299 research outputs found

    A simple model for the global surface warming pattern

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    In-Farm Research - a Swiss Perspective

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    Conclusions The examination of the question, “why animals on farms” demonstrates the potential of “in-farm research” to gaining in-depth knowledge of the farm. The scientist’s observations and co-working on the farm are a method of choices that allows an accurate evaluation of the current situation of the farm, its atmosphere and the inner perspective of the farmers. It also lets the scientist contrast impressions from a personal point of view and to challenge statements made by the farmers. In addition, farmers were grateful for the “non-economic” assessments of the farm. As a consequence of this work, the reasons farmers give for keeping cows has become more conscious, and their decisions may strengthen their motives while also helping with public relations. Interestingly enough, looking at the farm as an individual organism, and trying to understand its intrinsic values the research methodology increasingly resembles that of social science, e.g. participative research. The researcher has to be trained in “objectivity” and precision in observational skills, and professional experience in agriculture is mandatory. Curricula in agri-science should include training programs to develop them. In-farm research cannot, and will not, be an alternative to other scientific endeavors. Rather, it is a complementary approach, especially for developing sustainable farming practices

    Functional properties of acid‐thinned potato starch: impact of modification, molecular starch characteristics, and solution preparation

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    A matrix of 27 acid‐thinned (AT) potato starch (PS) samples is prepared in a laboratory scale in slurry by gradation of the process parameters temperature (30, 40, and 50 °C), acid concentration (0.3, 0.6, and 0.9 m HCl) and time (4, 10, and 20 h), and is investigated in terms of functional properties (range of molar mass [Mw] between 17.7 × 106 and 1.95 × 104 g mol−1). The solubility (S) increased basically with a higher degree of molecular degradation and disintegration temperature, and the viscosity decreased systematically with decreasing Mw and increasing disintegration temperature. The existence of a specific Mw range of the starch to achieve highest gel strength is proved. However, an impact of the molecular properties on the light transmittance (Tgel) can be excluded, since all starch gels are opaque. A correlation between the strength and the specific non‐freezable bound water content (wnf) of the gels is found. High gel strength is accompanied by comparatively low wnf. In particular, the viscosity (processing) and the gel strength (final product characteristic), which are important technofunctional properties for the industrial application of AT starches, are found to be directly correlated to the Mw of the starch product. Moreover, the latter is controllable by the hydrolysis process parameters.TU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel - 201

    Sprouting of oats: a new approach to quantify compositional changes

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    Background and objectives: The aim of this research was to gain a deeper insight into the effect caused by the addition of sprouted oat to food products. The effect of temperature and duration of the sprouting process was systematically studied by sprouting oat grains between 10 and 30°C for up to 3 days. Findings: Overall, it was found that temperatures between 20 and 25°C yield the most dramatic changes in the properties of sprouted oats. Based on the data, a simple system to characterize the sprouting progress by a visual inspection of the lengths of the coleoptile and radicles was developed. This degree of sprouting (DoS) was correlated with further grain properties. Conclusions: It was found that an exponential relationship between the DoS and grain properties existed. Furthermore, the observed increase in the reducing sugar content (up to 14.6 g/100 g) with increasing DoS was closely related to the increase in α‐amylase activity (up to 25 U/g). Significance and novelty: The good predictive power found indicates that the application of the concept degree of sprouting could develop into a reliable characterization method for sprouted grains usable for product development and specification.TU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel - 201

    Warum Demeter-Betriebe Tiere halten

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    Die Pflicht zur Tierhaltung ist eine Besonderheit der biodynamischen Landwirtschaft (Demeter), doch werden angesichts der Lage der Landwirtschaft die persönlichen Motive der Landwirte zunehmend gewichtiger als funktionale Aspekte. Die Untersuchung ergĂ€nzt methodisch das In-Farm Research um Elemente der qualitativen Sozialforschung. Ergebnis: Die Haltung von Tieren, z.B. von KĂŒhen, stĂ€rkt u.a. die IdentitĂ€t eines Betriebes


