362 research outputs found

    Understanding the acceptability, barriers and facilitators for chlamydia and gonorrhoea screening in technical colleges: qualitative process evaluation of the "Test n Treat" trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Low uptake of sexually transmitted infection testing by sexually active young people is a worldwide public health problem. Screening in non-medical settings has been suggested as a method to improve uptake. The "Test n Treat" feasibility trial offered free, on-site rapid chlamydia/gonorrhoea tests with same day treatment for chlamydia (and gonorrhoea treatment at a local clinic,) to sexually active students (median age 17 years) at six technical colleges in London. Despite high rates of chlamydia (6% prevalence), uptake of testing was low (< 15%). In a qualitative study we explored the acceptability, including barriers and facilitators to uptake, of on-site chlamydia screening. METHODS: In 2016-17 we conducted a qualitative study in the interpretative tradition using face to face or telephone semi-structured interviews with students (n = 26), teaching staff (n = 3) and field researchers (n = 4). Interviews were digitally recorded, transcribed and thematically analysed. RESULTS: From the student perspective, feelings of embarrassment and the potential for stigma were deterrents to sexually transmitted infection testing. While the non-medical setting was viewed as mitigating against stigma, for some students volunteering to be screened exposed them to detrimental judgements by their peers. A small financial incentive to be screened was regarded as legitimising volunteering in a non-discrediting way. Staff and researchers confirmed these views. The very low level of knowledge about sexually transmitted infections influenced students to not view themselves as candidates for testing. There were also suggestions that some teenagers considered themselves invulnerable to sexually transmitted infections despite engaging in risky sexual behaviours. Students and researchers reported the strong influence peers had on uptake, or not, of sexually transmitted infection testing. CONCLUSIONS: This study offers new insights into the acceptability of college-based sexually transmitted infection screening to young, multi-ethnic students. Future studies in similar high risk, hard to reach groups should consider linking testing with education about sexually transmitted infections, offering non stigmatising incentives and engaging peer influencers

    Direct photon production with effective field theory

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    The production of hard photons in hadronic collisions is studied using Soft-Collinear Effective Theory (SCET). This is the first application of SCET to a physical, observable cross section involving energetic partons in more than two directions. A factorization formula is derived which involves a non-trivial interplay of the angular dependence in the hard and soft functions, both quark and gluon jet functions, and multiple partonic channels. The relevant hard, jet and soft functions are computed to one loop and their anomalous dimensions are determined to three loops. The final resummed inclusive direct photon distribution is valid to next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic order (NNLL), one order beyond previous work. The result is improved by including non-logarithmic terms and photon isolation cuts through matching, and compared to Tevatron data and to fixed order results at the Tevatron and the LHC. The resummed cross section has a significantly smaller theoretical uncertainty than the next-to-leading fixed-order result, particularly at high transverse momentum.Comment: 42 pages, 9 figures; v2: references added, minor changes; v3: typos; v4: typos, corrections in (16), (47), (72

    'Test n Treat' (TnT): a cluster randomized feasibility trial of on-site rapid Chlamydia trachomatis tests and treatment in ethnically diverse, sexually active teenagers attending technical colleges.

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    Objectives We conducted a cluster-randomized feasibility trial of 90-minute Chlamydia trachomatis tests and same day on-site treatment (‘Test n Treat/TnT’) in six technical colleges in London, England, to assess TnT uptake rates; follow-up rates; prevalence of C. trachomatis at baseline and 7 months; time to treatment; acceptability of TnT. Methods Participants completed questionnaires and provided genitourinary samples at baseline and 7 months. Participants were informed that baseline samples would not be tested for 7 months and were advised to get screened independently. Colleges were randomly allocated 1:1 to intervention (TnT) or control (no TnT). One month and 4 months post recruitment, participants at intervention colleges were texted invitations for on-site free C. trachomatis tests. A purposive sample of students who did/did not attend for screening were interviewed (n = 26). Results Five hundred and nine sexually active students were recruited: median age 17.9 years, 47% male, 50% black ethnicity, 55% reporting two or more sexual partners in the previous year. TnT uptake was 13% (33/259; 95% CI 8.9–17.4%) at 1 month and 10% (26/259; 6.7–14.4%) at 4 months with overall C. trachomatis positivity 5.1% (3/59; 1.1–14.2%). Follow-up at 7 months was 62% (317/509) for questionnaires and 52% (264/509) for samples. C. trachomatis prevalence was 6.2% (31/503) at baseline and 6.1% (16/264) at 7 months. Median time from test to treatment was 15 h. Interviews suggested low test uptake was associated with not feeling at risk, perceptions of stigma, and little knowledge of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Conclusions Despite high C. trachomatis rates at baseline and follow-up, uptake of testing was low. Like many countries, England urgently needs better sex education, including making STI testing routine/normal. Trial registration ISRCTN5803879

    'Test n Treat' (TnT): a cluster randomized feasibility trial of on-site rapid Chlamydia trachomatis tests and treatment in ethnically diverse, sexually active teenagers attending technical colleges.

