12 research outputs found

    How are legal matters related to the access of traditional knowledge being considered in the scope of ethnobotany publications in Brazil?

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    Utilizando as abordagens quantitativa e qualitativa na produção do conhecimento Utilizando los abordajes cuantitativo y cualitativo en la producción del conocimiento Using quantitative and qualitative approaches in knowledge production

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    O debate sobre as diferenças entre os métodos quantitativo e qualitativo é freqüente, havendo posições favoráveis e contrárias acerca da sua integração. Delinear uma pesquisa que contemple as duas abordagens gera dúvidas e inquietações sobre como utilizá-las sem ferir o rigor dos métodos, a especificidade, a sofisticação metodológica e reflexiva de cada uma delas. O objetivo é relatar e discutir a utilização da abordagem quantitativa (ensaio clínico controlado randomizado) e qualitativa para avaliar e compreender a inserção do acompanhante de escolha da mulher durante o trabalho de parto/parto, desempenhando o papel de provedor de apoio. A utilização das duas abordagens possibilitou aproximar as múltiplas facetas envolvidas nessa prática e avaliá-la tanto na dimensão explicativa quanto na compreensiva, uma vez que pôde ser realizada com olhares complementares.<br>El debate sobre las diferencias entre los métodos cuantitativo y cualitativo es frecuente, existiendo posiciones favorables y contrarias respecto a su integración. Delinear una investigación que contemple los dos abordajes genera dudas e inquietudes en relación a cómo utilizarlos sin herir el rigor de los métodos, la especificidad, la sofisticación metodológica y reflexiva de cada uno de ellos. El objetivo es relatar y discutir la utilización del abordaje cuantitativo (ensayo clínico controlado randomizado) y cualitativo, para evaluar y comprender la inserción del acompañante elegido por la mujer durante el trabajo de parto y el parto, desempeñando el papel de proveedor de apoyo. La utilización de los dos abordajes hizo posible la aproximación de las múltiples facetas involucradas en esta práctica, así como evaluarlas tanto en la dimensión explicativa como en la comprensiva, debido a que puede ser realizada con visiones complementarias.<br>The debate over the differences between quantitative and qualitative methods is frequent, holding favorable and opposite positions concerning their integration. Outlining a research that contemplates both approaches generates doubts and restlessness about how to use them without damaging the methods' rigor, specificity, as well as the methodological and reflective sophistication of each. The purpose is to report and discuss using the quantitative (randomized controlled clinical trial) and the qualitative approach to analyze and understand the practice of including a companion chosen by the woman during her labor and childbirth, performing the role of support provider. Using both methods allowed for approximating the multiple facets involved in this practice and evaluating both the explicative dimension and the comprehension, since it could be performed with complementary views

    Optimization of lipid extraction from the oleaginous yeasts Rhodotorula glutinis and Lipomyces kononenkoae

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    The constant growing demand for vegetable oil for biodiesel and food is raising many environmental concerns about the sustainability of its production based on crops. Oleaginous yeasts show great potential to end with those concerns due to their high lipid productivity in small areas. To evaluate their productivity in lipids, an efficient and reproducible extraction process should be used. As no standard extraction process is available for the extraction of yeast lipids, an optimized extraction process is presented. In this work, the lipids extraction process for the yeasts Rhodotorula glutinis and Lipomyces kononenkoae is optimized using bead beating for cell rupture and introducing adaptations of the two most used extraction methods (Bligh and Dyer and Folch). For Rhodotorula g. the optimum extraction conditions are obtained by the Bligh and Dyer method applying 4.8 cycles of 47 s with 0.7 g of glass beads. For Lipomyces k. the optimum extraction conditions make use of the Folch method applying seven cycles of 42 s with 0.54 g of glass beads. These results reinforce the idea that, for each yeast, different extraction processes may be needed to correctly determine the lipid yield. The extraction procedure was further evaluated with less harmful solvents. Toluene was tested as a possible substitute of chloroform, and ethanol as a possible substitute of methanol. With the optimized extraction process, better results for Lipomyces k. were obtained using toluene and ethanol, while for Rhodotorula g. toluene proved to be a valid substitute of chloroform but ethanol is far less effective than methanol.This study was funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit and COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684), FCT Doctoral grant (SFRH/BD/80490/2011) attributed to Bruno Vasconcelos and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020-Programa Operacional Regional do Norte.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio