362 research outputs found

    Religious Capital and Religious Rewards: A Study in the Economics of Religious Life

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    Religious life is studied by way suggested by the rational choice theory and the religious capital theory. The basic contentions of the theory on the nature of religious life having to do with an exchange upon a religious market, by firms offering compensators and rewards, and consumers, is considered. In the empirical analysis, it was validated that the independent (religious capital) and dependent (religious rewards of two types) were empirically separate constructs. Cross-sectional analysis of survey data indicated a very strong association between religious capital and institutional and ritual experience rewards within religious life, at a cross-cultural analysis, including Bosnian Muslims, Serbian Orthodox, Slovenian Catholics and US Protestants. The association was confirmed as robust at regression inspection with religious socialization. This extends further support for the empirical validity these novel theories of religious life and extensions of economic analysis into religious lifeReligious capital, Economics of religious life, Rational choice, Religious costs, Religious rewards

    Present Day Serbian Orthodoxy

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    Slijepe ulice u različitim objašnjenima raspada bivše Jugoslavije

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    In this paper certain attractive explanations, present in sociological and other scholarship, on the dismemberment of Yugoslavia are considered, by reviewing them in light of certain thus far unpublished survey and census data on the former Yugoslavia, immediately preceding the dismemberment. Particularly one influential, but biased explanation of the dissolution of the former Yugoslavia is considered. Books by the sociologist Stjepan Meštrović merit particular attention in the depiction of bias towards the Yugoslav break-up. It is refuted that there was an in-depth incompatibility based on authoritarianism of any nationality, on emotional instability\u27 of any nationality, of ethnic stratification, of ethnic distance among the basic groups, which may explain the break-up. Instead, it is proposed that the break-up be explained by a maturation of nationalities, where the former Yugoslavia served as a nation-building institution, but for numerous nationalities.Članak raspravlja o odabranim “atraktivnim” studijama i objašnjenjima raspadanja bivše Jugoslavije. Za preispitivanje i odbacivanje jedne od najraširenijih hipoteza, one Stjepana Meštrovića - da je raspad bivše Jugoslavije povezan s duboko ugrađenim neskladom među nacijama članicama, a koji se nesklad temelji na autoritarizmu, emocionalnoj nestabilnosti, etničkoj stratifikaciji i etničkoj distanci - koristili smo neobjavljene anketne i popisne podatke. Umjesto te, članak predlaže pretpostavku da bi raspad Jugoslavije bilo moguće objasniti sazrijevanjem naroda, pri čemu je savezna država Jugoslavija poslužila brojnim narodima kao institucija građenja nacije (nation-building)

    Slijepe ulice u različitim objašnjenima raspada bivše Jugoslavije

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    In this paper certain attractive explanations, present in sociological and other scholarship, on the dismemberment of Yugoslavia are considered, by reviewing them in light of certain thus far unpublished survey and census data on the former Yugoslavia, immediately preceding the dismemberment. Particularly one influential, but biased explanation of the dissolution of the former Yugoslavia is considered. Books by the sociologist Stjepan Meštrović merit particular attention in the depiction of bias towards the Yugoslav break-up. It is refuted that there was an in-depth incompatibility based on authoritarianism of any nationality, on emotional instability\u27 of any nationality, of ethnic stratification, of ethnic distance among the basic groups, which may explain the break-up. Instead, it is proposed that the break-up be explained by a maturation of nationalities, where the former Yugoslavia served as a nation-building institution, but for numerous nationalities.Članak raspravlja o odabranim “atraktivnim” studijama i objašnjenjima raspadanja bivše Jugoslavije. Za preispitivanje i odbacivanje jedne od najraširenijih hipoteza, one Stjepana Meštrovića - da je raspad bivše Jugoslavije povezan s duboko ugrađenim neskladom među nacijama članicama, a koji se nesklad temelji na autoritarizmu, emocionalnoj nestabilnosti, etničkoj stratifikaciji i etničkoj distanci - koristili smo neobjavljene anketne i popisne podatke. Umjesto te, članak predlaže pretpostavku da bi raspad Jugoslavije bilo moguće objasniti sazrijevanjem naroda, pri čemu je savezna država Jugoslavija poslužila brojnim narodima kao institucija građenja nacije (nation-building)

    The psychometric properties of the Slovenian translation of the Francis Scale of Attitude toward Christianity : a study among Roman Catholic undergraduate students

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    In order to contribute to a growing international research programme concerned with the correlations, antecedents and consequences of individual differences in attitude toward religion, the Francis Scale of Attitude toward Christianity was translated into Slovenian. Data provided by a sample of 808 undergraduate students affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church supported the internal consistency reliability and construct validity of this instrument and commended it for further use in studies conducted in Slovenia


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    To nye medarbejdere i skoletjenesten

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    Inden for det sidste par måneder har skole tjenesten for en periode fået to nye medarbejdere: Martin Holst og Kamma Lauridsen. Her præsenterer de sig

    Hvad sagde pressen?

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    Steno Museet har fået både stor og god pressedækning af de to nye basisudstillinger, som åbnede i efteråret 2018. Her bringer vi et udpluk

    Was Tito’s Yugoslavia Totalitarian?

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    Sabor Hrvatske 2006. godine i Ustavni sud Slovenije prošle godine označili su celokupno uređenje iz vremena „Titove Jugoslavije“ (1945-1990) kao „totalitarno“, bez vremenskih ili sadržinskih ograničenja svoje kvalifikacije. Slovenački sud je na osnovu toga zabranio dalju upotrebu Titovog imena prilikom davanja naziva ulica i trgova u Sloveniji. Pri tome, nijedno od ta dva tela nije se pozivalo na sistematska razmatranja totalitarizma, niti su analizirali taj pojam niti njegovo prisustvo. Teško je negirati da je Jugoslavija 1945. godine formirana pretežno kao totalitarna država. U ovom razmatranju se negira da bi uređenje u Jugoslaviji posle sredine 60-ih godina bilo totalitarno, u pogledu bilo kojeg od elemenata koje pružaju Fridrih (Friedrich) i Bžežinski (Brzezinski) u svojoj klasičnoj studiji iz 1956. godine. U Jugoslaviji 60-ih godina je izlazilo više miliona primeraka verske štampe godišnje, a privredna preduzeća nisu funkcionisala u okviru naturalne planske privrede. Što se tiče političkog uređenja, koje je zvanično bilo jednopartijsko, republike (a od 1971. i pokrajine) delovale su kao autonomni politički sistemi, brinule su za svoje interese, čak se oko njih i sukobljavale. Iako je Tito bio imenovan za predsednika sa stalnim mandatom i mada se gajio njegov kult, njegova vlast bila je ograničena suprotstavljenim federalnim karakterom države.State entities in Croatia and Slovenia have recently indiscriminately designated Tito’s Yugoslavia as totalitarian without reservations. Neither of these authorities referred to any systematic considerations of totalitarianism, nor did they analyze the manner of the alleged system’s presence and its time limits. As of the middle of 1960’s millions of copies of religious newspapers were published and economic enterprises did not operate under full state control as in command economies of the Soviet bloc. The republics were autonomous players and catered for their interests. The political police (UD BA) operated in a decentralized manner, without unquestionable authority of the center. Although Tito’s cult was promoted, his power was limited by the federal nature of the state. As to other elements of totalitarianism, they also could not be found in the period


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