242 research outputs found

    Fitness for purpose of routinely recorded health data to identify patients with complex diseases: The case of Sjögren's syndrome

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    Background: This study is part of the EU-funded project HarmonicSS, aimed at improving the treatment and diagnosis of primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS). pSS is an underdiagnosed, long-term autoimmune disease that affects particularly salivary and lachrymal glands. Objectives: We assessed the usability of routinely recorded primary care and hospital claims data for the identification and validation of patients with complex diseases such as pSS. Methods: pSS patients were identified in primary care by translating the formal inclusion and exclusion criteria for pSS into a patient selection algorithm using data from Nivel Primary Care Database (PCD), covering 10% of the Dutch population between 2006 and 2017. As part of a validation exercise, the pSS patients found by the algorithm were compared to Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) recorded in the national hospital insurance claims database (DIS) between 2013 and 2017. Results: International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC) coded general practitioner (GP) contacts combined with the mention of “Sjögren” in the disease episode titles, were found to best translate the formal classification criteria to a selection algorithm for pSS. A total of 1462 possible pSS patients were identified in primary care (mean prevalence 0.7‰, against 0.61‰ reported globally). The DIS contained 208 545 patients with a Sjögren related DRG or ICD10 code (prevalence 2017: 2.73‰). A total of 2 577 577 patients from Nivel PCD were linked to the DIS database. A total of 716 of the linked pSS patients (55.3%) were confirmed based on the DIS. Conclusion: Our study finds that GP electronic health records (EHRs) lack the granular information needed to apply the formal diagnostic criteria for pSS. The developed algorithm resulted in a patient selection that approximates the expected prevalence and characteristics, although only slightly over half of the patients were confirmed using the DIS. Without more detailed diagnostic information, the fitness for purpose of routine EHR data for patient identification and validation could not be determined

    Prevalence and incidence rate of hospital admissions related to medication between 2008 and 2013 in The Netherlands

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    PURPOSE: In 2009 a Dutch guideline was published containing recommendations to reduce Hospital Admissions Related to Medications (HARMs). This study aims to examine time-trends of HARMs and their potential preventability between 2008 and 2013 in The Netherlands. METHODS: A retrospective prevalence study was conducted using the Dutch PHARMO Database Network. A semi-automated pre-selection was used to make a crude identification of possible HARMs of which four samples were selected. These were independently assessed with respect to causality and potential preventability by a physician and pharmacist. The results were stratified by age into 18-64 years and 65 years and older. For these groups the net prevalences and incidence rates of HARMs and potentially preventable HARMs were calculated for the years 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2013. RESULTS: Four samples of 467 (2008), 447 (2009), 446 (2011) and 408 (2013) admissions were assessed. The net prevalence of HARMs in the 18-64 years group was approximately four times smaller compared to the older group with a mean prevalence of 2.7% (95% confidence interval [CI]:2.4%-3.0%) and 10.2% (95%CI: 9.7%-10.7%) respectively. The potential preventability was 25.1% (18.4%-31.8%) and 48.3% (95%CI: 44.8%-51.8%), respectively. The prevalence of HARMs in both groups did not change significantly between 2008 and 2013 with 2.4% (95%CI: 1.9%-3.0%) and 10.0% (95%CI: 9.0%-11.0%) in 2008 and 3.1% (2.7%-3.5%) and 10.4% (95%CI: 9.4%-11.4%) in 2013, respectively. CONCLUSION: Despite efforts to reduce HARMs, the prevalence did not decrease over time. Additional measures are therefore necessary, especially in the elderly population

    Human Gyrovirus Apoptin shows a similar subcellular distribution pattern and apoptosis induction as the chicken anaemia virus derived VP3/Apoptin

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    The chicken anaemia virus-derived protein Apoptin/VP3 (CAV-Apoptin) has the important ability to induce tumour-selective apoptosis in a variety of human cancer cells. Recently the first human Gyrovirus (HGyV) was isolated from a human skin swab. It shows significant structural and organisational resemblance to CAV and encodes a homologue of CAV-Apoptin/VP3. Using overlapping primers we constructed a synthetic human Gyrovirus Apoptin (HGyV-Apoptin) fused to green fluorescent protein in order to compare its apoptotic function in various human cancer cell lines to CAV-Apoptin. HGyV-Apoptin displayed a similar subcellular expression pattern as observed for CAV-Apoptin, marked by translocation to the nucleus of cancer cells, although it is predominantly located in the cytosol of normal human cells. Furthermore, expression of either HGyV-Apoptin or CAV-Apoptin in several cancer cell lines triggered apoptosis at comparable levels. These findings indicate a potential anti-cancer role for HGyV-Apoptin

    Long-Term Survival in a Large Cohort of Patients with Venous Thrombosis: Incidence and Predictors

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    Linda Flinterman and colleagues report on the long-term mortality rate for individuals who have experienced a first venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism. They describe an ongoing elevated risk of death for individuals who had experienced a venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism as compared to controls, for up to eight years after the event

    The Keele community knee pain forum: action research to engage with stakeholders about the prevention of knee pain and disability

