4 research outputs found

    Soil Biological Quality Assessment to Improve Decision Support in the Wine Sector

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    Biodiversity is an increasingly important aspect of wine production. The assessment of agro-ecosystem biodiversity is highly complex due to the heterogeneity of the elements involved in the evaluation. For this reason, wine companies have expressed a need for a decision support system (DSS) capable of dealing with this complexity, integrating assessments referring to the whole production system within a single tool. In this study a DSS developed for wine sector biodiversity management assessment is introduced. The DSS, called BIOPASS®, is made up of different sections relating to three compartments in the winemaking process (the soil, the vine and wine). Assessment of the physical, chemical and biological components of soil is a key element of the DSS. We investigate the relationship between biological soil quality (represented by the QBS-ar index), environmental conditions and the type of farming (organic or conventional). 70 soil samples were analysed in different Italian viticultural contexts. The model highlighted the relationships between QBS-ar and meteorological variables (air temperature and precipitation) as well as a positive relationship with organic farming systems. These results provide useful information for understanding agroecosystem biodiversity and will be integrated within the DSS for assessment of soil quality

    Glucosinolates in Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop.: Comparative Analysis in Cultivated and Wild Plants and in Vitro Assays with T2Rs Bitter Taste Receptors

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    Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop., commonly known as “hedge mustard” or “the singer’s plant” is a wild plant common in Eurasian regions. Its cultivation is mainly dedicated to herboristic applications and it has only recently been introduced into Italy. The active botanicals in S. officinale are glucosinolates, generally estimated by using UV or high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Using both techniques, we measured the total glucosinolates from S. officinale in different parts of the plant as roots, leaves, seeds, and flowers. A comparison was made for cultivated and wild samples, and for samples obtained with different pre-treatment and fresh, frozen, and dried storage conditions. Cultivated and wild plants have a comparable amount of total glucosinolates, while drying procedures can reduce the final glucosinolates content. The content in glucoputranjivin, which is the chemical marker for glucosinolates in S. officinale, has been determined using HPLC and a pure reference standard. Glucoputranjivin and two isothiocyanates from S. officinale have been submitted to in vitro assays with the platform of bitter taste receptors of the T2Rs family. The results show that glucoputranjivin is a selective agonist of receptor T2R16