9,399 research outputs found

    Precision radiative corrections to the Dalitz plot of baryon semileptonic decays including the spin-momentum correlation of the decaying baryon and the emitted charged lepton

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    We calculate the radiative corrections to the angular correlation between the polarization of the decaying baryon and the direction of the emitted charged lepton in the semileptonic decays of spin one-half baryons to order (\alpha/\pi)(q/M_1). The final results are presented, first, with the triple integration of the bremsstrahlung photon ready to be performed numerically and, second, in an analytical form. A third presentation of our results in the form of numerical arrays of coefficients to be multiplied on the quadratic products of form factors is discussed. This latter may be the most practical one to use in Monte Carlo simulations. A series of crosschecks is performed. The results are useful in the analysis of the Dalitz plot of precision experiments involving light and heavy quarks and is not compromised to fixing the form factors at predetermined values. It is assumed that the real photons are kinematically discriminated. Otherwise, our results have a general model-independent applicability.Comment: 8 pages, RevTex4, 5 tables, no figures. Shortened version; results and conclusions remain unchange

    Precision radiative corrections to the semileptonic Dalitz plot with angular correlation between polarized decaying and emitted baryons: Effects of the four-body region

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    Analytical radiative corrections of order (\alpha/\pi)(q/M_1) are calculated for the four-body region of the Dalitz plot of baryon semileptonic decays when the s_1 \cdot p_2 correlation is present. Once the final result is available, it is possible to exhibit it in terms of the corresponding final result of the three-body region following a set of simple changes in the latter. We cover two cases, a charged and a neutral polarized decaying baryon.Comment: Revtex4, 7 pages, no figure

    Radiative corrections to the three-body region of the Dalitz plot of baryon semileptonic decays with angular correlation between polarized emitted baryons and charged leptons: The initial-baryon rest frame case

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    We complement the results for the radiative corrections to the s2.l angular correlation of baryon semileptonic decays of Ref. [1] with the final results in the rest frame of the decaying baryon.Comment: 7 pages, Revtex4, no figure

    Recent Technological Developments on LGAD and iLGAD Detectors for Tracking and Timing Applications

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    This paper reports the last technological development on the Low Gain Avalanche Detector (LGAD) and introduces a new architecture of these detectors called inverse-LGAD (iLGAD). Both approaches are based on the standard Avalanche Photo Diodes (APD) concept, commonly used in optical and X-ray detection applications, including an internal multiplication of the charge generated by radiation. The multiplication is inherent to the basic n++-p+-p structure, where the doping profile of the p+ layer is optimized to achieve high field and high impact ionization at the junction. The LGAD structures are optimized for applications such as tracking or timing detectors for high energy physics experiments or medical applications where time resolution lower than 30 ps is required. Detailed TCAD device simulations together with the electrical and charge collection measurements are presented through this work.Comment: Keywords: silicon detectors, avalanche multiplication, timing detectors, tracking detectors. 8 pages. 8 Figure

    Interference between variants of peach latent mosaic viroid reveals novel features of its fitness landscape: implications for detection

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    [EN] Natural populations of peach latent mosaic viroid (PLMVd) are complex mixtures of variants. During routine testing, TaqMan rtRT-PCR and RNA gel-blot hybridization produced discordant results with some PLMVd isolates. Analysis of the corresponding populations showed that they were exclusively composed of variants (of class II) with a structural domain different from that of the reference and many other variants (of class I) targeted by the TaqMan rtRT-PCR probe. Bioassays in peach revealed that a representative PLMVd variant of class II replicated without symptoms, generated a progeny with low nucleotide diversity, and, intriguingly, outcompeted a representative symptomatic variant of class I when co-inoculated in equimolecular amounts. A number of informative positions associated with the higher fitness of variants of class II have been identified, and novel sets of primers and probes for universal or specific TaqMan rtRT-PCR detection of PLMVd variants have been designed and tested.We thank A. Ahuir for excellent technical assistance and Dr. Francesco Di Serio for suggestions. This work was supported by grant BFU2014-56812-P (to R.F.) from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) of Spain. P.S. was the recipient of a postdoctoral contract from MINECO and E. Bertolini of an INIA-CCA2011-2016 contract also from MINECO.Serra Alfonso, P.; Bertolini, E.; Martinez, MC.; Cambra, M.; Flores Pedauye, R. (2017). Interference between variants of peach latent mosaic viroid reveals novel features of its fitness landscape: implications for detection. Scientific Reports. 7. https://doi.org/10.1038/srep42825S7Diener, T. O. Discovering viroids - a personal perspective. Nat. Rev. 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