1,310 research outputs found

    Jocs motors Una alternativa per enfortir els músculs de l’abdomen

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    L’objectiu de l’estudi va ser comparar l’amplitud de l’electromiografia (EMG) i la forma en què van ser coactivats els músculs abdominals durant l’execució de l’exercici d’encorbament del tronc i dos jocs motors tradicionals: el carretó i l’hula-hop. Per fer-ho, es va enregistrar l’EMG dels músculs recte, oblic extern i oblic intern de l’abdomen, durant l’execució de cada una de les tasques. A l’estudi hi van participar nou voluntaris sans, sense antecedents de cirurgia abdominal, lesions raquídies o síndrome de dolor lumbar. L’amplitud de l’EMG va ser amitjanada i normalitzada respecte a la contracció voluntària màxima. Es va realitzar un ANOVA de dos factors (múscul/tasca) i un post hoc Tukey per examinar les diferències en l’activitat elèctrica de cada múscul entre les tasques i en cada tasca entre els músculs. Els jocs analitzats van produir nivells d’activitat elèctrica superiors als generats per l’encorbament del tronc, i en conseqüència, han de ser considerats com un complement o una alternativa als exercicis d’enfortiment abdominal. El carretó va generar un important nivell de coactivació abdominal, encara que va activar principalment l’oblic extern de l’abdomen. A l’hula-hop, les diferències entre els músculs no van ser estadísticament significatives

    Juegos motores Una alternativa para fortalecer los músculos del abdomen

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    El objetivo del estudio fue comparar la amplitud de la electromiografía (EMG) y el modo en que fueron coactivados los músculos abdominales durante la ejecución del ejercicio de encorvamiento del tronco y dos juegos motores tradicionales: la carretilla y el hula hop. Para ello, se registró la EMG de los músculos rectus, obliquus externus y obliquus internus abdominis durante la ejecución de cada una de las tareas. En el estudio participaron nueve voluntarios sanos sin antecedentes de cirugía abdominal, lesiones raquídeas o síndrome de dolor lumbar. La amplitud de la EMG fue promediada y normalizada respecto a la contracción voluntaria máxima. Se realizó un ANOVA de dos factores (músculo/tarea) y un post hoc Tukey para examinar las diferencias en la actividad eléctrica de cada músculo entre las tareas y en cada tarea entre los músculos. Los juegos analizados produjeron niveles de actividad eléctrica superiores a los generados por el encorvamiento del tronco, por lo que deben ser considerados como un complemento o una alternativa a los ejercicios de fortalecimiento abdominal. La carretilla generó un importante nivel de coactivación abdominal, aunque activó principalmente al obliquus externus abdominis. En el hula hop, las diferencias entre los músculos no fueron estadísticamente significativas

    Muons in air showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory: Mean number in highly inclined events

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    We present the first hybrid measurement of the average muon number in air showers at ultrahigh energies, initiated by cosmic rays with zenith angles between 62° and 80°. The measurement is based on 174 hybrid events recorded simultaneously with the surface detector array and the fluorescence detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory. The muon number for each shower is derived by scaling a simulated reference profile of the lateral muon density distribution at the ground until it fits the data. A 10^19  eV shower with a zenith angle of 67°, which arrives at the surface detector array at an altitude of 1450 m above sea level, contains on average (2.68±0.04±0.48(sys))×10^7 muons with energies larger than 0.3 GeV. The logarithmic gain d ln N_μ/dlnE of muons with increasing energy between 4×1018  eV and 5×1019  eV is measured to be (1.029±0.024±0.030(sys)

    The separation between the 5′-3′ ends in long RNA molecules is short and nearly constant

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    "RNA molecules play different roles in coding, decoding and gene expression regulation. Such roles are often associated to the RNA secondary or tertiary structures. The folding dynamics lead to multiple secondary structures of long RNA molecules, since an RNA molecule might fold into multiple distinct native states. Despite an ensemble of different structures, it has been theoretically proposed that the separation between the 5 ' and 3 ' ends of long single-stranded RNA molecules (ssRNA) remains constant, independent of their base content and length. Here, we present the first experimental measurements of the end-to-end separation in long ssRNA molecules. To determine this separation, we use single molecule Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer of fluorescently end-labeled ssRNA molecules ranging from 500 to 5500 nucleotides in length, obtained from two viruses and a fungus. We found that the end-to-end separation is indeed short, within 5-9 nm. It is remarkable that the separation of the ends of all RNA molecules studied remains small and similar, despite the origin, length and differences in their secondary structure. This implies that the ssRNA molecules are 'effectively circularized' something that might be a general feature of RNAs, and could result in finetuning for translation and gene expression regulation.


