156 research outputs found

    An Effective Biomonitor of Potentially Toxic Elements in Marine Ecosystems: The Brown Alga Dictyota spiralis

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    Coastal marine areas are threatened by different forms of pollution, among which potentially toxic elements (PTEs) represent a primary hazard. In this study, 16 Mediterranean macroalgae colonizing the upper eulittoral and infralittoral zones were studied for their PTE accumulation capabilities in order to identify possible biomonitors that could replace the use of Posidonia oceanica, a protected species. To achieve this objective, macronutrients (Ca, K, Mg, P, S), micronutrients (Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Na, Ni, Si, V, Zn) and non-essential elements (Cd, Pb) were analyzed in the thalli of different algal species, the leaves of P. oceanica and in sediments collected from six sampling sites along the Cilento coast (Campania, Italy), all characterized by different anthropogenic pressures. For sediments, a sequential extraction of PTEs to evaluate their bioavailability profile was also carried out together with the analysis of mineralogical composition, particle size distribution, pH and organic matter content. Macrophytes, belonging to different divisions (six Rhodophyta, four Chlorophyta, six Heterokontophyta, one Embryophyta), are characterized by different PTE concentrations, with a few ones being characterized by an even accumulation response toward the different PTEs. One of these, the brown alga Dictyota spiralis, is able to accumulate PTEs in concentrations similar to P. oceanica and provides more accurate concentration gradients, highlighting clear pollution scenarios that were overlooked using P. oceanica only. Therefore, D. spiralis is a useful PTE biomonitor of coastal marine ecosystems and a suitable replacement for P. oceanica, also featuring the possibility of being employed in active biomonitoring applications

    Diversity Loss in Coralligenous Structuring Species Impacted by Fishing Gear and Marine Litter

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    Coralligenous structuring species (CSS) form a group of marine megabenthic species with an engineering capacity. Since they are highly vulnerable to anthropogenic activities, they have been selected for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) monitoring programs. The pressure and impact of fishing gear and marine litter on these species were evaluated through the image analysis of 54 remotely operated vehicle (ROV) routes along the Campania coasts (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). CSS density was calculated as the number of colonies/100 m2. Anthropogenic pressure was estimated as the frequency of frames showing longline, nets, other gear, plastic objects, metal objects, and other litter; while the impact was expressed as the frequency showing necrosis/epibiosis, broken/upturned and covered/entangled colonies. Cnidaria dominate in the Napoli, Campanella and Capri areas, while Bryozoa dominate in Cilento N and Cilento S areas. Campanella and Capri appeared to be the least heterogeneous despite their higher CSS densities, which was possibly related to the dominance of a few species. These areas were the most affected by showing the highest numbers of fishing gear (longlines) and marine litter (metal objects) recorded, amongst which longlines are the most abundant. In addition, these fishing areas are either close to a large urban center or located along popular touristic routes. In all the areas, colonies with necrosis/epibiosis (CNE) impact are present with low-moderate values, while the category gears covering/entangling (GCE) impact prevails in the Campanella and Capri areas, and this is strictly connected to the high presence of fishing gear

    Microzonazione sismica di un centro abitato di piccole dimensioni: il caso studio di Sant’Agata Fossili (AL)

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    In questo lavoro sono descritte le attività svolte nell’ambito del Progetto Europeo Strategico RISKNAT riguardanti l’analisi di microzonazione di Sant’Agata Fossili (AL). Sono in particolare descritte tutte le indagini ed analisi numeriche condotte al fine di ottenere una microzonazione sismica di livello 3 secondo quanto previsto nelle recenti linee guida nazionali degli. Al fine inoltre di valutare le ricadute di tipo applicativo di una corretta microzonazione sismica del territorio, sono state realizzate delle simulazioni di scenario adottando come riferimento gli spettri di risposta ottenuti dall’analisi di microzonazione. Le valutazioni di scenario ottenute sono state infine confrontate con le previsioni di scenario realizzabili a priori sulla base dell’adozione degli spettri di risposta definiti nelle Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni

    Autoimmune liver disease in a sicilian woman.

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    Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a chronic liver disease characterized by clinical features analogue to viral and non-autoimmune liver disorders, but with distinct sero-autoimmunologic properties. The disease results from a network of complex interactions involving genetic predisposition, triggering factors, autoantigens and immunoregulatory system. Diagnosis of AIH relies on positive autoantibodies determination and on liver core biopsy histological appearance. Corticosteroid and immunosuppressive drugs are generally useful in the treatment of disease. However, when inflammation cannot be controlled, progression from chronic hepatitis to cirrhosis is often observed and hepatocellular carcinoma may appear at the end stage. Here we reported a case of a woman, affected with AIH. The patient presented features of chronic liver disease of neither viral nor alcoholic aetiology. Serum evidence of hypertraminasemia, hypergammaglobulinemia and specific autoantibodies were the leading points to final diagnosis, which was validated by liver biopsy. The patient was, finally, successfully treated with steroids

    Activation of 5-HT7 receptor stimulates neurite elongation through mTOR, Cdc42 and actin filaments dynamics.

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    Recent studies have indicated that the serotonin receptor subtype 7 (5-HT7R) plays a crucial role in shaping neuronal morphology during embryonic and early postnatal life. Here we show that pharmacological stimulation of 5-HT7R using a highly selective agonist, LP-211, enhances neurite outgrowth in neuronal primary cultures from the cortex, hippocampus and striatal complex of embryonic mouse brain, through multiple signal transduction pathways. All these signaling systems, involving mTOR, the Rho GTPase Cdc42, Cdk5, and ERK, are known to converge on the reorganization of cytoskeletal proteins that subserve neurite outgrowth. Indeed, our data indicate that neurite elongation stimulated by 5-HT7R is modulated by drugs affecting actin polymerization. In addition, we show, by 2D Western blot analyses, that treatment of neuronal cultures with LP-211 alters the expression profile of cofilin, an actin binding protein involved in microfilaments dynamics. Furthermore, by using microfluidic chambers that physically separate axons from the soma and dendrites, we demonstrate that agonist-dependent activation of 5-HT7R stimulates axonal elongation. Our results identify for the first time several signal transduction pathways, activated by stimulation of 5-HT7R, that converge to promote cytoskeleton reorganization and consequent modulation of axonal elongation. Therefore, the activation of 5-HT7R might represent one of the key elements regulating CNS connectivity and plasticity during development
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