157 research outputs found

    Groundwater N2O emission factors of nitrate-contaminated aquifers as derived from denitrification progress and N2O accumulation

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    We investigated the dynamics of denitrification and nitrous oxide (N2O) accumulation in 4 nitrate (NO3-) contaminated denitrifying sand and gravel aquifers of northern Germany (Fuhrberg, Sulingen, Thulsfelde and Gottingen) to quantify their potential N2O emission and to evaluate existing concepts of N2O emission factors. Excess N-2 - N-2 produced by denitrification - was determined by using the argon (Ar) concentration in groundwater as a natural inert tracer, assuming that this noble gas functions as a stable component and does not change during denitrification. Furthermore, initial NO3- concentrations (NO3- that enters the groundwater) were derived from excess N-2 and actual NO3- concentrations in groundwater in order to determine potential indirect N2O emissions as a function of the N input. Median concentrations of N2O and excess N-2 ranged from 3 to 89 mu g N L-1 and from 3 to 10 mg N L-1, respectively. Reaction progress (RP) of denitrification was determined as the ratio between products (N2O-N + excess N-2) and starting material (initial NO3- concentration) of the process, characterizing the different stages of denitrification. N2O concentrations were lowest at RP close to 0 and RP close to 1 but relatively high at a RP between 0.2 and 0.6. For the first time, we report groundwater N2O emission factors consisting of the ratio between N2O-N and initial NO3--N concentrations (EF1). In addition, we determined a groundwater emission factor (EF2) using a previous concept consisting of the ratio between N2O-N and actual NO3--N concentrations. Depending on RP, EF(1) resulted in smaller values compared to EF(2), demonstrating (i) the relevance of NO3- consumption and consequently (ii) the need to take initial NO3--N concentrations into account. In general, both evaluated emission factors were highly variable within and among the aquifers. The site medians ranged between 0.00043-0.00438 for EF(1) and 0.00092-0.01801 for EF(2), respectively. For the aquifers of Fuhrberg and Sulingen, we found EF(1) median values which are close to the 2006 IPCC default value of 0.0025. In contrast, we determined significant lower EF values for the aquifers of Thulsfelde and Gottingen. Summing the results up, our study supports the substantial downward revision of the IPCC default EF5-g from 0.015 (1997) to 0.0025 (2006).DF

    Dem Stickstoff auf der Spur: N2O Prozesse und Nmin Dynamik nach Grünlanderneuerung

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    Eine weit verbreitete Maßnahme des Grünlandmanagements, die zur Beseitigung von Narbenschäden und zur Steigerung der Futterqualität in unproduktiven Grünländern angewendet wird, ist die Grünlanderneuerung. Die mechanische Bearbeitung von Grünlandböden und die dadurch gesteigerte Mineralisation durch den Abbau organischer Bodensubstanz und der alten Grasnarbe kann zu hohen N-Verlusten in Form des klimarelevanten Treibhausgases Lachgas (N2O) und/oder Nitratauswaschung (NO3-) führen. Bisher gibt es jedoch über die Dauer des beschriebenen Effektes, sowie den Einfluss unterschiedlicher Grünlanderneuerungstechniken nur wenige Informationen. Insbesondere für die nationale Treibhausgasbilanzierung ist es jedoch von Bedeutung, die Prozesse der N2O Umsetzung und ihre Quellen zu kennen und zu erfassen, da sich nur so Maßnahmen zur Emissionsminderung ableiten lassen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein Parzellenversuch (2013-2015) auf zwei Standorten (Plaggenesch, Anmoorgley) in der Nähe von Oldenburg (Niedersachsen) mit unterschiedlichen Erneuerungsvarianten etabliert. Als Referenzvarianten dienten: Grünlandumwandlung in Ackerland (Mais) und langjähriges Dauergrünland. Die N2O Flüsse und die Dynamik des mineralischen N (Nmin) wurden über einen Zeitraum von zwei Jahren untersucht. Zusätzlich wurden Nmin Profile (0-90 cm) genutzt, um den N-Verlust über Winter zu quantifizieren und das Risiko einer möglichen NO3- Auswaschung abzuschätzen. Obwohl die N2O Flüsse für einen kurzen Zeitraum (2 Monate) nach der Bearbeitung erhöht waren, konnte kein Jahreseffekt festgestellt werden. Im ersten Winter nach dem Aufbrechen der alten Grasnarbe trat jedoch für den Plaggenesch ein erhöhtes Risiko für NO3- Auswaschung auf. Die Untersuchung der N2O-Produktionswege und der N2O-Reduktion zu N2 (dem Endprodukt der Denitrifikation) erfolgte unter Nutzung stabiler Isotope. Hierzu wurde die 15N-Gasflussmethode im Sommer 2014 angewendet (1). Zusätzlich wurden natürlich vorhandene stabile Isotopensignaturen im bodenbürtigen N2O (δ15NbulkN2O, δ18ON2O und δ15NSPN2O = intramolekulare Verteilung von 15N im N2O Molekül) genutzt, um Quellen der N2O-Bildung im ersten Jahr nach Grünlanderneuerung (2013-2014) zu ermitteln. Auf dem Anmoorgley wurden große N-Verluste durch den Prozess der Denitrifikation bestimmt, wobei N2 die Emissionen dominerte. Für den Plaggenesch konnten generell geringere gasförmige Verluste festgestellt werden

    Sampling frequency affects estimates of annual nitrous oxide fluxes

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    Quantifying nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes, a potent greenhouse gas, from soils is necessary to improve our knowledge of terrestrial N2O losses. Developing universal sampling frequencies for calculating annual N2O fluxes is difficult, as fluxes are renowned for their high temporal variability. We demonstrate daily sampling was largely required to achieve annual N2O fluxes within 10% of the "best" estimate for 28 annual datasets collected from three continents - Australia, Europe and Asia. Decreasing the regularity of measurements either under- or overestimated annual N2O fluxes, with a maximum overestimation of 935%. Measurement frequency was lowered using a sampling strategy based on environmental factors known to affect temporal variability, but still required sampling more than once a week. Consequently, uncertainty in current global terrestrial N2O budgets associated with the upscaling of field-based datasets can be decreased significantly using adequate sampling frequencies

    Dynamics of carbon pools in post-agrogenic sandy soils of southern taiga of Russia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Until recently, a lot of arable lands were abandoned in many countries of the world and, especially, in Russia, where about half a million square kilometers of arable lands were abandoned in 1961-2007. The soils at these fallows undergo a process of natural restoration (or self-restoration) that changes the balance of soil organic matter (SOM) supply and mineralization.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A soil chronosequence study, covering the ecosystems of 3, 20, 55, 100, and 170 years of self-restoration in southern taiga zone, shows that soil organic content of mineral horizons remains relatively stable during the self-restoration. This does not imply, however, that SOM pools remain steady. The C/N ratio of active SOM reached steady state after 55 years, and increased doubly (from 12.5 - 15.6 to 32.2-33.8). As to the C/N ratio of passive SOM, it has been continuously increasing (from 11.8-12.7 to 19.0-22.8) over the 170 years, and did not reach a steady condition.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results of the study imply that soil recovery at the abandoned arable sandy lands of taiga is incredibly slow process. Not only soil morphological features of a former ploughing remained detectable but also the balance of soil organic matter input and mineralization remained unsteady after 170 years of self-restoration.</p