29 research outputs found

    Correlation of cytomorphology and histopathology in the diagnostic process of myeloid malignancies

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    Bone marrow cytomorphology and histopathology are the cornerstones for the initial diagnosis of myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and other related myeloid disorders. They provide a rapid first insight into diagnostic categories and thus help in clinical decision making. However, difficulties in the morphologic assessment of MDS exist due to inter- and intra-observer variability. In this study, we directly compared the results of cytomorphology and histopathology obtained in a real-world diagnostic scenario in 90 patients with myeloid malignancies aiming to evaluate their validity for diagnosing and classifying various myeloid malignancies. While both techniques placed 80% of our bone marrow samples into the same diagnostic category and thus showed a good correlation, our study also demonstrates the limitations in correlating marrow cytomorphology and histopathology, even following stringent and repetitive diagnostic assessments. This was particularly true for CMML, where not only additional diagnostic tools such as molecular genetics or clinical evaluation but also the analysis of the peripheral blood smears aided in finding the correct diagnosis. Overall, our data emphasize the need for a comprehensive diagnostic review in a patient-for-patient setting when a myeloid malignancy is suspected or confirmed. We propose that the combination of cytomorphologic and histopathologic assessment with clinical, laboratory, and genetic parameters is essential in achieving high diagnostic accuracy in an interdisciplinary setting

    Hook proteins: association with Alzheimer pathology and regulatory role of Hook3 inAmyloid beta generation

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    Defects in intracellular transport are implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Hook proteins are a family of cytoplasmic linker proteins that participate in endosomal transport. In this study we show that Hook1 and Hook3 are expressed in neurons while Hook2 is predominantly expressed in astrocytes. Furthermore, Hook proteins are associated with pathological hallmarks in AD; Hook1 and Hook3 are localized to tau aggregates and Hook2 to glial components within amyloid plaques. Additionally, the expression of Hook3 is reduced in AD. Modelling of Hook3 deficiency in cultured cells leads to slowing of endosomal transport and increases β-amyloid production. We propose that Hook3 plays a role in pathogenic events exacerbating AD

    Deciphering the Cross Talk between hnRNP K and c-Src: the c-Src Activation Domain in hnRNP K Is Distinct from a Second Interaction Site

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    The protein tyrosine kinase c-Src is regulated by two intramolecular interactions. The repressed state is achieved through the interaction of the Src homology 2 (SH2) domain with the phosphorylated C-terminal tail and the association of the SH3 domain with a polyproline type II helix formed by the linker region between SH2 and the kinase domain. hnRNP K, the founding member of the KH domain protein family, is involved in chromatin remodeling, regulation of transcription, and translation of specific mRNAs and is a target in different signal transduction pathways. In particular, it functions as a specific activator and a substrate of the tyrosine kinase c-Src. Here we address the question how hnRNP K interacts with and activates c-Src. We define the proline residues in hnRNP K in the proline-rich motifs P2 (amino acids [aa] 285 to 297) and P3 (aa 303 to 318), which are necessary and sufficient for the specific activation of c-Src, and we dissect the amino acid sequence (aa 216 to 226) of hnRNP K that mediates a second interaction with c-Src. Our findings indicate that the interaction with c-Src and the activation of the kinase are separable functions of hnRNP K. hnRNP K acts as a scaffold protein that integrates signaling cascades by facilitating the cross talk between kinases and factors that mediate nucleic acid-directed processes

    A prospective, randomised, placebocontrolled, double- masked, three-armed, multicentre phase II/ III trial for the Study of a Topical Treatment of Ischaemic Central Retinal Vein Occlusion to Prevent Neovascular Glaucoma-the STRONG study: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Neovascular glaucoma (NVG) is rare, comprising only 3.9% of all glaucoma cases. The most common cause of NVG is ischaemic central retinal vein occlusion (iCRVO). NVG frequently results in blindness and painful end- stage glaucomatous damage leading to the need for enucleation. Currently, there is no preventive therapy for NVG following iCRVO. Rescue treatments have severe drawbacks. Accordingly, there is a great need for preventing the often visually devastating outcomes of NVG. The STRONG study is designed to test whether the topically active anti- angiogenic agent aganirsen is able to inhibit the formation of neovascularisation leading to the development of secondary NVG in eyes with iCRVO. At the same time, STRONG will provide important information on the natural course of iCRVO and NVG in a large and well- characterised cohort of such patients. Methods/ design: This protocol describes a phase II/ III, prospective, randomised, placebo- controlled, double- masked, three- armed multicentre study for the investigation of aganirsen, a new topical treatment for iCRVO in order to prevent NVG. The study will evaluate the efficacy of two different doses of this newly developed antisense oligonucleotide formulated in an eye emulsion to avoid new vessel formation by blocking insulin receptor substrate- 1 (IRS)- 1. This leads to subsequent down-regulation of both angiogenic as well as proinflammatory growth factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and tumour necrosis factor (TNF). Eligible patients (n = 333) will be treated with topical aganirsen or placebo for a period of 24 weeks. They will also be invited to participate in substudies involving analysis of gonioscopic images, detection of biomarkers for NVG and risk factors for iCRVO. Discussion: The STRONG study has the potential to offer a new treatment modality for patients suffering from iCRVO with a high risk of developing NVG. The topical administration can reduce patients' burden and risk related to rescue treatment, such as destructive laser treatment or enucleation, but requires a high level of patient compliance