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    Objectives We conducted a cluster-randomized feasibility trial of 90-minute Chlamydia trachomatis tests and same day on-site treatment (‘Test n Treat/TnT’) in six technical colleges in London, England, to assess TnT uptake rates; follow-up rates; prevalence of C. trachomatis at baseline and 7 months; time to treatment; acceptability of TnT. Methods Participants completed questionnaires and provided genitourinary samples at baseline and 7 months. Participants were informed that baseline samples would not be tested for 7 months and were advised to get screened independently. Colleges were randomly allocated 1:1 to intervention (TnT) or control (no TnT). One month and 4 months post recruitment, participants at intervention colleges were texted invitations for on-site free C. trachomatis tests. A purposive sample of students who did/did not attend for screening were interviewed (n = 26). Results Five hundred and nine sexually active students were recruited: median age 17.9 years, 47% male, 50% black ethnicity, 55% reporting two or more sexual partners in the previous year. TnT uptake was 13% (33/259; 95% CI 8.9–17.4%) at 1 month and 10% (26/259; 6.7–14.4%) at 4 months with overall C. trachomatis positivity 5.1% (3/59; 1.1–14.2%). Follow-up at 7 months was 62% (317/509) for questionnaires and 52% (264/509) for samples. C. trachomatis prevalence was 6.2% (31/503) at baseline and 6.1% (16/264) at 7 months. Median time from test to treatment was 15 h. Interviews suggested low test uptake was associated with not feeling at risk, perceptions of stigma, and little knowledge of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Conclusions Despite high C. trachomatis rates at baseline and follow-up, uptake of testing was low. Like many countries, England urgently needs better sex education, including making STI testing routine/normal. Trial registration ISRCTN5803879

    RG-improved single-particle inclusive cross sections and forward-backward asymmetry in ttˉt\bar t production at hadron colliders

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    We use techniques from soft-collinear effective theory (SCET) to derive renormalization-group improved predictions for single-particle inclusive (1PI) observables in top-quark pair production at hadron colliders. In particular, we study the top-quark transverse-momentum and rapidity distributions, the forward-backward asymmetry at the Tevatron, and the total cross section at NLO+NNLL order in resummed perturbation theory and at approximate NNLO in fixed order. We also perform a detailed analysis of power corrections to the leading terms in the threshold expansion of the partonic hard-scattering kernels. We conclude that, although the threshold expansion in 1PI kinematics is susceptible to numerically significant power corrections, its predictions for the total cross section are in good agreement with those obtained by integrating the top-pair invariant-mass distribution in pair invariant-mass kinematics, as long as a certain set of subleading terms appearing naturally within the SCET formalism is included.Comment: 55 pages, 14 figures, 6 table

    Factorization and resummation of s-channel single top quark production

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    In this paper we study the factorization and resummation of s-channel single top quark production in the Standard Model at both the Tevatron and the LHC. We show that the production cross section in the threshold limit can be factorized into a convolution of hard function, soft function and jet function via soft-collinear-effective-theory (SCET), and resummation can be performed using renormalization group equation in the momentum space resummation formalism. We find that in general, the resummation effects enhance the Next-to-Leading-Order (NLO) cross sections by about 33%-5% at both the Tevatron and the LHC, and significantly reduce the factorization scale dependence of the total cross section at the Tevatron, while at the LHC we find that the factorization scale dependence has not been improved, compared with the NLO results.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures; version published in JHE

    A national survey of medical education fellowships

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    Purpose: The purpose of our study was to determine the prevalence, focus, time commitment, graduation requirements and programme evaluation methods of medical education fellowships throughout the United States. Medical education fellowships are defined as a single cohort of medical teaching faculty who participate in an extended faculty development programme. Methods: A 26-item online questionnaire was distributed to all US medical schools (n=127) in 2005 and 2006. The questionnaire asked each school if it had a medical education fellowship and the characteristics of the fellowship programme. Results: Almost half (n=55) of the participating schools (n=120, response rate 94.5 %) reported having fellowships. Duration (10&#x2013;584 hours) and length (&#60;1 month&#x2013;48 months) varied; most focused on teaching skills, scholarly dissemination and curriculum design, and required the completion of a scholarly project. A majority collected participant satisfaction; few used other programme evaluation strategies. Conclusions: The number of medical education fellowships increased rapidly during the 1990s and 2000s. Across the US, programmes are similar in participant characteristics and curricular focus but unique in completion requirements. Fellowships collect limited programme evaluation data, indicating a need for better outcome data. These results provide benchmark data for those implementing or revising existing medical education fellowships

