43 research outputs found

    Formulating and Solving Exhaustible Resource Models as Mixed Complementarity Problems in GAMS

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    In this paper a formulation of dynamic non-linear programs as mixed complementarity problems (mcp) is shown. Models of exhaustible resource markets are used to describe the transformation. Once the mixed complementarity formulation is developed, the implementation in GAMS is described in detail.

    Anthropometrische Daten im Laufe der Zeit: Vergleich zweier Geburtenkohorten 1998/99 und 2010/11 im Perinatalzentrum Reutlingen

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    Zusammenfassung Hintergrund: Die Geburtsmaße von Neugeborenen (Geburtsgewicht, Körperlänge, BMI) werden von mütterlichen Parametern maßgeblich beeinflusst. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es zu prüfen, inwiefern die bestehenden Erkenntnisse zum Thema Veränderung von perinatalen und mütterlichen Parametern, der Zusammenhang zwischen beiden und die möglichen dadurch entstehende Risiken während der Entbindung auf eine hospitalbasierte Gruppe übertragen werden können. Methodik: Die Daten dieser Beobachtungsstudie entstammen aus 2 am Klinikum am Steinenberg in Reutlingen (Haus der Zentralversorgung mit perinatalem Schwerpunkt Level I) durchgeführten Untersuchungen. 2010/11: Erfassung der während eines Jahres geborenen Neugeborenen (N=2339). Dokumentation der für die Fragestellung relevanten anthropometrischen Daten des Neugeborenen und der Mutter. Vergleich der Daten mit 1998/99 erhobenen Daten (N=2159) aus Studie Morgenthaler (1999). Entwicklung Algorithmus zur Erfassung einer Stichprobe gesunder neugeborener Einlinge (N=3621). Beschreibung der Kollektive mittels Median, sowie Perzentilen (10., 25., 75., 90. Perzentile). Da Daten nicht aus Normalverteilung, Auswertung mittels Wilcoxon-Rangsummentest. Anpassung Signifikanzniveau mittels Bonferroni- Methode (Signifikanzniveau α/n = 0,0045). Ermittlung von Korrelationen zwischen mütterlichen und kindlichen Parametern mittels Spearman Rangkorrelationskoeffzient (Spearmans Rho). Ergebnisse: Geburtsmaße der Neugeborenen: kein signifikanter Unterschied beim mittleren Geburtsgewicht in beiden Kollektiven, auch nicht nach Geschlechtern aufgeteilt. Im Gegensatz dazu signifikanter Unterschied der Körperlängen mit Tendenz zu größeren Kindern in 2010/11: Jungen p=0,0037, Mädchen: p<0,0001. Bei Jungen auch signifikanter Unterschied im BMI p<0,0001. Signifikante Unterschiede Parameter der Mütter: Alter p<0,0001, Gewichtszunahme in der Schwangerschaft p<0,0001, Körperhöhe p<0,0001. Beim Durchschnittsgewicht der Frauen zeigte sich keine statistische Signifikanz, dieses lag jedoch 2010/11 tendenziell höher gegenüber 1998/99 (p=0,0066). Zusammenhang der anthropometrischen Daten des Kindes mit Parametern der Mutter: positive Korrelation des Körpergewichtes des Neugeborenen mit dem Körpergewicht der Mutter (rho=0,2489), ihrer Körperhöhe (rho=0,1738) und der Gewichtszunahme in der Schwangerschaft (rho=0,1664). Gleiches gilt für die Beziehung zur Körperlänge (rho= 0,1671/rho=0,1655/rho=0,1345). Schlussfolgerungen: In einem Zeitraum von 12 Jahren zeigen die anthropometrischen Daten gesunder Neugeborener eine Tendenz zu größeren, aber nicht schwereren Kindern mit niedrigerem BMI. Ein möglicher Zusammenhang ist neben der Zunahme des mittleren Alters der Frauen und damit einer Erhöhung ihres Körpergewichtes die Zunahme der Körperhöhe in den letzten Jahrzehnten. Auch die Gewichtszunahme in der Schwangerschaft zeigt einen positiven Einfluß auf die Körperlänge des Neugeborenen. Unsere Analyse der Körpermaße von NGB zeigt, dass die alleinige Auswertung von Daten des GG ohne die dazugehörige Körperlänge, in Form des BMI, mit einzubeziehen, nicht dazu verleiten darf, eine Zunahme von hypertrophen Neugeborenen anzunehmen. Durch die in unserer Untersuchung gewonnenen Daten konnten Erkenntnisse über die Zusammenhänge zwischen den mütterlichen Parametern und den perinatalen Körpermaßen des Kindes gewonnen werden. Allerdings beeinflussen mütterliche Parameter wie Körperhöhe und Gewicht sich gegenseitig. Zur Erhöhung der Aussagekraft ist daher eine Multiregressionsanalyse der einzelnen Korrelationen geplant, die in einer weiterführenden Publikation dargestellt werden

    Actin phylogeny of foraminifera and intron evolution

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    Tempo and Mode of Spliceosomal Intron Evolution in Actin of Foraminifera