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    W związku ze zjawiskiem przesunięcia iloƛciowego w dziedzinie tƂumaczeƄ, zarĂłwno w kontekƛcie tƂumaczenia pragmatycznego, jak i prawnego, niniejszy artykuƂ ma na celu powrĂłt do roli takich podstawowych pojęć jak interpretacja i sens oraz umieszczenie ich w centrum rozwaĆŒaƄ na temat tƂumaczenia prawnego. Wychodząc od koniecznoƛci interpretacji, w artykule uwypuklono spoƂeczne zakotwiczenie tƂumaczenia jako aktu komunikacji i wynikającej z niego niedoskonaƂoƛci paradygmatu rĂłwnowaĆŒnoƛci (Sandrini, 2017). W oparciu o teorię SchĂŒtza podkreƛlono koncepcje dotyczące sensu i zasobu wiedzy, a takĆŒe ich rolę w tƂumaczeniu (SchĂŒtz, 2004b). W koƄcowej częƛci artykuƂu przedstawiono natomiast zarys praktycznej metody tƂumaczenia opartej na pojęciu sensu (SchĂŒtz) i uĆŒycia (Wittgenstein, 2004). Dans le contexte du tournant quantitatif amorcĂ© dans le domaine de la traduction, tant pragmatique que juridique, le prĂ©sent article vise à revenir sur le rĂŽle des notions d'interprĂ©tation et de sens et Ă  les replacer au centre des prĂ©occupations de la traduction juridique. À partir du constat de la nĂ©cessitĂ© de l’interprĂ©tation, il s’agit de mettre en exergue l’ancrage social de toute traduction en tant qu’acte de communication et le caractĂšre inadĂ©quat du paradigme de l’équivalence (Sandrini, 2017) qui en rĂ©sulte. À partir de la thĂ©orie de SchĂŒtz, les notions de pertinence et de stock de connaissances ainsi que leur rĂŽle en traduction seront mises en Ă©vidence (SchĂŒtz, 2004b). Enfin, les contours d’une mĂ©thode pratique de la traduction fondĂ©e sur la pertinence et l’usage (Wittgenstein, 2004) seront esquissĂ©s.In the context of the quantitative shift in the translation field, both pragmatic and legal, this article aims to return to the role of interpretation and meaning concepts and to place them back at the centre of legal translation concerns. Starting from the observation of the necessity of interpretation, it is a question of highlighting the social anchoring of any translation as an act of communication and the inadequacy of the paradigm of equivalence (Sandrini, 2017) which results from it. Based on SchĂŒtz’s theory, the concepts of relevance and stock of knowledge and their role in translation will be highlighted (SchĂŒtz, 2004b). Finally, the outlines of a practical method of translation based on relevance and usage (Wittgenstein, 2004) will be outlined

    Adaptive cutting force control on a milling machine with hybrid axis configuration

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    In the re-contouring process of aircraft engine components, the unknown geometry and inhomogeneous material properties of the workpiece are major challenges. For this reason a new repair process chain is supposed which consists of noncontact geometry identification, process simulation and NC-path planning, followed by a force controlled milling process. A new milling machine prototype is employed to ensure an effective force control loop. By use of a magnetic guided spindle slide, higher dynamics and precise tracking are enabled. Since variation of the process forces result in variable control plant characteristics, an indirect adaptive controller has been designed. Consequently, models of actuator and process are presented and the estimation of the present parameters by a recursive least square algorithm is outlined. Once the parameters are known, the control polynomials are calculated on the basis of a pole placement control approach. First experimental results of a force controlled milling process are put forward.DFG/SFB/87

    On the Relation of Entropy and Enthalpy of Fusion in Triglycerides

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    This contribution presents an extensive literature survey of the calorimetric properties, namely enthalpy and entropy of fusion, of alkyl‐based molecules. Building on the well‐known linear correlation of the named properties to the carbon number in n‐alkanes, saturated fatty acids (FA), and saturated monoacid triglycerides (TAGs), the calorimetric properties of TAGs are reviewed. No straightforward correlation using a single ordering parameter, i.e., carbon number, can be derived for TAGs. This is not surprising due to the complexity of this particular class of molecules differing in alkyl‐chain distribution over the glycerol backbone and chain saturation. A linear correlation of enthalpy and entropy of fusion is evident for molecule classes for which both properties correlate linearly with the carbon number, e.g., n‐alkanes. Despite the complexity of TAGs, it is possible to establish a linear correlation between enthalpy and entropy of fusion even though no underlying single ordering parameter can be identified. A linear fit reveals discrepancies between saturated and unsaturated molecules but independence of polymorphic forms and chain length differences in mixed‐acid TAGs. Moreover, the slopes of the linear fits for data on n‐alkanes, saturated FA, and saturated mono‐acid TAGs are found to be in the vicinity of the melting temperature of polyethylene

