35 research outputs found

    Sustainable Business Model Design

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    This article introduces the “Sustainable Business Model Design” (SBMD) framework, an integrative methodology that synthesises sustainable business model theory with Alexandrian pattern theory. Emphasising a pragmatic interpretation of design as transformative action, the framework’s foundations are explored, seeking to consolidate the theoretical underpinnings guiding SBMD and elucidate its principal conceptual components. The article further delves into the practical application of the framework as a tool for problem-solving and idea generation. It concludes with a discussion of analogical reasoning and conceptual combination, shedding light on the creativity-enhancing efficacy of SBMD patterns. Additionally, the article is a succinct primer for business designers interested in the practical utilisation of SBMD, particularly within contexts such as sustainability innovation and ESG strategy workshops

    Sustainable Value Creation Through Business Models: The What, the Who and the How

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    Purpose: We discuss traditional assumptions about value creation and confront these with current viewson sustainable value creation (SVC). Against this backdrop, the articles contained in the special issue‘Sustainable Value Creation Through Business Models’ are introduced, and their contributions to the explorationof SVC are highlighted.*Methodology: Assumptions about value creation are summarised and turned into an initial theoreticalframework concerning the what, who and how of value creation. This framework is used to structure anddiscuss current views on SVC that have been presented in the sustainable business model (SBM) litterature.Findings: The proposed framework identifies cornerstones for theorising about SVC in regard to thewhat, who and how of value creation. A main finding is that, although value creation and SVC are widelydiscussed in the literature, there are huge gaps in terms of the who, what and how of value creation, particularlyin the SBM field.Research implications and limitations: The major implication is that the SBM discourse still lacks clearSVC concepts, and closing this gap may enable the creation of a new multi- and interdisciplinary researchprogramme. A major limitation of this paper is the mainly theoretical and preliminary nature of the presenteddiscussion and framework.Originality and value: There is a surprising dearth of definitions and concepts of value creation in boththe traditional business model and SBM research. The originality and value of this paper lie in its potentialto stimulate further research on the theoretical foundations of SVC. Various theoretical propositionsare developed, including notions such as stakeholder-responsive and relational interpretations of valuecreation

    Toward Collaborative Cross-Sector Business Models for Sustainability

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    Sustainability challenges typically occur across sectoral boundaries, calling the state, market, andcivil society to action. While consensus exists on the merits of cross-sector collaboration, ourunderstanding of whether and how it can create value for various, collaborating stakeholders is still limited. This Special Issue focuses on how new combined knowledge on cross-sector collaboration and business models for sustainability can inform the academic and practitioner debates about sustainability challenges and solutions. We discuss how cross-sector collaboration can play an important role for the transition to new and potentially sustainability-driving business models given that value creation, delivery and capture of organizations are intimately related to the collaborative ties with their stakeholders. Sustainable alternatives to conventional business models tend to adopt a more holistic perspective of business by broadening the spectrum of solutions and stakeholders and, when aligned with cross-sector collaboration, can contribute new ways of addressing the wicked sustainability problems humanity faces

    UnterschÀtzter Nachhaltigkeitstransformator von MÀrkten und Regionen

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    Die Erwartungen an nachhaltiges Unternehmertum sind groß. Es soll Bestehendes kreativ zerstören, indem nachhaltig Neues gestaltet und auf dem Markt durchgesetzt wird. Nachhaltigkeitstransformationen bedeuten Risiken fĂŒr viele bisherige GeschĂ€ftsbereiche, aber auch Chancen fĂŒr nachhaltige Unternehmer

    Fostering Cross-Disciplinarity in Business Model Research

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    Purpose: We illustrate how cross-disciplinarity in business model research (multi-, inter- and transdisciplinarity) can help scholars overcome silo-building and span disciplinary boundaries. The seven articles contained in the special issue ‘Fostering Cross-Disciplinarity in Business Model Research’ are summarised, and the authors’ perspectives on the phenomena studied as well as the theories and methods adopted are portrayed. Methodology: We provide literature-based definitions of cross-disciplinary research modes and discuss their potential for business model research informed by insights from the seven special issue articles. Findings: There is much variety regarding the theories applied in business model research. These include design, imprinting, information asymmetry, paradox theories and many more. This variety illustrates that traditional domains, such as organisation, management and entrepreneurship studies, can be extended in creative ways, and hence can be equipped to deal with emerging and complex issues such as sustainability, circular economy, data management and base-of-thepyramid entrepreneurship. Interdisciplinarity seems to be well developed regarding the use of theories, but more must follow in terms of research methods and collaboration formats. Research Implications and Limitations: The common understanding of the potential and importance of cross-disciplinarity can be considered the major implication of this special issue. Beyond this, further critical reflection is required. Important questions remain open, primarily regarding research methods and collaboration formats. This editorial article reflects the perspectives of both the guest editors and the authors in this special issue. The presented understandings of cross-disciplinary business model research and implications for its future are of a preliminary nature. Originality and Value: Business model research is growing rapidly and scholars from various fields contribute to expanding our knowledge. An explicit focus on the potential of multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary research approaches is missing so far

    ‘Degrowth’ inspires business model innovation for a sustainable post-COVID economy

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    The COVID-19 pandemic, during which companies around the world are being forced to rethink their ways of doing business, requires thinking about post-crisis business models for sustainability, including the concept of degrowth (taking the focus away from economic growth and into quality of life). Florian LĂŒdeke-Freund and Tobias Froese introduce business model innovation, combined with sustainability paradigms such as degrowth, as a promising contribution to an innovation and management toolbox for a post-crisis economy

    Sustainable Business Model Design:45 Patterns

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    "We live in a time where we have reached broad agreement on ‘why’ to act for sustainability in business. The challenge is now to understand ‘how’. In this book, sustainability and innovation experts Florian LĂŒdeke-Freund, Henning Breuer, and Lorenzo Massa explore sustainable business model design. What it is, why it matters, and – most importantly – how to make it work. They present 45 patterns for the design of next generation sustainable business models, illustrating how innovative companies and visionary entrepreneurs have implemented them, what sustainability challenges they have solved and what innovation opportunities they have captured.The principles and practice of sustainable business model design are woven together here as never before. This book is a long overdue guide and inspiration on how to design next generation sustainable business models.""We live in a time where we have reached broad agreement on ‘why’ to act for sustainability in business. The challenge is now to understand ‘how’. In this book, sustainability and innovation experts Florian LĂŒdeke-Freund, Henning Breuer, and Lorenzo Massa explore sustainable business model design. What it is, why it matters, and – most importantly – how to make it work. They present 45 patterns for the design of next generation sustainable business models, illustrating how innovative companies and visionary entrepreneurs have implemented them, what sustainability challenges they have solved and what innovation opportunities they have captured.The principles and practice of sustainable business model design are woven together here as never before. This book is a long overdue guide and inspiration on how to design next generation sustainable business models.