190 research outputs found

    Estado de la susceptibilidad al DDT de los principales vectores de malaria en Colombia

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    Results are presented of DDT susceptibility tests made in various regions of Colombia since 1959 with adult females of An. albimanus, An. darling and An. nuñeztovari. The tests were made according to the methodology of the World Health Organization, exposing wild-caught mosquitoes to 4% DDT for 1 hour, the diagnostic dose for anophelines. The three species of Anopheles showed susceptibility to DDT in the majority of the sites studies. Some very limited populations had percent mortalities compatible with the presence of resistant individuals, such as An. albimanus in the municipalities of El Carmen (Bolívar); Codazzi, Robles and Valledupar (Cesar) and Acandi (Choco); and An. darling in some localities in the municipality of Quibdo (Choco). The epidemiological implications of these results are discussed and the importance of continuing a strict vigilance at the entomological and epidemiological level is stressed.Se presentan los resultados de las pruebas de susceptibilidad al DDT realizadas en Colombia desde 1959 con adultos hembras de An. albimanus, An. darlingi y An. nuñeztovari en varias regiones del país. Las pruebas se realizaron siguiendo la metodología de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, exponiendo mosquitos colectados en condiciones naturales, a DDT al 4% durante una hora, dosis designada como diagnóstico para los anofelinos. Las tres especies de Anopheles mostraron susceptibilidad al DDT en la mayoría de los sitios estudiados. En algunas poblaciones muy limitadas se registraron porcentajes de mortalidad compatibles con la presencia de individuos resistentes tales como An. albimanus en los municipios de El Carmen (Bolívar); Codazzi, Robles y Valledupar (Cesar); y Acandí (Chocó); y An. darlingien algunas localidades del municipio de Quibdó (Chocó). Se discute la implicación epidemiológica de estos resultados y se destaca la importancia de continuar una estricta vigilancia a nivel entomológico y epidemiológico

    HIV testing, care, and treatment experiences among the steady male partners of female sex workers living with HIV in the Dominican Republic

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    Male steady partners of female sex workers (FSW) living with HIV represent a key population for treatment as prevention and/or pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) interventions. This study uses data collected from male steady partners who were referred by FSW living with HIV participating in a multi-level HIV prevention and care intervention in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. We conducted a socio-behavioral survey and HIV-testing with all men (n=64) and 16 in-depth interviews with a sub-sample to obtain more depth. Thirty-five of the 64 participants were living with HIV; 27 were previously diagnosed and 8 were diagnosed during our study. As a result, 45% of men were members of a sero-discordant sexual partnerships. Of men with no previous HIV diagnosis (n=37), 15 had never been tested for HIV and 9 had not been tested in the past two years. Ninety-three percent of men previously diagnosed with HIV reported receiving HIV care in the past 6 months and 78% were taking anti-retrovirals. Low HIV testing was partly due to men not feeling at-risk for HIV, despite having an HIV-infected partner. Additionally, a lack of tailored care inhibited engagement in ARV treatment for those infected. HIV testing was low, highlighting a need for test-and-treat strategies. Men not living with HIV would benefit from regular testing and would be good candidates for pre-exposure prophylaxis. While almost all men who had been diagnosed with HIV were engaged in care and adherent to ART, future research should assess whether they are achieving optimal HIV outcomes for their health and prevention of ongoing transmission

    Strategies for Recruiting Steady Male Partners of Female Sex Workers for HIV Research

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    Steady male partners of female sex workers (FSW) are a key population for HIV prevention, but researchers face challenges finding and recruiting this population. We conducted forty in-depth interviews with FSW and steady male partners of FSW in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic about how to engage steady male partners in HIV research. Participants cautioned that male partners might be unwilling to participate because of discomfort disclosing intimate information and cultural norms of masculinity. They recommended inviting male partners to research offices, instead of venue-based recruitment, because it was more private and trust-promoting. Most participants suggested that FSW could refer their partners or men could refer their friends who have FSW partners. Participants emphasized that referrals could break down trust-related barriers that prevent male partners from participating. Establishing an environment of respect and trust in the research setting can aid referral processes as individuals who participate communicate their positive experiences to their networks

    Amigos and amistades : the role of men's social network ties in shaping HIV vulnerability in the Dominican Republic

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    While men’s social networks have been identified as a source of influence on sexual behaviour, less is known about the different types of friendship ties within men’s networks. We analysed data from qualitative in-depth interviews with 36 men in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic who were current or former sexual partners of female sex workers to understand how a) men describe trust and communication with different types of friendship ties, b) characteristics of trust and communication reflect norms of masculinity, and c) these friendship ties influence HIV-related behaviours. We identified a distinction between amistades, social drinking buddies who are not trusted, and amigos, trusted friends. The majority of men lacked any amigos and some had neither amigos nor amistades. In general, men reflected traditional norms of masculinity and said they did not feel they could discuss their relationships or emotional topics with other men. Trust and communication dynamics, and how norms of masculinity shape those dynamics, should be understood and addressed in the design of HIV prevention efforts with men’s social networks as they have implications for the potential effectiveness of such efforts

    Comportamiento de anopheles (Kerteszia) ledidotus zavortink, 1973 y su discriminación como posible vector de malaria en el departamento del Tolima Colombia (1)