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Involvement of users in health care research is central to UK health care policy, and guidelines for involvement exist. However, there are limited examples in rheumatology research. The aim of this study was to establish a community knee pain forum aimed at engaging stakeholders in design, dissemination and prioritisation of knee pain research.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Ten people were recruited to the forum representing a wide range of agencies. These included Weight Watchers, the leisure industry, Beth Johnson Foundation, health and social care professionals and the public. Three two-hour meetings over a two-year period were held. Experienced qualitative researchers facilitated each meeting. Written feedback after each meeting was elicited, and a short evaluation form was mailed to all members after the final meeting.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Establishing and maintaining a forum of mixed members required careful preparation and ongoing support. Meetings had to be well-structured in order to allow for balanced participation of lay and professional users. Users contributed to the design of methods, provided ideas for dissemination and set priorities for further research. Clear documentation of meetings ensured that users' contributions to the research cycle were transparent.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our knee pain forum illustrates that community engagement can have a positive impact on the development, dissemination and implementation of health research. Engaging with non-academic partners enables mutual learning and this enhances the quality of NHS research.</p

    Squaring the circle: a priority-setting method for evidence-based service development, reconciling research with multiple stakeholder views.

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    BACKGROUND: This study demonstrates a technique to aid the implementation of research findings through an example of improving services and self-management in longer-term depression. In common with other long-term conditions, policy in this field requires innovation to be undertaken in the context of a whole system of care, be cost-effective, evidence-based and to comply with national clinical guidelines. At the same time, successful service development must be acceptable to clinicians and service users and choices must be made within limited resources. This paper describes a novel way of resolving these competing requirements by reconciling different sources and types of evidence and systematically engaging multiple stakeholder views. METHODS: The study combined results from mathematical modelling of the care pathway, research evidence on effective interventions and findings from qualitative research with service users in a series of workshops to define, refine and select candidate service improvements. A final consensus-generating workshop used structured discussion and anonymised electronic voting. This was followed by an email survey to all stakeholders, to achieve a pre-defined criterion of consensus for six suggestions for implementation. RESULTS: An initial list of over 20 ideas was grouped into four main areas. At the final workshop, each idea was presented in person, visually and in writing to 40 people, who assigned themselves to one or more of five stakeholder groups: i) service users and carers, ii) clinicians, iii) managers, iv) commissioners and v) researchers. Many belonged to more than one group. After two rounds of voting, consensus was reached on seven ideas and one runner up. The survey then confirmed the top six ideas to be tested in practice. CONCLUSIONS: The method recruited and retained people with diverse experience and views within a health community and took account of a full range of evidence. It enabled a diverse group of stakeholders to travel together in a direction that converged with the messages coming out of the research and successfully yielded priorities for service improvement that met competing requirements

    Clinical practice. Diagnosis and treatment of cow’s milk allergy

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    Introduction Cow's milk allergy (CMA) is thought to affect 2-3% of infants. The signs and symptoms are nonspecific and may be difficult to objectify, and as the diagnosis requires cow's milk elimination followed by challenge, often, children are considered cow's milk allergic without proven diagnosis. Diagnosis Because of the consequences, a correct diagnosis of CMA is pivotal. Open challenges tend to overestimate the number of children with CMA. The only reliable way to diagnose CMA is by double-blind, placebo-controlled challenge (DBPCFC). Therapy At present, the only proven treatment consists of elimination of cow's milk protein from the child's diet and the introduction of formulas based on extensively hydrolysed whey protein or casein; amino acid-based formula is rarely indicated. The majority of children will regain tolerance to cow's milk within the first 5 years of life. Conclusions Open challenges can be used to reject CMA, but for adequate diagnosis, DBPCFC is mandatory. In most children, CMA can be adequately treated with extensively hydrolysed whey protein or casein formulas

    Allergenic Lipid Transfer Proteins from Plant-Derived Foods Do Not Immunologically and Clinically Behave Homogeneously: The Kiwifruit LTP as a Model

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    BACKGROUND: Food allergy is increasingly common worldwide. Tools for allergy diagnosis measuring IgE improved much since allergenic molecules and microarrays started to be used. IgE response toward allergens belonging to the same group of molecules has not been comprehensively explored using such approach yet. OBJECTIVE: Using the model of lipid transfer proteins (LTPs) from plants as allergens, including two new structures, we sought to define how heterogeneous is the behavior of homologous proteins. METHODS: Two new allergenic LTPs, Act d 10 and Act c 10, have been identified in green (Actinidia deliciosa) and gold (Actinidia chinensis) kiwifruit (KF), respectively, using clinically characterized allergic patients, and their biochemical features comparatively evaluated by means of amino acid sequence alignments. Along with other five LTPs from peach, mulberry, hazelnut, peanut, mugwort, KF LTPs, preliminary tested positive for IgE, have been immobilized on a microarray, used for IgE testing 1,003 allergic subjects. Comparative analysis has been carried out. RESULTS: Alignment of Act d 10 primary structure with the other allergenic LTPs shows amino acid identities to be in a narrow range between 40 and 55%, with a number of substitutions making the sequences quite different from each other. Although peach LTP dominates the IgE immune response in terms of prevalence, epitope recognition driven by sequence heterogeneity has been recorded to be distributed in a wide range of behaviors. KF LTPs IgE positive results were obtained in a patient subset IgE positive for the peach LTP. Anyhow, the negative results on homologous molecules allowed us to reintroduce KF in patients' diet. CONCLUSION: The biochemical nature of allergenic molecule belonging to a group of homologous ones should not be taken as proof of immunological recognition as well. The availability of panels of homologous molecules to be tested using microarrays is valuable to address the therapeutic intervention
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