10 research outputs found

    Evaluation of results of a numerical simulation of dispersion in an idealised urban area for emergency response modelling

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    WinMISKAM is evaluated from an emergency response perspective. Comparisons are made between ground level concentrations observed during selected Mock Urban Setting Test (MUST) field trials and predictions generated by the model. The model was driven by 5 min averaged on-site meteorological data, and used minimum grid spacing of 0.5 m in both the horizontal and vertical. The code was found to perform well, with 46% of all predictions (paired in time and space) and 83% of arc maxima predictions within a factor of two of observed concentrations. The model was found to perform better for neutral cases than stable cases with 27% of stable case predictions and 57% of neutral case predictions within a factor of two when compared in time and space

    Mathematische Modellierung von CO-, NO_x-, SO_2-, Staub- und HC-Emissionen innerhalb des Regio-Klima-Projekts (REKLIP) Arbeitsbericht

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    Fuer das Regio-Klima-Projekt (REKLIP) soll ein Emissionskataster in hoher zeitlicher und raeumlicher Aufloesung erstellt werden. Es sollen dabei die Schadstoffe CO, NO_x, SO_2, Staub und HC (Kohlenwasserstoffe) aufgenommen werden. Ziel dieses Berichtes ist es, einen Ueberblick ueber Emissionssituation und Emissionsfaktoren zu geben. Ausserdem werden Methoden zu deren mathematischen Modellierung beschrieben. Es werden bei der Erhebung von Emissionen die anthrophogenen Quellen nach folgenden Bereichen unterschieden: Umwandlungsbereich, Industrie, Verkehr, Kleinverbraucher, private Haushalte. (orig./KW)Details are given about the development of a high time- and space-resolution emission register of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, dust and hydrocarbons within the framework of the 'Regio-Klima' project (REKLIP). A survey informs about the emission situation and about emission factors, and introduces mathematical modeling methods. The man-made emission sources are classified by emissions caused by conversion processes, industrial emissions, transport, small end-users, and private households. (orig./KW)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F93B1001 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Modelling of the Photosmog Formation in Athens

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    Intercomparison of two meso-meteorological models applied to the Lisbon region

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    Summary In this paper two mesoscale meteorological models are applied to the Lisbon region. A special concern is directed to the initial conditions and input parameterization in order to assure that equal simulation constraints were imposed to both models. Results obtained for 4 August 1992 (a typical summer day) are compared to meteorological data acquired in three monitoring stations. Both simulations show similar reactions to the mesoscale forcings that occur in the modelling region. The minor differences found between simulation and reality for the meteorological situation can cause major errors in predicting air quality

    The EUMAC zooming model, a tool supporting environmental policy decisions in the local-to-regional scale

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    Air pollution model systems may be used for the optimization of air pollution abatement strategies and for short-term predictions of smog episodes in highly polluted areas. One of the contemporary air pollution model systems is the EUMAC Zooming Model (EZM) which is best suited for air quality studies at the local-to-regional scale. As examples for such studies, results are presented from the application of the EZM to the Basel area, to the Attica peninsula, to the Upper Rhine valley and to the Heilbronn area during the 'Ozone Experiment'. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: DtF QN1(47,13) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Einfluss der Eingangsparameter auf berechnete Immisionswerte fuer Ffz-Abgase Sensitivitaetsanalyse

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    The aim of the present project was to investigate the dependency of calculated yearly average and 98-percentile pollution levels of NO_2 (NO_x), benzene and soot on variations of relevant input parameters. These were the traffic emissions, the configuration of the built-up area and the meteorology. The dependency of the pollution levels on the different input parameters strongly depends on the values of the input parameters itself. The pollution levels are very sensitive to the percentage of starts with cold engine, the percentage of traffic jams, the composition of the car fleet and the inclination of the street. For a ratio of building height to street canyon width between 0.5 to 1.5, yearly average and 98-percentile pollution levels strongly depend on the street canyon width and the density of buildings. With respect to the meteorology, the distribution of the wind direction and the representativity of meteorological wind statistics are very important paremeters. In addition, the influence of the size of the road network which is considered for the calculation of the background pollution levels has been investigated. A criterion has been developed which gives a distance up to which surrounding streets have to be considered. (orig.)Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die Abhaengigkeit berechneter Immissionskenngroessen (Jahresmittelwert und 98-Perzentilwert von NO_2 (NO_x), Benzol und Russ) von den relevanten Eingangsparametern zu untersuchen. Es wurde der Einfluss von Unschaerfen von Eingangsparametern betrachtet, die sich ueber die Verkehrsemissionen, die Bebauungsgeometrie und ueber die Meteorologie auf die Zusatzbelastung auswirken. Die fuer die Zusatzbelastung gefundenen Abhaengigkeiten wurden auf die Gesamtbelastung uebertragen. Es zeigt sich, dass der Einfluss der Parametervariation auf die berechneten Immissionswerte stark vom gewaehlten 'Betriebspunkt', d.h. von den Werten der relevanten Parameter, abhaengig ist. Einen grossen Einfluss auf die Immissionkenngroessen haben z.B. Unschaerfen der Eingangsparameter Kaltstart- und Stauanteil, Flottenzusammensetzung sowie Laengsneigung der Strassen. In dem untersuchten Groessenbereich von Gebaeudehoehe zu Schluchtbreite zwischen 0.5 und 1.5 wirken sich Unschaerfen in der Schluchtbreite und der Bebauungsdicke stark auf die Immissionskenngroessen aus. In bezug auf die Meteorologie ist die Windrichtungsverteilung und die Repraesentativitaet der Windstatistik wichtig. Es wurde der Einfluss der Groesse des beruecksichtigten umliegenden Strassennetzes auf die Luftschadstoffkonzentrationen am Untersuchungspunkt untersucht und ein Kriterium entwickelt, bis zu welcher Entfernung Strassen in die Rechnung einzubeziehen sind. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from FIZ Karlsruhe / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekLand Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart (Germany)DEGerman

    Field Analytical Chemistry

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