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    Entomological studies were made of a focus of P. vivax malaria in the municipalities of Cunday, Villarrica, Dolores, Prado and Purificación, Departament of Tolima, during april 1981 to may 1983. Of 2.209 anopheline mosquitoes collected from human bait all were of the subgenus Kerteszia, 99.5% of which were An. (K) lepidotus and the remainder An. (K). boliviensis. Therefore, it was concluded that An. lepidotusis the vector in this focus; this in the first report of this species being incriminated as a malaria vector in Colombia. Earlier observations in this focus had incriminated An. boliviensis due to taxonomic confusion which has been only clarified in the last 10 years. Highest An lepidotus densities occurred during January to June and peak An lepidotus density proceeded peak malaria cases by about 2 months. An. lepidotus was found to be highly exophagic (3. 7 times more human biting activity outdoors than indoors) and exophilic (92% of those feeding indoors left the house whiteout resting). Human biting is almost totally diurnal with peak biting activity between 15:00 and 18:00 hours. No evidence was found of irritability or physiological resistance to DDT. Implications of the above results in relation to malaria control measures are discussed and the present known distribution of An. lepidotus in Colombia is given.En un foco de transmisión de malaria en el Departamento del Tolima, que comprende 16 localidades de los municipios de Cunday, Villarrica, Dolores, Prado y Purificación; y donde se encuentran únicamente casos autóctonos de Plamodium se realizaron estudios entomológicos desde abril de 1981 hasta mayo de 1983. Se colectaron con cebo humano 2.209 mosquitos Anopheles, todos del subgénero Kerteszia, de los cuales el 99.5% (2.209) fue Anopheles epidotusZavortink, 1973 y los restantes 10 (0.5%) An. boliviensis Theobald, 1905. Se concluye, con evidencia epidemiológica, que An. lepidotuses el posible vector en este foco. Es el primer registro conocido en que esta especie se incrimina como posible vector de malaria en Colombia. Antiguas observaciones en este foco hablan incriminado como responsable de la transmisión de malaria a An. boliviensis, debido a confusiones taxonómicas, aclaradas en los últimos 10 años. Las más altas densidades de An. lepidotus ocurrieron de enero a junio y el pico de densidad precedió por cerca de 2 meses al pico de casos de malaria. Se encontró que An. lepidotus es altamente exófagica (3.7 veces mayor actividad de picadura fuera de las casas que dentro) y exófilica (92% de las hembras que picaron, salieron sin reposar en las superficies dentro de las casas). Su hábito de picadura es diurno, con un pico de actividad entre las 15:00 y 18:00 horas. No se encontró evidencia de irritabilidad o resistencia fisiológica al DDT. Se discute la implicación de dichos resultados en relación a medidas de control de malaria y se presenta la distribución conocida hasta ahora de An. lepidotus en Colombia

    Micro-scale pedestrian streetscapes and physical activity in Hispanic / Latino adults : Results from HCHS / SOL

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    We examined associations of micro-scale environment attributes (e.g., sidewalks, street crossings) with three physical activity (PA) measures among Hispanic/Latino adults (n = 1776) living in San Diego County, CA. Systematic observation was used to quantify micro-scale environment attributes near each participant's home. Total PA was assessed with accelerometers, and PA for transportation and recreation were assessed by validated self-report. Although several statistically significant interactions between individual and neighborhood characteristics were identified, there was little evidence micro-scale attributes were related to PA. An important limitation was restricted environmental variability for this sample which lived in a small area of a single county

    Validation of Porcine Knee as a Sex-specific Model to Study Human Anterior Cruciate Ligament Disorders

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    Abstract Background Animal models have long been considered an important modality for studying ACL injuries. However, to our knowledge, the value of these preclinical models to study sex-related phenomena associated with ACL injury and recovery has not been evaluated. Questions/purposes We asked whether (1) prominent anatomic and (2) biomechanical factors differ between female and male porcine knees, particularly those known to increase the risk of ACL injury. Methods Eighteen intact minipig knees (nine males, nine females) underwent MRI to determine the femoral bicondylar width, intercondylar notch size (width, area and index), medial and lateral tibial slope, ACL size (length, cross-sectional area, and volume), and medial compartment tibiofemoral cartilage thickness. AP knee laxity at 30°, 60°, and 90°flexion and ACL tensile structural properties were measured using custom-designed loading fixtures in a universal tensile testing apparatus. Comparisons between males and females were performed for all anatomic and biomechanical measures. The findings then were compared with published data from human knees. Results Female pigs had smaller bicondylar widths (2.9 mm, ratio = 0.93, effect size = À1.5) and intercondylar notches (width: 2.0 mm, ratio = 0.79, effect size = À2.8; area: 30.8 mm 2 , ratio = 0.76, effect size = 2.1; index: 0.4, ratio = 0.84, effect size = À2.0), steeper lateral tibial slope (4.3°, ratio = 1.13, effect size = 1.1), smaller ACL (length: 2.7 mm, ratio = 0.91, effect size = 1.1; area: 6.8 mm 2 , ratio = 0.74, effect size = À1.5; volume: 266.2 mm 3 , ratio = 0.68, effect size = À1.5), thinner medial femoral cartilage (0.4 mm, ratio = 0.8, effect size = À1.1), lower ACL yield load (275 N, ratio = 0.81, effect size = À1.1), and greater AP knee laxity at 30°( 0.7 mm, ratio = 1.32, effect size = 1.1) and 90°(0.5 mm, ratio = 1.24, effect size =

    Artists Work in Museums: Histories Interventions Subjectivities

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    Artists Work in Museums: histories interventions and subjectivities brings together artists, historians and museum professionals to explore the history and contribution of artists working in museums as members of staff. It examines how the museum has functioned as a specific site of cultural production and subjective engagement for artists and designers in their role as directors, curators, project managers, and educators. Drawing on specific case studies and interviews, the essays document the historically contingent, problematic character of the artist museum professional, and his/her agency within the museum system