4 research outputs found

    Studies of the microbial P-cycle during a Lagrangian phosphate-addition experiment in the Eastern Mediterranean

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    Microbial uptake of orthophosphate was studied before and during a Lagrangian experiment where orthophosphate was added to the surface mixed layer in the Cyprus Gyre, Eastern Mediterranean, a region previously hypothesized to be characterized by P-limited growth of both phytoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria. The addition of ca. 110 nM orthophosphate to a ca. 16 km2 patch in situ led, within 1 day, to an increase in particulate-P from 8 to ca. 15 nM, a result in good agreement with a previous microcosm bioassay indicating this system to have a maximum capacity for orthophosphate consumption of between 10 and 25 nM phosphate. In samples of unperturbed water taken before the addition, outside, or below the experimental patch, orthophosphate turnover time (Tt) was <4 h, argued to be consistent with the assumption of diffusion-limited phytoplankton growth. Upon addition, Tt increased to 94 h. Estimates of maximum potential uptake rate (Vmax) for orthophosphate in unperturbed water exceeded by more than one order of magnitude the biological P-requirement (ν) as obtained from stoichiometric conversion of C-based primary and bacterial production values to estimated P-requirement. Upon addition of orthophosphate, Vmax decreased to a level comparable to ν. The observations are consistent with the assumption of P-starved cells before and P-replete cells with excess external orthophosphate after the addition. Orthophosphate uptake in unperturbed water was dominated by<1 μm organisms (mean ±SD between samples 0.56±0.03 μm). In samples with higher turnover time, orthophosphate uptake was shifted towards larger organisms, culminating after 5 days with a near doubling in mean size (1.08 μm). The size distribution of particulate-P standing stock had a mean size of 10 μm, indicating the presence of a substantial biomass of micro-organisms larger than those involved in P-uptake. Comparison of the measured particulate-P with microscope-based biomass estimates indicated a microbial food web dominated by heterotrophic organisms (70% of particulate-P), distributed with ca. 25% of total particulate-P in heterotrophic bacteria, ca. 40% in heterotrophic flagellates, and ca. 5% in ciliates. Concentration of bioavailable phosphate (Sn) estimated from the relationship Sn=νTi indicated Sn values<1 nM PO4 before the addition, increasing afterwards. Estimates of the sum Kt+Sn for the 0.6–0.2 μm size fraction were in the range 1–7 nM PO4 before and outside patch, suggesting this sum to be dominated by the half-saturation constant Kt. Kt+Sn increased to 69 nM after addition, then dropped over the following week back to background levels. As reported elsewhere in this volume, there was a decline in the observed chlorophyll concentrations, but a positive response in copepods. Less clear than the effects at the level of osmotroph physiology were the subsequent responses expected in the food web. Two possible mechanisms are discussed: (1) a positive response in bacterial production and the subsequent food chain of bacterial predators, and (2) a positive response in phytoplankton predators due to a shift in food quality rather than in food quantity

    Nature of P limitation in the ultraoligotrophic Eastern Mediterranean

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    Phosphate addition to surface waters of the ultraoligotrophic, phosphorus-starved eastern Mediterranean in a Lagrangian experiment caused unexpected ecosystem responses. The system exhibited a decline in chlorophyll and an increase in bacterial production and copepod egg abundance. Although nitrogen and phosphorus colimitation hindered phytoplankton growth, phosphorous may have been transferred through the microbial food web to copepods via two, not mutually exclusive, pathways: (i) bypass of the phytoplankton compartment by phosphorus uptake in heterotrophic bacteria and (ii) tunnelling, whereby phosphate luxury consumption rapidly shifts the stoichiometric composition of copepod prey. Copepods may thus be coupled to lower trophic levels through interactions not usually considered

    Summary and overview of the CYCLOPS P addition Lagrangian experiment in the Eastern Mediterranean

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    CYCLOPS was a European Framework 5 program to further our understanding of phosphorus cycling in the Eastern Mediterranean. The core of CYCLOPS was a Lagrangian experiment in which buffered phosphoric acid was added to a <4×4 km patch of water together with SF6 as the inert tracer. The patch was followed for nine days in total. Results obtained prior to the experiment showed that the system was typically ultra-oligotrophic and P-starved with DON:DOP, PON:POP and DIN:DIP all having ratios greatly in excess of 16:1 in surface waters. To our surprise, we found that although the added phosphate was rapidly taken up by the microbial biota, there was a small but significant decrease in chlorophyll a and no increase in primary production, together with an increase in heterotrophic bacterial activity, ciliate numbers and in the gut fullness and egg numbers in the zooplankton community. A microcosm experiment carried out using within-patch and out-of-patch water showed that the phytoplankton community were N and P co-limited while the bacteria and micrograzers were P-limited. Thus this system tends to N and P co-limitation of phytoplankton productivity in summer possibly caused by bioavailable DIN being converted into non-bioavailable forms of DON. On the basis of the data collected within the programme it was concluded that this behavior could be explained by three non-mutually exclusive processes described as (1) trophic by-pass in which the added phosphate gets directly to the grazing part of the predatory food chain from the heterotrophic bacteria bypassing the phytoplankton compartment phosphate, (2) trophic tunnelling in which phosphate is rapidly taken up by both phytoplankton and bacteria via rapid luxury consumption. This causes an immediate change in the phosphorus content but not the abundance of the prey organisms. The added P then “reappears” as responses at the predator level much more rapidly than expected, and (3) mixotrophic by-pass in which inorganic nutrients, including the added P, are taken up by mixotrophic ciliates directly, bypassing the phytoplankton. For details of the results of this study and the processes described, the readers are referred to the relevant papers within this volume. The implications of these results for nutrient cycling in the Eastern Mediterranean are discussed. In particular it is noted that the efficient and rapid grazing observed in this study might explain why the system although impacted by anthropogenic nutrient input has shown little or no measurable change in microbial productivity since added nutrients are rapidly transferred out of the photic zone via the by-pass and tunnelling processes and are exported from the basin. It is also suggested that fish productivity is higher than has been suggested by conventional food chain models due to this grazing. Two possible reasons for the unusual P-starved nature of the basin are presented