    Akzeptanz und Wirksamkeit telefonischer Nachsorge im Rahmen der Tabakentwöhnung in Mutter-Kind-Kuren

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    Hintergrund: Rauchende MĂŒtter gefĂ€hrden nicht nur ihre eigene Gesundheit, sondern auch die ihrer Kinder. Außer wĂ€hrend des Zeitraums der Schwangerschaft wurde dieser Zielgruppe in der Tabakforschung bisher wenig Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt. Mutter-Kind-Kureinrichtungen können ein geeignetes Setting darstellen, um diesen Frauen Maßnahmen zur Tabakentwöhnung anzubieten. Da die Dauer des Kuraufenthalts mit drei Wochen relativ kurz ist, könnte eine telefonische Nachsorgeintervention die IntensitĂ€t und damit die Wirksamkeit eines klinikbasierten Tabakentwöhnungsprogramms erhöhen. Telefonbetreuung als Hauptintervention hat sich in der Tabakentwöhnung als effektiv erwiesen. Die Wirksamkeit telefonischer Nachsorge im Anschluss an ein Entwöhnungsprogramm wĂ€hrend eines Klinikaufenthalts ist jedoch noch unklar. Weitere ForschungslĂŒcke ist der optimale Inhalt telefonischer Interventionen, der bisher kaum systematisch untersucht wurde. Die Mehrzahl der Studien verwendet ein sehr strukturiertes, rauchspezifisches Vorgehen. Es gibt jedoch Hinweise darauf, dass Frauen von einer anderen Form der Beratung profitieren könnten, die weniger direktiv und mehr sozial unterstĂŒtzend ist. Ziel: Das Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war zu untersuchen, (1) ob telefonische Nachbetreuung im Anschluss an ein klinikbasiertes Tabakentwöhnungsprogramm wirksam ist, (2) ob die untersuchte Stichprobe von Frauen mehr von einer non-direktiven, supportiven Beratung profitiert als von einer strukturierten, rauchspezifischen Beratung und (3) welche personenbezogenen Variablen sich als prĂ€diktiv fĂŒr eine Abstinenz erweisen. Methodik: 527 rauchende MĂŒtter nahmen wĂ€hrend ihres Kuraufenthalts an einem Tabakentwöhnungskurs teil und wurden anschließend zufĂ€llig einer von drei Nachsorgebedingungen zugewiesen: (a) einer Kontrollgruppe, die keine Nachsorge erhielt, (b) einer strukturierten Telefonnachsorge oder (c) einer non-direktiven Telefonnachsorge. Zu Beginn des Kurses wurden soziodemographische, rauchbezogene und psychosoziale PrĂ€diktoren erhoben. Am Ende des Kurses und sechs Monate nach Ende der Kur wurde der Rauchstatus der Teilnehmerinnen erfasst. Die Auswertung der Ergebnisse erfolgte mit logistischen Regressionsanalysen, die mithilfe der Huber-White-Informations-Sandwich-Methode die LĂ€ngsschnittlichkeit der Daten berĂŒcksichtigten. Ergebnisse: Bei der Zusammenfassung der zwei Telefonbedingungen zu einer Interventionsgruppe ergab sich ein marginal signifikanter Effekt der Telefonnachsorge im Vergleich zur Kontrollbedingung. Bei getrennter Analyse der Interventionsbedingungen zeigte sich nur die strukturierte Telefonnachsorge der Kontrollgruppe ĂŒberlegen und erbrachte die höchste Abstinenzquote nach sechs Monaten (31.5 %; OR: 2.0; CI: 1.1-3.8). Die non-direktive Telefonberatung fĂŒhrte nicht zu einer signifikanten Verbesserung der Abstinenzquoten. Als signifikante PrĂ€diktoren fĂŒr einen Abstinenzerfolg neben den Nachsorgeinterventionen erwiesen sich der Status als alleinerziehende Mutter, Schulbildung, TabakabhĂ€ngigkeit und Selbstwirksamkeit. Diskussion: Eine strukturierte telefonische Nachbetreuung erweist sich fĂŒr Frauen als wirksame Intervention, um im Anschluss an ein klinikbasiertes Tabakentwöhnungsprogramm die Abstinenzquote aufrechtzuerhalten. Im Vergleich mit einer non-direktiven Telefonbetreuung wurde der strukturierte Beratungsansatz von den Teilnehmerinnen besser akzeptiert und konnte vermutlich ausreichend soziale UnterstĂŒtzung bieten und gleichzeitig durch eine grĂ¶ĂŸere Zielorientierung das Rauchverhalten effektiv beeinflussen. Die Ergebnisse sprechen fĂŒr die Wirksamkeit eines kurzen Tabakentwöhnungsprogramms wĂ€hrend der stationĂ€ren Rehabilitation, ergĂ€nzt durch eine telefonische Nachsorge. In Zukunft sollte eine Möglichkeit gefunden werden, wie die telefonische Nachbetreuung in den Routineablauf integriert werden