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    En este trabajo se presenta un modelo de ficha descriptiva para el estudio de cerámicas mediante lámina delgada. Los distintos apartados que se recogen en ella permiten acceder a la información de manera gradual y sistemática, definiendo en primer lugar aspectos tecnológicos, a continuación procedencia de materiales y finalmente transformaciones y/o alteraciones de la matriz en relación con procesos pre o post deposicionales.In this note we describe to systematic working methodology to carry ont the analysis of ceramic sherds through microscopic observation of thin sheets. The work proceeds in three step, to organizein a useful way the information contained, concerning three basic issues: those aspects related to the technological details of ceramic manufacture, the signatures reflecting differences on the originof the clay materials used, once finally, the features caused by transformations and/or alterations of the ceramic matrix, through varions pre and postdepositional processes

    Evaluation of a lime-mediated sewage sludge stabilisation process. Product characterisation and technological validation for its use in the cement industry

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    This paper describes an industrial process for stabilising sewage sludge (SS) with lime and evaluates the viability of the stabilised product, denominated Neutral, as a raw material for the cement industry. Lime not only stabilised the sludge, raised the temperature of the mix to 80-100 °C, furthering water evaporation, portlandite formation and the partial oxidation of the organic matter present in the sludge. Process mass and energy balances were determined. Neutral, a white powder consisting of portlandite (49.8%), calcite (16.6%), inorganic oxides (13.4%) and organic matter and moisture (20.2%), proved to be technologically apt for inclusion as a component in cement raw mixes. In this study, it was used instead of limestone in raw mixes clinkerised at 1400, 1450 and 1500 °C. These raw meals exhibited greater reactivity at high temperatures than the limestone product and their calcination at 1500 °C yielded clinker containing over 75% calcium silicates, the key phases in Portland clinker. Finally, the two types of raw meal (Neutral and limestone) were observed to exhibit similar mineralogy and crystal size and distribution. © 2011.Peer Reviewe

    Circulating tumor cells for the staging of patients with newly diagnosed transplant-eligible multiple myeloma

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    [Purpose]: Patients with multiple myeloma (MM) may show patchy bone marrow (BM) infiltration and extramedullary disease. Notwithstanding, quantification of plasma cells (PCs) continues to be performed in BM since the clinical translation of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) remains undefined. [Patients and methods]: CTCs were measured in peripheral blood (PB) of 374 patients with newly diagnosed MM enrolled in the GEM2012MENOS65 and GEM2014MAIN trials. Treatment included bortezomib, lenalidomide, and dexamethasone induction followed by autologous transplant, consolidation, and maintenance. Next-generation flow cytometry was used to evaluate CTCs in PB at diagnosis and measurable residual disease (MRD) in BM throughout treatment. [Results]: CTCs were detected in 92% (344 of 374) of patients with newly diagnosed MM. The correlation between the percentages of CTCs and BM PCs was modest. Increasing logarithmic percentages of CTCs were associated with inferior progression-free survival (PFS). A cutoff of 0.01% CTCs showed an independent prognostic value (hazard ratio: 2.02; 95% CI, 1.3 to 3.1; P = .001) in multivariable PFS analysis including the International Staging System, lactate dehydrogenase levels, and cytogenetics. The combination of the four prognostic factors significantly improved risk stratification. Outcomes according to the percentage of CTCs and depth of response to treatment showed that patients with undetectable CTCs had exceptional PFS regardless of complete remission and MRD status. In all other cases with detectable CTCs, only achieving MRD negativity (and not complete remission) demonstrated a statistically significant increase in PFS. [Conclusion]: Evaluation of CTCs in PB outperformed quantification of BM PCs. The detection of ≥ 0.01% CTCs could be a new risk factor in novel staging systems for patients with transplant-eligible MM.Supported by grants from the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red—Área de Oncología—del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBERONC; CB16/12/00369, CB16/12/00400, and CB16/12/00284); Instituto de Salud Carlos III/Subdirección General de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS No. PI19/01451, PI20/00048, and PI21/01816); the Cancer Research UK (C355/A26819); FCAECC and AIRC under the Accelerator Award Program (EDITOR); the ISCIII and FEDER foundations (AC17/00101) together with FCAECC for iMMunocell Transcan-2; the European Research Council (ERC) 2015 Starting Grant (MYELOMANEXT/680200); the CRIS Cancer Foundation (PR_EX_2020-02), the Leukemia Lymphoma Society, the Black Swan Research Initiative of the International Myeloma Foundation; and the Riney Family Multiple Myeloma Research Program Fund

    Experimental assessment and semi empirical estimation of frost accretion—A case study on a spine-finned inverted-V tube array evaporator

