804 research outputs found

    Single-Scattering Optical Tomography

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    We consider the problem of optical tomographic imaging in the mesoscopic regime where the photon mean free path is of order of the system size. Within the accuracy of the single-scattering approximation to the radiative transport equation, we show that it is possible to recover the extinction coefficient of an inhomogeneous medium from angularly-resolved measurements. Applications to biomedical imaging are described and illustrated with numerical simulations.Comment: Finalized and submitted to PR

    Single-Scattering Optical Tomography: Simultaneous Reconstruction of Scattering and Absorption

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    We demonstrate that simultaneous reconstruction of scattering and absorption of a mesoscopic system using angularly-resolved measurements of scattered light intensity is possible. Image reconstruction is realized based on the algebraic inversion of a generalized Radon transform relating the scattering and absorption coefficients of the medium to the measured light intensity and derived using the single-scattering approximation to the radiative transport equation.Comment: This is a sequel to physics/070311

    'Noise trader risk' and Bayesian market making in FX derivatives: rolling loaded dice?

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    ABSTRACT This paper develops and simulates a model of a Bayesian market maker who transacts with noise and position traders in derivative markets. The impact of noise trading is examined relative to price determination in FX futures, noise transmission from futures to options, and risk-management behaviour linking the two markets. The model simulations show noise trading in futures results in wider bid–ask spreads, increased price volatility, and greater variation in hedging costs. Above all, the Bayesian market maker manages price-risk by trend chasing not for speculative purposes, but to avoid being caught on the wrong side of the market. The pecuniary effects from this risk-management strategy suggest that noise trading tends to constrain the market maker’s capacity to arbitrage; particularly when the underlying price is mean averting as opposed to a Martingale and trading sessions exhibit significant price volatility. Copyright r 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright r 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Noise trading; market making; FX derivatives; Bayesian agent; noise transmission

    Large scale chromosome folding Is stable against local changes in chromatin structure

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    Characterizing the link between small-scale chromatin structure and large-scale chromosome folding during interphase is a prerequisite for understanding transcription. Yet, this link remains poorly investigated. Here, we introduce a simple biophysical model where interphase chromosomes are described in terms of the folding of chromatin sequences composed of alternating blocks of fibers with different thicknesses and flexibilities, and we use it to study the influence of sequence disorder on chromosome behaviors in space and time. By employing extensive computer simulations, we thus demonstrate that chromosomes undergo noticeable conformational changes only on length-scales smaller than 10(5) basepairs and time-scales shorter than a few seconds, and we suggest there might exist effective upper bounds to the detection of chromosome reorganization in eukaryotes. We prove the relevance of our framework by modeling recent experimental FISH data on murine chromosomes. © 2016 Florescu et al

    Phonon-induced electron relaxation in weakly-confined single and coupled quantum dots

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    We investigate charge relaxation rates due to acoustic phonons in weakly-confined quantum dot systems, including both deformation potential and piezoelectric field interactions. Single-electron excited states lifetimes are calculated for single and coupled quantum dot structures, both in homonuclear and heteronuclear devices. Piezoelectric field scattering is shown to be the dominant relaxation mechanism in many experimentally relevant situations. On the other hand, we show that appropriate structure design allows to minimize separately deformation potential and piezolectric field interactions, and may bring electron lifetimes in the range of microseconds.Comment: 20 pages (preprint format), 7 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    The substrate of the biopsychosocial influences in the carcinogenesis of the digestive tract

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    Digestive cancer represents a severe public health problem, being one of the main causes of death. It is considered a multifactorial disease, with hereditary predisposition, environmental factors, and other factors involved in carcinogenesis. Both the evolution and the pathogenesis of digestive neoplasms remain incompletely elucidated. As a multifactorial disease, it can be approached by taking into account the biopsychosocial influences via enteric nervous system. Many peptides and non-peptides having a neurotransmitter role can be found in the enteric nervous system, which can influence the neoplastic process directly or indirectly by affecting some angiogenic, growth, and metastasis factors. However, neurotransmitters can also cause directly, through intercellular signalizing, the angiogenesis, the proliferation, and the digestive neoplasms’ metastasis. This new approach to neoplasms of the digestive tube assumes broader psychosocial factors can play an important role in the understanding the ethiopathogenie, the evolution of the disease, and determination of possible molecular targeted therapies; it also suggests that behavioral strategies may be important for maintaining a healthy state with respect to the digestive tract

    Role of Fragment Higher Static Deformations in the Cold Binary Fission of 252^{252}Cf

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    We study the binary cold fission of 252^{252}Cf in the frame of a cluster model where the fragments are born to their respective ground states and interact via a double-folded potential with deformation effects taken into account up to multipolarity λ=4\lambda=4. The preformation factors were neglected. In the case when the fragments are assumed to be spherical or with ground state quadrupole deformation, the QQ-value principle dictates the occurence of a narrow region around the double magic 132^{132}Sn, like in the case of cluster radioactivity. When the hexadecupole deformation is turned on, an entire mass-region of cold fission in the range 138 - 156 for the heavy fragment arise, in agreement with the experimental observations. This fact suggests that in the above mentioned mass-region, contrary to the usual cluster radioactivity where the daughter nucleus is always a neutron/proton (or both) closed shell or nearly closed shell spherical nucleus, the clusterization mechanism seems to be strongly influenced by the hexadecupole deformations rather than the QQ-value.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure

    Inversion formulas for the broken-ray Radon transform

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    We consider the inverse problem of the broken ray transform (sometimes also referred to as the V-line transform). Explicit image reconstruction formulas are derived and tested numerically. The obtained formulas are generalizations of the filtered backprojection formula of the conventional Radon transform. The advantages of the broken ray transform include the possibility to reconstruct the absorption and the scattering coefficients of the medium simultaneously and the possibility to utilize scattered radiation which, in the case of the conventional X-ray tomography, is typically discarded.Comment: To be submitted to Inverse Problem
