12,165 research outputs found

    Quantum Brownian motion of multipartite systems and their entanglement dynamics

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    We solve the model of N quantum Brownian oscillators linearly coupled to an environment of quantum oscillators at finite temperature, with no extra assumptions about the structure of the system-environment coupling. Using a compact phase-space formalism, we give a rather quick and direct derivation of the master equation and its solutions for general spectral functions and arbitrary temperatures. Since our framework is intrinsically nonperturbative, we are able to analyze the entanglement dynamics of two oscillators coupled to a common scalar field in previously unexplored regimes, such as off resonance and strong coupling.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Nonequilibrium Dynamics of Charged Particles in an Electromagnetic Field: Causal and Stable Dynamics from 1/c Expansion of QED

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    We derive from a microscopic Hamiltonian a set of stochastic equations of motion for a system of spinless charged particles in an electromagnetic (EM) field based on a consistent application of a dimensionful 1/c expansion of quantum electrodynamics (QED). All relativistic corrections up to order 1/c^3 are captured by the dynamics, which includes electrostatic interactions (Coulomb), magnetostatic backreaction (Biot-Savart), dissipative backreaction (Abraham-Lorentz) and quantum field fluctuations at zero and finite temperatures. With self-consistent backreaction of the EM field included we show that this approach yields causal and runaway-free equations of motion, provides new insights into charged particle backreaction, and naturally leads to equations consistent with the (classical) Darwin Hamiltonian and has quantum operator ordering consistent with the Breit Hamiltonian. To order 1/c^3 the approach leads to a nonstandard mass renormalization which is associated with magnetostatic self-interactions, and no cutoff is required to prevent runaways. Our new results also show that the pathologies of the standard Abraham-Lorentz equations can be seen as a consequence of applying an inconsistent (i.e. incomplete, mixed-order) expansion in 1/c, if, from the start, the analysis is viewed as generating a low-energy effective theory rather than an exact solution. Finally, we show that the 1/c expansion within a Hamiltonian framework yields well-behaved noise and dissipation, in addition to the multiple-particle interactions.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Non-Markovian Dynamics and Entanglement of Two-level Atoms in a Common Field

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    We derive the stochastic equations and consider the non-Markovian dynamics of a system of multiple two-level atoms in a common quantum field. We make only the dipole approximation for the atoms and assume weak atom-field interactions. From these assumptions we use a combination of non-secular open- and closed-system perturbation theory, and we abstain from any additional approximation schemes. These more accurate solutions are necessary to explore several regimes: in particular, near-resonance dynamics and low-temperature behavior. In detuned atomic systems, small variations in the system energy levels engender timescales which, in general, cannot be safely ignored, as would be the case in the rotating-wave approximation (RWA). More problematic are the second-order solutions, which, as has been recently pointed out, cannot be accurately calculated using any second-order perturbative master equation, whether RWA, Born-Markov, Redfield, etc.. This latter problem, which applies to all perturbative open-system master equations, has a profound effect upon calculation of entanglement at low temperatures. We find that even at zero temperature all initial states will undergo finite-time disentanglement (sometimes termed "sudden death"), in contrast to previous work. We also use our solution, without invoking RWA, to characterize the necessary conditions for Dickie subradiance at finite temperature. We find that the subradiant states fall into two categories at finite temperature: one that is temperature independent and one that acquires temperature dependence. With the RWA there is no temperature dependence in any case.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, v2 updated references, v3 clarified results and corrected renormalization, v4 further clarified results and new Fig. 8-1

    Case studies to enhance online student evaluation: Bond University – Surveying students online to improve learning and teaching

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    One of the most sensible ways of improving learning and teaching is to ask the students for feedback. At the end of each teaching period (i.e. semester or term) all universities and many schools survey their students. Usually these surveys are managed online. Questions ask for student perceptions about teaching, assessment and workload. The survey administrators report four common problems

    The Effect of Resistivity on the Nonlinear Stage of the Magnetorotational Instability in Accretion Disks

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    We present three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the nonlinear evolution of the magnetorotational instability (MRI) with a non-zero Ohmic resistivity. The properties of the saturated state depend on the initial magnetic field configuration. In simulations with an initial uniform vertical field, the MRI is able to support angular momentum transport even for large resistivities through the quasi-periodic generation of axisymmetric radial channel solutions rather than through the maintenance of anisotropic turbulence. Simulations with zero net flux show that the angular momentum transport and the amplitude of magnetic energy after saturation are significantly reduced by finite resistivity, even at levels where the linear modes are only slightly affected. This occurs at magnetic Reynolds numbers expected in low, cool states of dwarf novae, these results suggest that finite resistivity may account for the low and high angular momentum transport rates inferred for these systems.Comment: 8 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Initial state preparation with dynamically generated system-environment correlations

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    The dependence of the dynamics of open quantum systems upon initial correlations between the system and environment is an utterly important yet poorly understood subject. For technical convenience most prior studies assume factorizable initial states where the system and its environments are uncorrelated, but these conditions are not very realistic and give rise to peculiar behaviors. One distinct feature is the rapid build up or a sudden jolt of physical quantities immediately after the system is brought in contact with its environments. The ultimate cause of this is an initial imbalance between system-environment correlations and coupling. In this note we demonstrate explicitly how to avoid these unphysical behaviors by proper adjustments of correlations and/or the coupling, for setups of both theoretical and experimental interest. We provide simple analytical results in terms of quantities that appear in linear (as opposed to affine) master equations derived for factorized initial states.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    The Rotating-Wave Approximation: Consistency and Applicability from an Open Quantum System Analysis

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    We provide an in-depth and thorough treatment of the validity of the rotating-wave approximation (RWA) in an open quantum system. We find that when it is introduced after tracing out the environment, all timescales of the open system are correctly reproduced, but the details of the quantum state may not be. The RWA made before the trace is more problematic: it results in incorrect values for environmentally-induced shifts to system frequencies, and the resulting theory has no Markovian limit. We point out that great care must be taken when coupling two open systems together under the RWA. Though the RWA can yield a master equation of Lindblad form similar to what one might get in the Markovian limit with white noise, the master equation for the two coupled systems is not a simple combination of the master equation for each system, as is possible in the Markovian limit. Such a naive combination yields inaccurate dynamics. To obtain the correct master equation for the composite system a proper consideration of the non-Markovian dynamics is required.Comment: 17 pages, 0 figures