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    Present work focuses on frost accretion in a spine-finned inverted-V tube array evaporator. An experimental evaluation was performed using a standard issue, vertical top-mount, 18 cubic feet, 0.5 m3, refrigerator. Evaporator temperature distribution, inner airflow velocity, and relative humidity were measured to account for convective phenomena influencing frost distribution. Frost formation and accretion on the surface of the evaporator were visualized using thermal and microscopic imagery. The images were processed using a machine vision algorithm to measure frost thickness. Complementarily, frost density and vapor mass transfer were computed using available correlations. An estimation function was derived from the compiled data using a semi empirical approach, i.e., direct measurements and thermophysical substance properties. The resulting mathematical expression estimated the frost accretion rate within an error expectancy, RMSE, of 0.1479 and displayed a goodness-of-fit, R-Squared, of 0.9029. Based on these results, semi empirical estimation, is proposed as a viable approach to construct adequate limits for new predictions, vis-à-vis evaporator performance, ultimately reducing appliance energy consumption via implementing more effective control strategies regarding internal defrosting

    Reference Values to Assess Hemodilution and Warn of Potential False-Negative Minimal Residual Disease Results in Myeloma

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Multiple Myeloma Research and Treatment.[Simple Summary] Although the majority of patients with myeloma who achieve undetectable minimal residual disease show prolonged survival, some of them relapse shortly afterwards. False-negative results due to hemodiluted bone marrow samples could explain this inconsistency, but there is no guidance on how to evaluate them. We analyzed three cell populations normally absent in peripheral blood in 1404 aspirates obtained in numerous disease settings and in 85 healthy adults. Pairwise comparisons according to age and treatment showed significant variability, thus suggesting that hemodilution should be preferably evaluated with references obtained after receiving identical regimens. Leveraging the minimal residual disease results from 118 patients, we showed that a comparison with age-matched healthy adults could also inform on potential hemodilution. Our study supports the routine assessment of bone marrow cellularity to evaluate hemodilution, using as reference values either treatment-specific or from healthy adults if the former are unavailable.[Abstract] Background: Whereas, in most patients with multiple myeloma (MM), achieving undetectable MRD anticipates a favorable outcome, some others relapse shortly afterwards. Although one obvious explanation for this inconsistency is the use of nonrepresentative marrow samples due to hemodilution, there is no guidance on how to evaluate this issue. Methods: Since B-cell precursors, mast cells and nucleated red blood cells are normally absent in peripheral blood, we analyzed them in 1404 bone marrow (BM) aspirates obtained in numerous disease settings and in 85 healthy adults (HA). Results: First, we confirmed the systematic detection of the three populations in HA, as well as the nonreduced numbers with aging. Pairwise comparisons between HA and MM patients grouped according to age and treatment showed significant variability, suggesting that hemodilution should be preferably evaluated with references obtained from patients treated with identical regimens. Leveraging the MRD results from 118 patients, we showed that a comparison with HA of similar age could also inform on potential hemodilution. Conclusions: Our study supports the routine assessment of BM cellularity to evaluate hemodilution, since reduced BM-specific cell types as compared to reference values (either treatment-specific or from HA if the former are unavailable) could indicate hemodilution and a false-negative MRD result.This study was supported by grants from the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red—Área de Oncología—del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBERONC; CB16/12/00369, CB16/12/00400, CB16/12/00233 and CB16/12/00284); Instituto de Salud Carlos III/Subdirección General de Investigación Sanitaria and co-financed by FEDER funds (FIS No. PI15/01956, PI15/02049, PI15/02062, PI18/01709, PI18/01673 and PI19/01451); the Cancer Research UK (C355/A26819), FCAECC and AIRC under the Accelerator Award Programme (EDITOR); the Black Swan Research Initiative of the International Myeloma Foundation and the European Research Council (ERC) 2015 Starting Grant (Contract 680200 MYELOMANEXT). This study was supported by the Riney Family Multiple Myeloma Research Program Fund

    Architectural Diversity of the Cuticle and Epidermis of Native and Hybrid Tomato Fruit Genotypes and the Relation to Polygalacturonase Expression

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    The tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) fruit has been widely studied because of its high consumption, nutritional value, and well-characterized genome. It also represents a good model for studying the structure and function of the cuticle, a protective film that is deposited on the surface of outer epidermal cell walls, and affects the integrity and firmness of the fruit, and, therefore, its commercialization. To evaluate the differences in their structure and function, we characterized the morphology of the cuticle and the epidermis and their relationship to firmness, brightness, weight loss, and transcript levels of polygalacturonase (PGA) in four hybrid genotypes and four native genotypes of different origins, shapes, and colors. Our results show a different architecture of the epidermis and cell wall among the genotypes. Native genotypes showed irregular-shaped epidermal cells and a thicker epidermis. Anticlinal pegs were also present to only one-third of the depth of the epidermal cells. The hybrid fruit surface was smoother compared to native genotypes, and it was associated with a higher level of brightness and a less weight loss. A negative correlation between firmness and PGA transcript levels was found. The chartreuse yellow genotype was the firmest, and it had the lowest levels of PGA expression. Meanwhile, the black genotype displayed the lowest weight loss and stem scar diameter. Our results suggest that several morphological features of the cuticle and epidermis have been modified through selection of the tomato fruit, altering quality parameters, such as weight loss and firmness