9 research outputs found

    Vibrating structure displacement measuring instrument Patent

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    Transducer for measuring deflections from vibrating structure

    Noncontacting vibration transducer has constant sensitivity

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    Noncontacting transducer with constant sensitivity automatically measures the vibration amplitudes along the span of a vibrating structure of irregular contour. A system employing a feedback control positions the transducer at a constant height above the test surfaces. A differential transformer facilitates calibration and extends the amplitude range of the system

    Measuring probe position recorder

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    A device which enables a person to record the location of measurements made by a hand held nonconducting probe is described. The hand probe is coupled to a linear potentiometer and a sine-cosine potentiometer by means that varies the output of the linear potentiometer proportional to the distance between the hand probe and the linear potentiometer and that varies the output of the sine-cosine potentiometer proportional to the angular movement of the hand probe relative to the sine-cosine potentiometer. The output of the linear potentiometer is applied directly to one input of the sine-cosine potentiometer and is applied through an inverter to the other input or the sine-cosine potentiometer. The cosine and sine outputs of the sine-cosine potentiometer are applied to the X and Y outputs, respectively, of an X-Y recorder

    Displacement probes with self-contained exciting medium

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    A transducer that combines a noncontacting displacement probe with a self-contained target is described. The target is held in position against a vibrating surface by a housing which also supports the noncontacting probe. The target vibrates with the surface and the probe senses the vibrations of the target

    Arbitrarily shaped model survey system Patent

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    Deformation measuring apparatus with feedback control for arbitrarily shaped structure

    Assessment of occupational exposure to azole resistant fungi in 10 Portuguese bakeries

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