    Digestive anatomy, physiology, resting metabolism and methane production of captive maras (Dolichotis patagonum)

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    The digestive physiology of maras (Dolichotis patagonum) has not been investigated in detail. Maras have a particular limb anatomy facilitating a unique cursoriality among rodents. This may also have led to additional adaptations such as a reduced volume of the gastrointestinal tract. We performed macroanatomical measurements of, and determined mean particle size along, the digestive tract of 10 semi-free-ranging animals (7.04 ± 1.05 kg). Additionally, we measured CH4 emission in five captive animals (7.67 ± 0.98 kg) fed a diet of pelleted lucerne, and measured food intake, digestibility, and digesta mean retention time (MRT) of a solute and three particle markers (fed at < 2, 10 and 20 mm particle size). The digestive tract contents represented 11.1 ± 1.4% of body mass, similar to other mammals and rodents, and there was slight indication of selective small particle retention in the caecum. Secondary peaks in marker elimination patterns suggested the possibility of caecotrophy. The MRTs were 15.4 h for the solute and 13.6 h, 13.3 h and 13.3 h for the three particle markers, respectively. At a dry matter intake of 61 ± 12 g kg body mass-0.75 d−1, the maras digested organic matter and neutral detergent fibre to 48 ± 8% and 34 ± 10%, respectively, which is in the lower range of results from horses fed on a diet with a similar fibre content. The respiratory quotient (CO2/O2) was 0.93 ± 0.03, the resting metabolic rate 346 ± 35 kJ kg body mass-0.75 d−1, and CH4 emissions averaged at 3.85 ± 0.47 L d−1 and 14.5 ± 5.2 L per kg dry matter intake; this at a CH4/CO2 ratio of 0.042 ± 0.004. Thus, the methane yield was of a magnitude expected for a hypothetical ruminant of this body mass. The results are consistent with the general understanding of hystricomorph rodent digestive physiology, including caecotrophy, but do not indicate a reduction of digestive capacity to support cursoriality. These results, and those obtained from other hystricomorph rodents, suggest that CH4 production may be more prominent in rodents than previously thought

    Axotrophin/MARCH7 acts as an E3 ubiquitin ligase and ubiquitinates tau protein in vitro impairing microtubule binding

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    AbstractTau is the major microtubule-associated protein in neurons involved in microtubule stabilization in the axonal compartment. Changes in tau gene expression, alternative splicing and posttranslational modification regulate tau function and in tauopathies can result in tau mislocalization and dysfunction, causing tau aggregation and cell death. To uncover proteins involved in the development of tauopathies, a yeast two-hybrid system was used to screen for tau-interacting proteins. We show that axotrophin/MARCH7, a RING-variant domain containing protein with similarity to E3 ubiquitin ligases interacts with tau. We defined the tau binding domain to amino acids 552–682 of axotrophin comprising the RING-variant domain. Co-immunoprecipitation and co-localization confirmed the specificity of the interaction. Intracellular localization of axotrophin is determined by an N-terminal nuclear targeting signal and a C-terminal nuclear export signal. In AD brain nuclear localization is lost and axotrophin is rather associated with neurofibrillary tangles. We find here that tau becomes mono-ubiquitinated by recombinant tau-interacting RING-variant domain, which diminishes its microtubule-binding. In vitro ubiquitination of four-repeat tau results in incorporation of up to four ubiquitin molecules compared to two molecules in three-repeat tau. In summary, we present a novel tau modification occurring preferentially on 4-repeat tau protein which modifies microtubule-binding and may impact on the pathogenesis of tauopathies

    Hook proteins: association with Alzheimer pathology and regulatory role of hook3 in amyloid beta generation.

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    Defects in intracellular transport are implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Hook proteins are a family of cytoplasmic linker proteins that participate in endosomal transport. In this study we show that Hook1 and Hook3 are expressed in neurons while Hook2 is predominantly expressed in astrocytes. Furthermore, Hook proteins are associated with pathological hallmarks in AD; Hook1 and Hook3 are localized to tau aggregates and Hook2 to glial components within amyloid plaques. Additionally, the expression of Hook3 is reduced in AD. Modelling of Hook3 deficiency in cultured cells leads to slowing of endosomal transport and increases β-amyloid production. We propose that Hook3 plays a role in pathogenic events exacerbating AD