385 research outputs found

    Комплексные соединения галогенидов цинка как потенциальные противораковые препараты

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    The purpose of this review is to summarize currently available evidence implicating vitamin K in the pathogenesis of vascular calcification (VC), in particular arterial medial calcification. In doing so, we try to provide a rationale for an interventional clinical study testing whether vitamin K supplementation can retard VC or even affect cardiovascular mortality in chronic kidney disease patients. Additionally, we wish to give an overview of the current literature indicating potential adverse effects of long-term vitamin K antagonists in this population

    Cardiac remodeling in chronic kidney disease

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    Cardiac remodeling occurs frequently in chronic kidney disease patients and affects quality of life and survival. Current treatment options are highly inadequate. As kidney function declines, numerous metabolic pathways are disturbed. Kidney and heart functions are highly connected by organ crosstalk. Among others, altered volume and pressure status, ischemia, accelerated atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis, disturbed mineral metabolism, renal anemia, activation of the renin-angiotensin system, uremic toxins, oxidative stress and upregulation of cytokines stress the sensitive interplay between different cardiac cell types. The fatal consequences are left-ventricular hypertrophy, fibrosis and capillary rarefaction, which lead to systolic and/or diastolic left-ventricular failure. Furthermore, fibrosis triggers electric instability and sudden cardiac death. This review focuses on established and potential pathophysiological cardiorenal crosstalk mechanisms that drive uremia-induced senescence and disease progression, including potential known targets and animal models that might help us to better understand the disease and to identify novel therapeutics

    Renal Proliferative and Phenotypic Changes in Rats With Two-Kidney, One-Clip Goldblatt Hypertension

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    Angiotensin II (All) is a vasoconstrictive peptide with hypertrophic and mitogenic effects on many cell types. Previous studies have shown that in vivo administration of All in rats results in proliferation of, and phenotypic changes in, many renal cell populations, but in doses also causing hypertension. Thus, it was not possible to differentiate nonhemodynamic from hypertensive effects of All. Therefore, we studied rats with renin-dependent, All-mediated hypertension (the two-kidney, oneclip Goldblatt model; mean systolic blood pressure 238 ± 48 ν 140 ± 6 mm Hg in sham-operated controls). The undipped kidneys, which were exposed to high blood pressure, developed significant glomerular and tubulointerstitial injury, tubulointerstitial cell proliferation, dense focal interstitial monocyte-macrophage influx, increased deposition of types I and IV collagen, as well as increased cellular expression of desmin and actin, in tubulointerstitial areas when examined at 11 weeks. In contrast, clipped kidneys, protected from hypertension but with high local renin expression, had minimal abnormalities. These studies suggest that in this model increased renin, and presumably All, does not mediate significant proliferative or phenotypic changes in the kidney in the absence of hypertension at 11 weeks. Am J Hypertens 1994;7:177-18

    Heparin suppresses mesangial cell proliferation and matrix expansion in experimental mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis

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    Heparin suppresses mesangial cell proliferation and matrix expansion in experimental mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis. Proliferation and extracellular matrix (ECM) overproduction by glomerular mesangial cells characterizes many types of glomerulonephritis and often precedes the development of glomerulosclerosis. Heparin is a potent inhibitor of mesangial cell growth in vitro. We examined whether standard heparin can inhibit mesangial cell proliferation in vivo in the mesangioproliferative anti-Thy 1.1 nephritis. Untreated control rats were compared to rats infused with heparin either early (day -2 to 1) or late (day 2 to 5) after induction of anti-Thy 1.1 nephritis. The results show that heparin treatment significantly reduced mesangial cell proliferation regardless of when it was initiated. Heparin (either early or late treatment) also reduced mesangial basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) expression and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptor up-regulation as reflected by immunostaining, whereas PDGF B-chain expression was reduced only by late heparin treatment. Furthermore, heparin treatment markedly inhibited the mesangial matrix expansion for a variety of ECM proteins, including laminin, type I and IV collagen, fibronectin and entactin. Heparin did not affect the initial mesangiolysis, glomerular macrophage influx, deposition of anti-Thy 1.1 IgG or fibrinogen, or the glomerular platelet influx. These results suggest that heparin, via its antiproliferative rather than anticoagulant effect, can inhibit mesangial cell proliferation, overexpression of polypeptide growth factors, and ECM protein overproduction in vivo. The beneficial effect of heparin can be demonstrated even if treatment is initiated after the development of nephritis. By virtue of these properties, heparin may be an effective agent in the treatment of human mesangioproliferative disease and in the prevention of glomerulosclerosis

