69 research outputs found

    The 3D modeling of high numerical aperture imaging in thin films

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    A modelling technique is described which is used to explore three dimensional (3D) image irradiance distributions formed by high numerical aperture (NA is greater than 0.5) lenses in homogeneous, linear films. This work uses a 3D modelling approach that is based on a plane-wave decomposition in the exit pupil. Each plane wave component is weighted by factors due to polarization, aberration, and input amplitude and phase terms. This is combined with a modified thin-film matrix technique to derive the total field amplitude at each point in a film by a coherent vector sum over all plane waves. Then the total irradiance is calculated. The model is used to show how asymmetries present in the polarized image change with the influence of a thin film through varying degrees of focus

    The evaluation of positive photoresist speed

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    The feasibility of photographic speed values for positive photoresist is evaluated. Speed is defined as the reciprocal of exposure necessary to produce a desired response. An outline of the microlithographic process, the chemistry of positive resist, and previous exposure models precede the experimental body of work to facilitate understanding of the photoresist system. The experimental method proposes a mathematical model describing the resist response to exposure. Photographic speed values result from this model. They are tested for sensitivity to process changes using Analysis of Variance. One speed definition is chosen as a possible standard and process control. It is based on the exposure required to produce a resist thickness of .4 microns above the under-lying substrate

    Laser beam modeling in optical storage systems

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    A computer model has been developed that simulates light propagating through an optical data storage system. A model of a laser beam that originates at a laser diode, propagates through an optical system, interacts with a optical disk, reflects back from the optical disk into the system, and propagates to data and servo detectors is discussed

    Reduced basis method for source mask optimization

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    Image modeling and simulation are critical to extending the limits of leading edge lithography technologies used for IC making. Simultaneous source mask optimization (SMO) has become an important objective in the field of computational lithography. SMO is considered essential to extending immersion lithography beyond the 45nm node. However, SMO is computationally extremely challenging and time-consuming. The key challenges are due to run time vs. accuracy tradeoffs of the imaging models used for the computational lithography. We present a new technique to be incorporated in the SMO flow. This new approach is based on the reduced basis method (RBM) applied to the simulation of light transmission through the lithography masks. It provides a rigorous approximation to the exact lithographical problem, based on fully vectorial Maxwell's equations. Using the reduced basis method, the optimization process is divided into an offline and an online steps. In the offline step, a RBM model with variable geometrical parameters is built self-adaptively and using a Finite Element (FEM) based solver. In the online step, the RBM model can be solved very fast for arbitrary illumination and geometrical parameters, such as dimensions of OPC features, line widths, etc. This approach dramatically reduces computational costs of the optimization procedure while providing accuracy superior to the approaches involving simplified mask models. RBM furthermore provides rigorous error estimators, which assure the quality and reliability of the reduced basis solutions. We apply the reduced basis method to a 3D SMO example. We quantify performance, computational costs and accuracy of our method.Comment: BACUS Photomask Technology 201

    Comparison of Scalar and Vector Diffraction Modelling for Deep-UV Lithography

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    As deep-UV projection system complexity increases to pursue 0.25 micron resolution, the adequacy of diffraction theory using scalar models is of concern. Approximations that are suitable for low NA reduction systems do not hold true for higher NAs. Furthermore, scalar models treat all illumination as polarized perpendicular to the plane of incidence. Feature interaction effects from the polarized radiation of an excimer laser both in a projection system and within a photoresist film cannot be accounted for. Vector diffraction theory has been utilized more appropriately for modelling in these situations, but deviations of scalar predictions from those made with vector models do not warrant abandonment. This paper will describe investigations into scalar and vector diffraction modelling for 248 nm lithography. An experimental design approach was used to study the effects and interactions of coherence, polarization, and numerical aperture on a resist feature response. An exposure latitude response to achieve 1 0% linewidth control with +1- 0.3 micron of defocus was utilized. Both vector and scalar diffraction models were used to simulate process runs. Experimental comparisons were made using a variable NA, variable coherence deep-UV projection system, adapted for control of polarization at the aperture of the mask. Exposure latitude response surfaces are presented, along with details on isolated process runs

    Optical lithography into the millennium: Sensitivity to aberrations, vibration and polarization

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    ABSTRACT Various factors, such as lens aberrations, system vibration and the choice of illumination polarization can degrade the level of modulation, and hence, image quality. This paper discusses the sensitivity of multiple feature types to these factors. It is shown that aberration sensitivity increases linearly with decreasing resolution, scaled to the Rayleigh criteria. An analysis of the vibration tolerance is done for transverse and axial vibration planes, where the effects on the process window and CD uniformity are measured. The vibration is shown to decrease the process window greater for low contrast images and is shown to scale directly with the resolution. The new millennium will usher in optical systems with very high NA lenses (>0.75 NA) for 248 nm, 193 nm and 157 nm. This paper re-examines the role of the polarization on required specifications of the exposure tool optics. It is found that tight polarization specifications with <10% residual polarization will be needed for future systems
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