA used. Pearson’s correlation coefficients for paired comparisons of CNA using blood or normal tissue as reference ranged from 0.70 to 0.94. Conclusions: There is good correlation between the somatic mutations and CNA called using archived blood or normal breast tissue as germline reference material
Suppression of interferon gene expression overcomes resistance to MEK inhibition in KRAS-mutant colorectal cancer.
Despite showing clinical activity in BRAF-mutant melanoma, the MEK inhibitor (MEKi) trametinib has failed to show clinical benefit in KRAS-mutant colorectal cancer. To identify mechanisms of resistance to MEKi, we employed a pharmacogenomic analysis of MEKi-sensitive versus MEKi-resistant colorectal cancer cell lines. Strikingly, interferon- and inflammatory-related gene sets were enriched in cell lines exhibiting intrinsic and acquired resistance to MEK inhibition. The bromodomain inhibitor JQ1 suppressed interferon-stimulated gene (ISG) expression and in combination with MEK inhibitors displayed synergistic effects and induced apoptosis in MEKi-resistant colorectal cancer cell lines. ISG expression was confirmed in patient-derived organoid models, which displayed resistance to trametinib and were resensitized by JQ1 co-treatment. In in vivo models of colorectal cancer, combination treatment significantly suppressed tumor growth. Our findings provide a novel explanation for the limited response to MEK inhibitors in KRAS-mutant colorectal cancer, known for its inflammatory nature. Moreover, the high expression of ISGs was associated with significantly reduced survival of colorectal cancer patients. Excitingly, we have identified novel therapeutic opportunities to overcome intrinsic and acquired resistance to MEK inhibition in colorectal cancer