    Hypoglycemia following intravenous insulin plus glucose for hyperkalemia in patients with impaired renal function

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    Producción CientíficaBackground: Hypoglycemia is a serious complication following the administration of insulin for hyperkalemia. We determined the incidence of hypoglycemia and severe hypoglycemia (blood glucose <70 or ≤40 mg/dl, respectively) in a cohort of AKI and non-dialysis dependent CKD patients who received an intravenous infusion of insulin plus glucose to treat hyperkalemia. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed charts of all AKI and non-dialysis dependent CKD patients who received 10 U of insulin plus 50 g glucose to treat hyperkalemia from December 1, 2013 to May 31, 2015 at our Department. Results: One hundred sixty four episodes of hyperkalemia were treated with insulin plus glucose and were eligible for analysis. Serum potassium levels dropped by 1.18 ± 1.01 mmol/l. Eleven treatments (6.1%) resulted in hypoglycemia and two (1.2%) in severe hypoglycemia. A lower pretreatment blood glucose tended to associate with a higher subsequent risk of hypoglycemia. Age, sex, renal function, an established diagnosis of diabetes or previous treatment were not associated with the development of this complication. We did not register any significant adverse events. Conclusion: Our intravenous regimen combining an infusion of insulin plus glucose effectively reduced serum potassium levels compared to previous studies and associated a low risk of symptomatic hypoglycemia and other complications

    Activated complement C3: A potentially novel predictor of progressive IgA nephropathy

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    Activated complement C3: A potentially novel predictor of progressive IgA nephropathy. In the search for a serologic marker of disease activity, we measured concentrations of activated C3 (actC3, that is, neoantigens developing after C3 activation on breakdown products), C4-C3 complexes and soluble C5b-9 (sC5b-9) in one or two plasma samples from adult patients with IgA nephropathy (IgAN, N = 50) or Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP, N = 4). As controls, 20 patients with non-immune renal disease, but comparable age, degree of proteinuria, renal dysfunction and prevalence of hypertension were studied. Compared to controls, actC3 levels were elevated in 30% of the patients with IgAN and one of the HSP patients. C4-C3 complexes were elevated in only 8% of the IgAN patients, and sC5b-9 levels were within the control range in all IgAN and HSP patients. In IgAN patients with elevated actC3 levels, proteinuria and hematuria were more pronounced than in those with normal levels. Elevated plasma concentrations of actC3 at the first presentation correlated with subsequent deterioration of renal function both in patients with initially normal and already impaired renal function (r = -0.56, N = 44, P = 0.003). The five IgAN patients with elevated actC3 on both occasions of obtaining plasma showed the most rapid loss of renal function. We conclude that mainly alternative pathway complement activation can be demonstrated in patients with IgAN and HSP. In IgAN patients the presence of complement activation is associated with more severe renal disease. Further studies are warranted to examine the clinical usefulness of actC3 as a predictor of the subsequent course of IgAN

