46 research outputs found

    Patterns of European Migration. Migration and the influence of fiscal policy

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    Procesul de migrație a existat întotdeauna, variind în strânsă concordanță cu contextul istoric, interdependența dintre țările de origine și cele de destinație, evoluția procesului de integrare europeană, precum și contextul istoric, politic, economic, demografic și disparităţile sociale care s-au manifestat de-a lungul timpului între Europa Centrală şi de Est. Din acest motiv, Uniunea Europeană a dezvoltat o abordare integrată și incluzivă a procesului de migrație. Acest lucru a fost realizat printr-o abordare comună a managementului migrației. Cu toate acestea, armonizarea politicilor de migrație ale statelor europene a devenit o provocare dat fiind faptul că modelele migrației europene au prezentat multe particularități

    The Romanian Curriculum of Early Education and Primary Education

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    The article analyzes the Romanian curriculum specific to primary and preschool education. The article focuses on the curriculum approved in 2011 for primary education, respectively the one approved in 2019 for early education. The analysis between the primary education curriculum and the early education curriculum follows the specifics of the curriculum, the purpose, the values promoted, the focus on the formation of the respective behavioral competencies. The analysis is performed on the basis of the educational policy documents elaborated by the Institute of Education Sciences and on the official curricular documents elaborated and approved by the Romanian Ministry of National Education

    Stationary Phases

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    Research on the evolution of migration in Romania after the fall of the communist regime

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    Migration is one of the oldest socio-economic phenomena, which have inevitably influenced and continues to influence today’s society because millions of citizens of different states decide to migrate to another country for various reasons. The migration process never stopped, even more it gradually expanded taking on new forms. Consistent with the studies and economic research that has been carried out over the years, it has come to the idea that migration must be seen as a normal phenomenon of today’s society, which has undergone various changes throughout history. One of the most important and significant characteristics of the population is the movement from one geographical area to another geographical area. This paper entitled "Study on the evolution of migration phenomenon in Romania" highlights the migratory flows that took place in Romania after the fall of the communist regime and so far, putting there is a special emphasis on the economic and social impact on the migration that brought with it. During the period considered in the analysis, Romania knew various forms of this phenomenon through the fact that it made the transition from a centrally planned economy to a market economy and later joined the European Union in 2007. In this situation, the circulation of Romanians became complete. The problems resulting from this phenomenon are major: on the one hand the financial consequences and on the other hand the social impact that could be observed on the families of migrants. The novelty element of this paper is the forecast on the migration phenomenon in the coming years, more precisely during the years 2021-2026, in Romania. Through this research we want to identify and analyze the future trend taking into account the fact that migration can be considered one of the sources of problems in the labor market or can even be its solution. An important aspect to mention is the idea that the temporary nature of travel, as well as the transnational nature of flows offers the possibility to reorient migrants to the state of origin. In order to achieve an ideal reality in terms of balance in the labor market, it is necessary to adopt and implement effective measures that offer benefits to each employee

    Design and fabrication of pneumatic walking robot

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    This report is based on the study about final year project, design and fabrication of pneumatic walking robot. The objective is to design a four legs robot using pneumatic actuator and fabricate the robot structure. In this project, the use of programming logical control software as robot legs motion controller and using pneumatic actuator to move the legs robot. This project need a study about an existing robot in order to produce a moving four legs robot, that only use four actuators because an existing four legs robot use many actuators. Normally eight actuators are use in designing a moving four legs robot. By creative thinking, four legs robot can be design for only four actuators. The method used is divided into two chapters. The first method is by using the SolidWork software to design the robot's legs and body. The second method is verify the way of robot's motion tests by making a ladder diagram program with the Programming Logical Control (PLC) software. Lastly, a four legs robot's model is produced. The problems encountered were discussed

    Intestinal Microbiomics in Physiological and Pathological Conditions

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    Microbiomics represents a new science studying the microbiome, consisting of all the microorganisms of a given community. This new science collects data about all the members of the microbial community and quantifies the molecules responsible for the structure, function, and dynamics of the microbiome. The human microbiome plays a very important role in the healthy state and in a variety of disease states. The human microbiome knowledge has evolved during the last decades and nowadays one can consider that, in particular, the gut microbiota is seen as a significant organ holding 150 times more genes compared to the human genome. This chapter will focus on discussing the normal and modified phyla and species of the gut microbiome in a variety of conditions, providing a better understanding of host-microbiome interactions. We will highlight some new associations between intestinal dysbiosis and acute or chronic inflammatory and metabolic diseases

    The prevalence and risk factors for visceral hemangiomas in children with infantile cutaneous hemangiomas

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    One of the most frequent benign tumor pathology in children is represented by infantile hemangiomas (IHs). Although they are mostly cutaneous, sometimes they can develop at visceral level, the liver being the most common localization. Objectives. Estimating visceral hemangiomas (VHs) prevalence, and identification of risk factors for VHs in patients with infantile cutaneous hemangiomas (ICHs). Materials and methods. 6 years cross-sectional study (2012-2017) including children diagnosed with ICHs, admitted in I.N.S.M.C “Alfred-Rusescu“. All patients underwent an ultrasound screening for the detection of VHs. In order to identify possible risk factors, we collected demographic and perinatal data. Outcomes. 138 patients diagnosed with infantile cutaneous hemangiomas (ICHs) were included, with a slight predominance of girls (58%). The prevalence of the VHs in our study was 7,24% (10 patients). The liver was the most common visceral localization (7 patients). Conclusions. Female gender, preterm birth, low birth weight, and multiple gestations were described as potential risk factors for IHs. In our study, only multiple gestations tend to be associated with visceral hemangiomas, but without a significant statistical correlation


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    In this paper we wish to highlight the main causes of regional disparities in Romania in terms of absorption of European funds through Measure 313: Encouragement of tourism activities. The post-accession of Romania shows a major deficiency in attracting funds from the European Union, this situation is generated, in particular, by the lack of a coherent long-term vision of the authorities, insufficient resources for co-financing projects, low administrative capacity at central and local level, lack of inter-institutional coordination, public-private partnerships failures and insufficient skilled human resources . We will analyze the number of projects approved and implemented in each region of Romania (2007-2013) to establish the real possibilities of expansion of rural tourism

    The Intercultural Competence of Military Students in the Context of International Mobility

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    This study aims to evaluate intercultural competence for military students before they go on an international mobility stage and after its completion, in order to see if intercultural competence is formed in real intercultural contexts. In the study, we addressed both theoretical and practical aspects of intercultural competence. As an instrument for data collection, an intercultural competency assessment questionnaire was used and, following its application, it was found that the high level of the “knowledge” component of intercultural competence determines a higher level of the other two elements - “attitudes” and “skills”

    The Differences between the Military Field and the Civilian Fields in Terms of Intercultural Competence

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    This study aimed at investigating significant differences in the level of intercultural competence of students before attending an internship of international mobility by the intermediary of the Erasmus Plus program, depending on their field of study. The three areas of study that imply the students attending the research are: military, exact science and humanities. The research was processed by a questionnaire measuring the level of intercultural competence, the items being structured on the three dimensions of intercultural competence: knowledge, attitudes and abilities. The results indicate that significant differences exist only at the level of the attitude’s component, the highest average being registered for the field of exact sciences