9 research outputs found

    Description of pregnancies occurred among women living with HIV/AIDS and women not living with HIV/AIDS that resulted or not in induced abortion, according to characteristics linked to the specific context of each pregnancy.

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    a<p>Totals can differ due to missing answers.</p>b<p>Differences between pregnancies among women living with HIV/Aids and women not living with HIV/Aids calculated using Rao-Scott chi-square (PROC SURVEYFREQ).</p

    Description of women living with HIV/AIDS and women not living with HIV/AIDS, with and without declaration of induced abortion, according to characteristics linked to the life course of women (variables refer to the time of the interview).

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    a<p>Totals can differ due to missing answers.</p>b<p>Differences between women living with HIV/Aids and women not living with HIV/Aids were calculated using chi square test.</p>c<p>Categories based on median number of sexual partner at the time of the interview.</p

    Odds ratio and 95% confidence interval for declaration of induced abortion among women living with HIV/Aids and women not living with HIV/Aids, estimated through the univariable and multivariable GEE logistic model.

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    a<p>OR: Odds Ratio; CI95%: Confidence Interval of 95%. Estimated through unadjusted Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE).</p>b<p>OR: Odds Ratio; CI95%: Confidence Interval of 95%. Estimated through adjusted Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE).</p>c<p>Variables refer to the time of the interview.</p>d<p>Categories based on median number of sexual partner at the time of the interview.</p>e<p>Variables refer to the time of pregnancy.</p

    Description of pregnancies occurred among women living with HIV/AIDS and women not living with HIV/AIDS according to characteristics linked to the specific context of each pregnancy.

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    a<p>Totals can differ due to missing answers.</p>b<p>Differences between pregnancies among women living with HIV/Aids and women not living with HIV/Aids were calculated using Rao-Scott chi-square (PROC SURVEYFREQ).</p

    Description of women living with HIV/AIDS and women not living with HIV/AIDS according to characteristics linked to the life course of women (variables refer to the time of the interview).

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    a<p>Totals can differ due to missing answers.</p>b<p>Differences between women living with HIV/Aids and women not living with HIV/Aids were calculated using chi square test.</p>c<p>Categories based on median number of sexual partner at the time of the interview.</p

    Factors associated with post-diagnosis pregnancies in women living with HIV in the south of Brazil

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    <div><p>Objectives</p><p>To analyze the factors associated with the occurrence of pregnancies after the diagnosis of infection by HIV.</p><p>Methods</p><p>Cross-sectional study with women of a reproductive age living with HIV/AIDS cared for in the public services of the city of Porto Alegre, in southern Brazil. The data was analyzed from a comparison between two groups: women with and women without pregnancies after the diagnosis of HIV. Poisson regression models were used to estimate the reasons of prevalence (RP).</p><p>Results</p><p>The occurrence of pregnancies after the diagnosis of HIV is associated with a lower level of education (RP adjusted = 1.31; IC95%: 1.03–1.66), non-use of condoms in the first sexual intercourse (RP = 1.32; IC95%: 1.02–1.70), being 20 years old or less when diagnosed with HIV (RP = 3.48; IC95%: 2.02–6.01), and experience of violence related to the diagnosis of HIV (RP = 1.28; IC95%: 1.06–1.56).</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>The occurrence of pregnancies after the diagnosis of infection by HIV does not indicate the exercise of the reproductive rights of the women living with HIV/AIDS because these pregnancies occurred in contexts of great vulnerability.</p></div