    Patients with IgA nephropathy exhibit high systemic PDGF-DD levels

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    Background. Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is a central mediator of mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis (GN). In experimental mesangioproliferative GN, PDGF-DD serum levels, unlike PDGF-BB, increased up to 1000-fold. Methods. We assessed disease activity in 72 patients with GN, established a novel PDGF-D ELISA and then determined their PDGF-DD levels. In parallel, we studied renal PDGF-DD mRNA expression by RT-PCR. Results. PDGF-DD serum levels in patients with IgA nephropathy (IgAN) were significantly higher (1.67 ± 0.45 ng/ml) and in patients with lupus nephritis significantly lower (0.66 ± 0.86 ng/ml) compared to healthy controls (1.17 ± 0.46 ng/ml), while patients with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, membranous GN and ANCA-positive vasculitis did not differ from controls. The subgroup of IgAN patients with elevated PDGF-DD levels (27% of samples) did not differ in their clinical features from those with normal PDGF-DD levels. In IgAN patients with repetitive PDGF-DD determinations, most exhibited only minor fluctuations of serum levels over time. Intrarenal PDGF-DD mRNA expression did not differ between controls and patients, suggesting an extrarenal source of the elevated PDGF-DD in IgAN. Conclusions. Serum PDGF-DD levels were specifically elevated in patients with IgAN, in particular in those with early disease, i.e. preserved renal function. Our data support the rationale for anti-PDGF-DD therapy in mesangioproliferative G

    Localization of PDGF α-receptor in the developing and mature human kidney

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    Localization of PDGF α-receptor in the developing and mature human kidney. Using in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry we describe the renal localization of the PDGF α-receptor. PDGF α-receptor mRNA was uniformly present in human metanephric kidney in interstitial cells and vascular arcades that course through the blastema. PDGF α-receptor mRNA was present in some mesangial structures in early glomeruli, but was largely lost as glomeruli matured. It was present in adventitial fibroblasts, but usually not in vascular smooth muscle cells or endothelial cells of the fetal vasculature. This pattern persisted in adult kidneys, with extensive expression of mRNA by interstitial cells and only occasional expression by mesangial cells. All in situ hybridization findings were corroborated by immunocytochemistry. Double immunolabeling confirmed the rare expression of the PDGF α-receptor protein by vascular smooth muscle cells and the absence of its expression by endothelial cells. Given that both PDGF A- and B-chain can promote smooth muscle cell and fibroblast migration and proliferation and that both signal through the PDGF α-receptor, these data suggest that PDGF α-receptor may play important roles in the early vasculogenesis of the fetal kidney as well as in the pathogenesis of renal interstitial fibrosis

    Magnesium but not nicotinamide prevents vascular calcification in experimental uraemia

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    BACKGROUND: Optimal phosphate control is an unmet need in chronic kidney disease (CKD). High serum phosphate increases calcification burden and is associated with mortality and cardiovascular disease in CKD. Nicotinamide (NA) alone or in combination with calcium-free phosphate binders might be a strategy to reduce phosphate levels and calcification and thus impact cardiovascular disease in CKD. METHODS: We studied the effect of NA alone and in combination with magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) as a potential no

    Lack of evidence does not justify neglect. how can we address unmet medical needs in calciphylaxis

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    Calcific uraemic arteriolopathy (CUA), or calciphylaxis, is a rare disease predominantly occurring in comorbidity with dialysis. Due to the very low frequency of CUA, prospective studies on its management are lacking and even anecdotal reports on treatment remain scarce. Therefore, calciphylaxis is still a challenging disease with dismal prognosis urgently requiring adequate strategies for diagnosis and treatment.In an attempt to fill some of the current gaps in evidence on various, highly debated and controversial aspects of dialysis-associated calciphylaxis, 13 international experts joined the 1st Consensus Conference on CUA, held in Leuven, Belgium on 21 September 2015. The conference was supported by the European Calciphylaxis Network (EuCalNet), which is a task force of the ERA-EDTA scientific working group on Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral and Bone Disorders (CKD-MBD). After an intense discussion, a 9-point Likert scale questionnaire regarding 20 items on calciphylaxis was anonymously answered by each participant. These 20 items addressed unsolved issues in terms of diagnosis and management of calciphylaxis. On the one hand, the analysis of the expert opinions identified areas of general consensus, which might be a valuable aid for physicians treating such a disease with less experience in the field. On the other hand, some topics such as the pertinence of skin biopsy and administration of certain treatments revealed divergent opinions. The aim of the present summary report is to provide some guidance for clinicians who face patients with calciphylaxis in the current setting of absence of evidence-based medicin