    Supersymmetric contributions to Bˉsϕπ0\bar{B}_s \to \phi \pi^0 and Bˉsϕρ0\bar{B}_s \to \phi \rho^0 decays in SCET

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    We study the decay modes Bˉsϕπ0\bar{B}_s\to \phi \pi^0 and Bˉsϕρ0\bar{B}_s\to \phi \rho^0 using Soft Collinear Effective Theory. Within Standard Model and including the error due to the SU(3) breaking effect in the SCET parameters we find that BR Bˉsϕπ0=712+1+2×108\bar{B}_s\to \phi \pi^0 =7_{-1-2}^{+1+2}\times 10^{-8} and BR Bˉsϕπ0=914+1+3×108\bar{B}_s\to \phi \pi^0=9_{-1-4}^{+1+3}\times 10^{-8} corresponding to solution 1 and solution 2 of the SCET parameters respectively.For the decay mode Bˉsϕρ0\bar{B}_s\to \phi \rho^0, we find that BR Bˉsϕρ0=20.2112+1+9×108\bar{B}_s\to \phi \rho^0 = 20.2^{+1+9}_{-1-12}\times 10^{-8} and BR Bˉsϕρ0=34.01.522+1.5+15×108 \bar{B}_s\to \phi \rho^0 = 34.0^{+1.5 + 15}_{-1.5-22}\times 10^{-8} corresponding to solution 1 and solution 2 of the SCET parameters respectively. We extend our study to include supersymmetric models with non-universal A-terms where the dominant contributions arise from diagrams mediated by gluino and chargino exchanges. We show that gluino contributions can not lead to an enhancement of the branching ratios of Bˉsϕπ0\bar{B}_s\to \phi \pi^0 and Bˉsϕρ0\bar{B}_s\to \phi \rho^0. In addition, we show that SUSY contributions mediated by chargino exchange can enhance the branching ratio of Bˉsϕπ0\bar{B}_s\to \phi \pi^0 by about 14% with respect to the SM prediction. For the branching ratio of Bˉsϕρ0\bar{B}_s\to \phi \rho^0, we find that SUSY contributions can enhance its value by about 1% with respect to the SM prediction.Comment: 25 pages,5 figures, version accepted for publicatio

    The cancer preventative agent resveratrol is converted to the anticancer agent piceatannol by the cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP1B1

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    Resveratrol is a cancer preventative agent that is found in red wine. Piceatannol is a closely related stilbene that has antileukaemic activity and is also a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Piceatannol differs from resveratrol by having an additional aromatic hydroxy group. The enzyme CYP1B1 is overexpressed in a wide variety of human tumours and catalyses aromatic hydroxylation reactions. We report here that the cancer preventative agent resveratrol undergoes metabolism by the cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP1B1 to give a metabolite which has been identified as the known antileukaemic agent piceatannol. The metabolite was identified by high performance liquid chromatography analysis using fluorescence detection and the identity of the metabolite was further confirmed by derivatisation followed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry studies using authentic piceatannol for comparison. This observation provides a novel explanation for the cancer preventative properties of resveratrol. It demonstrates that a natural dietary cancer preventative agent can be converted to a compound with known anticancer activity by an enzyme that is found in human tumours. Importantly this result gives insight into the functional role of CYP1B1 and provides evidence for the concept that CYP1B1 in tumours may be functioning as a growth suppressor enzyme

    Tau Reduction Does Not Prevent Motor Deficits in Two Mouse Models of Parkinson's Disease

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    Many neurodegenerative diseases are increasing in prevalence and cannot be prevented or cured. If they shared common pathogenic mechanisms, treatments targeting such mechanisms might be of benefit in multiple conditions. The tau protein has been implicated in the pathogenesis of diverse neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD). Tau reduction prevents cognitive deficits, behavioral abnormalities and other pathological changes in multiple AD mouse models. Here we examined whether tau reduction also prevents motor deficits and pathological alterations in two mouse models of PD, generated by unilateral striatal injection of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) or transgene-mediated neuronal expression of human wildtype α-synuclein. Both models were evaluated on Tau+/+, Tau+/– and Tau–/– backgrounds in a variety of motor tests. Tau reduction did not prevent motor deficits caused by 6-OHDA and slightly worsened one of them. Tau reduction also did not prevent 6-OHDA-induced loss of dopaminergic terminals in the striatum. Similarly, tau reduction did not prevent motor deficits in α-synuclein transgenic mice. Our results suggest that tau has distinct roles in the pathogeneses of AD and PD and that tau reduction may not be of benefit in the latter condition