kann. Die gefundenen PrĂ€diktoren machen deutlich, dass neben personzentrierten auch strukturelle Maßnahmen notwendig sind, um rauchende Frauen beim Aufhörprozess zu unterstĂŒtzen.Acceptance and effectiveness of telephone aftercare following a smoking cessation intervention in mother-child rehabilitation Background. Smoking mothers put their own health as well as that of their children at risk. Except during the period around pregnancy this target group has reached little attention in the field of tobacco research. Mother-child rehabilitation centers could be a suitable setting for providing smoking cessation measures for these women. As the duration of the rehabilitation stay is relatively short, a telephone aftercare intervention could enhance the intensity and the effectiveness of a hospital-based smoking cessation program. Telephone counselling as the main intervention has been shown to be effective in increasing abstinence rates. However, the effectiveness of telephone aftercare following a cessation program during a rehabilitation stay is unclear. A further gap in research is the optimal content of telephone interventions which has not been studied systematically so far. Most studies use a very structured, smoking-specific counselling approach. There are hints that women could benefit more from a different form of counselling that is less directive and more supportive. Aim. Aim of the present study was to analyse (1) if telephone aftercare following an inpatient smoking cessation program is effective, (2) if the targeted sample of women profits more from a non-directive, supportive counselling style than from a structured, smoking-specific style and (3) which individual-related variables predict abstinence. Method. 527 smoking mothers participated in a smoking cessation program during their rehabilitation stay and afterwards were randomized to one of three aftercare conditions: (a) a control group that did not receive any aftercare, (b) a structured telephone aftercare intervention or (c) a non-directive telephone aftercare intervention. At the beginning of the inpatient program data on sociodemographic, smoking-related and psychosocial predictors was collected. At the end of the program and six months after the end of rehabilitation, smoking status of participants was assessed. The evaluation of the results was effected through logistic regression analyses that accounted for longitudinal data by using the Huber-White information sandwich method. Results. The pooling of the two telephone conditions into one intervention group resulted in a marginal significant effect of telephone aftercare compared to the control condition. In a separate analysis of the intervention groups only the stuctured telephone counselling approach proved to be superior to the control group and resulted in the highest abstinence rate after six months (31.5 %; OR: 2.0; CI: 1.1-3.8). The non-directive counselling group did not show a significant effect on abstinence rates. Beside the aftercare interventions, status as a single mother, education level, tobacco dependence and self efficacy emerged as significant predictors of success in reaching abstinence. Discussion. Structured telepone aftercare proves to be an effective intervention for women to stabilize abstinence rates following an inpatient smoking cessation program. Compared to a non-directive counselling approach the structured telephone aftercare was better accepted by the participants and probably was able to provide sufficient social support and at the same time to effectively influence smoking behavior through its higher goal orientation. The results suggest the effectiveness of a short smoking cessation program during inpatient rehabilitation followed by telephone aftercare. In the future, possibilities have to be found how to integrate telephone counselling into treatment routine. The characteristics that emerged as predictors of abstinence make clear that, beside person-centered interventions, structural measures are needed to support smoking women in the process of quitting