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    Spliceosomal introns are present in almost all eukaryotic genes, yet little is known about their origin and turnover in the majority of eukaryotic phyla. There is no agreement whether most introns are ancestral and have been lost in some lineage or have been gained recently. We addressed this question by analyzing the spatial and temporal distribution of introns in actins of foraminifera, a group of testate protists whose exceptionally rich fossil record permits the calibration of molecular phylogenies to date intron origins. We identified 24 introns dispersed along the sequence of two foraminiferan actin paralogues and actin deviating proteins, an unconventional type of fast-evolving actin found in some foraminifera. Comparison of intron positions indicates that 20 of 24 introns are specific to foraminifera. Four introns shared between foraminifera and other eukaryotes were interpreted as parallel gains because they have been found only in single species belonging to phylogenetically distinctive lineages. Moreover, additional recent intron gain due to the transfer between the actin paralogues was observed in two cultured species. Based on a relaxed molecular clock timescale, we conclude that intron gains in actin took place throughout the evolution of foraminifera, with the oldest introns inserted between 550 and 500 million years ago and the youngest ones acquired less than 100 million years ag

    Implementation of a 4G/5G Base Station Using the srsRAN Software and the USRP Software Radio Module, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2023, nr 3

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    This article presents the potential applications and scenarios for the implementation of a software-defined radio (SDR) module operating as a base station in 4G/5G networks. The paper presents test configurations of the srsRAN software environment in conjunction with various types of programmable radio modules. Then, the key performance metrics of the mobile telephony system and potential problems that may be encountered while implementing hardware and software layers are presented

    High-throughput sequencing of Astrammina rara: Sampling the giant genome of a giant foraminiferan protist

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Foraminiferan protists, which are significant players in most marine ecosystems, are also genetic innovators, harboring unique modifications to proteins that make up the basic eukaryotic cell machinery. Despite their ecological and evolutionary importance, foraminiferan genomes are poorly understood due to the extreme sequence divergence of many genes and the difficulty of obtaining pure samples: exogenous DNA from ingested food or ecto/endo symbionts often vastly exceed the amount of "native" DNA, and foraminiferans cannot be cultured axenically. Few foraminiferal genes have been sequenced from genomic material, although partial sequences of coding regions have been determined by EST studies and mass spectroscopy. The lack of genomic data has impeded evolutionary and cell-biology studies and has also hindered our ability to test ecological hypotheses using genetic tools.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>454 sequence analysis was performed on a library derived from whole genome amplification of microdissected nuclei of the Antarctic foraminiferan <it>Astrammina rara</it>. Xenogenomic sequence, which was shown not to be of eukaryotic origin, represented only 12% of the sample. The first foraminiferal examples of important classes of genes, such as tRNA genes, are reported, and we present evidence that sequences of mitochondrial origin have been translocated to the nucleus. The recovery of a 3' UTR and downstream sequence from an actin gene suggests that foraminiferal mRNA processing may have some unusual features. Finally, the presence of a co-purified bacterial genome in the library also permitted the first calculation of the size of a foraminiferal genome by molecular methods, and statistical analysis of sequence from different genomic sources indicates that low-complexity tracts of the genome may be endoreplicated in some stages of the foraminiferal life cycle.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These data provide the first window into genomic organization and genetic control in these organisms, and also complement and expands upon information about foraminiferal genes based on EST projects. The genomic data obtained are informative for environmental and cell-biological studies, and will also be useful for efforts to understand relationships between foraminiferans and other protists.</p

    Phylogenetic Distribution of Intron Positions in Alpha-Amylase Genes of Bilateria Suggests Numerous Gains and Losses

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    Most eukaryotes have at least some genes interrupted by introns. While it is well accepted that introns were already present at moderate density in the last eukaryote common ancestor, the conspicuous diversity of intron density among genomes suggests a complex evolutionary history, with marked differences between phyla. The question of the rates of intron gains and loss in the course of evolution and factors influencing them remains controversial. We have investigated a single gene family, alpha-amylase, in 55 species covering a variety of animal phyla. Comparison of intron positions across phyla suggests a complex history, with a likely ancestral intronless gene undergoing frequent intron loss and gain, leading to extant intron/exon structures that are highly variable, even among species from the same phylum. Because introns are known to play no regulatory role in this gene and there is no alternative splicing, the structural differences may be interpreted more easily: intron positions, sizes, losses or gains may be more likely related to factors linked to splicing mechanisms and requirements, and to recognition of introns and exons, or to more extrinsic factors, such as life cycle and population size. We have shown that intron losses outnumbered gains in recent periods, but that “resets” of intron positions occurred at the origin of several phyla, including vertebrates. Rates of gain and loss appear to be positively correlated. No phase preference was found. We also found evidence for parallel gains and for intron sliding. Presence of introns at given positions was correlated to a strong protosplice consensus sequence AG/G, which was much weaker in the absence of intron. In contrast, recent intron insertions were not associated with a specific sequence. In animal Amy genes, population size and generation time seem to have played only minor roles in shaping gene structures

    Zjednoczone Niemcy wobec współczesnych konfliktów zbrojnych (1990–2007)

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    The study is devoted to analysis of attitude of the United Germany against contemporary military conflicts. There is analyzed the military dimension of German engagement in favour of upholding the peace and preventing the military conflicts in the world. In the paper there is introduced the synthetical description of German services participation in peace operations under the UN auspices, NATO Pact and the other international organizations. There is described the selection of military conflicts existed between 1990 and 2007 in the world. The analysis permitted to indicate the three-staged process of attitude development of the Federal Republic of Germany to use the force in favour of upholding the peace in global dimension. In the first period (1993–1996) the engagement of German forces was limited to support logistically the forces of other countries. The second stage (1996–1999) characterizes the obtainment by Bundeswehr soldiers the right to use the force in favour of upholding the peace. However, in the third stage the German forces took part in NATO’s hostilities during the war in Kosovo (1999). The paper creates the basis to research precisely on military role of the Federal Republic of Germany in the present world