58 research outputs found

    The Efficacy of Restorative Practices on Reducing and Preventing Problem Behaviors in Adolescents

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    For decades, schools and juvenile detention systems in the United States and abroad have used punitive disciplinary practices such as detention, suspension, expulsion, and jail sentences to address adolescent misbehavior. These practices are considered to be retributive in that they serve as repayment to society in the case of detention and to act as “desertion” of society in the cases of suspension or incarceration” (Flanders, 2014, p. 328). Zero tolerance practices, touted by both educational and juvenile justice systems, have escalated the use of such practices. However, little evidence exists to support that these retributive practices have reduced the number of disruptions, fights, and other violent misbehaviors within schools (Lewis, 2009). The need for a different approach to discipline within schools and juvenile justice systems has led many schools and juvenile justice programs to consider alternatives such as Restorative Justice. Also referred to as restorative practices, they are designed not only to change behavior, but also to “restore the environment and relationships damaged by the behavior” (Beale, 2003, p. 418). Some practitioners contend this approach results in lower rates of misbehavior and recidivism (Bradshaw & Roseborough, 2005; Lewis, 2009). The purpose of this paper was to demonstrate the efficacy of restorative justice and other restorative practices on reducing adolescent misbehavior

    One-Parameter Homothetic Motion in the Hyperbolic Plane and Euler-Savary Formula

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    In \cite{Mul} one-parameter planar motion was first introduced and the relations between absolute, relative, sliding velocities (and accelerations) in the Euclidean plane E2\mathbb{E}^2 were obtained. Moreover, the relations between the Complex velocities one-parameter motion in the Complex plane were provided by \cite{Mul}. One-parameter planar homothetic motion was defined in the Complex plane, \cite{Kur}. In this paper, analogous to homothetic motion in the Complex plane given by \cite{Kur}, one-parameter planar homothetic motion is defined in the Hyperbolic plane. Some characteristic properties about the velocity vectors, the acceleration vectors and the pole curves are given. Moreover, in the case of homothetic scale hh identically equal to 1, the results given in \cite{Yuc} are obtained as a special case. In addition, three hyperbolic planes, of which two are moving and the other one is fixed, are taken into consideration and a canonical relative system for one-parameter planar hyperbolic homothetic motion is defined. Euler-Savary formula, which gives the relationship between the curvatures of trajectory curves, is obtained with the help of this relative system

    The conic-gearing image of a complex number and a spinor-born surface geometry

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    Quaternion (Q-) mathematics formally contains many fragments of physical laws; in particular, the Hamiltonian for the Pauli equation automatically emerges in a space with Q-metric. The eigenfunction method shows that any Q-unit has an interior structure consisting of spinor functions; this helps us to represent any complex number in an orthogonal form associated with a novel geometric image (the conic-gearing picture). Fundamental Q-unit-spinor relations are found, revealing the geometric meaning of spinors as Lam\'e coefficients (dyads) locally coupling the base and tangent surfaces.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Topological defects for the free boson CFT

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    Two different conformal field theories can be joined together along a defect line. We study such defects for the case where the conformal field theories on either side are single free bosons compactified on a circle. We concentrate on topological defects for which the left- and right-moving Virasoro algebras are separately preserved, but not necessarily any additional symmetries. For the case where both radii are rational multiples of the self-dual radius we classify these topological defects. We also show that the isomorphism between two T-dual free boson conformal field theories can be described by the action of a topological defect, and hence that T-duality can be understood as a special type of order-disorder duality.Comment: 43 pages, 4 figure

    New symmetries of the chiral Potts model

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    In this paper a hithertho unknown symmetry of the three-state chiral Potts model is found consisting of two coupled Temperley-Lieb algebras. From these we can construct new superintegrable models. One realisation is in terms of a staggered isotropic XY spin chain. Further we investigate the importance of the algebra for the existence of mutually commuting charges. This leads us to a natural generalisation of the boost-operator, which generates the charges.Comment: 19 pages, improved notation, made the text easier to read, corrected some typo

    From boundary to bulk in logarithmic CFT

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    The analogue of the charge-conjugation modular invariant for rational logarithmic conformal field theories is constructed. This is done by reconstructing the bulk spectrum from a simple boundary condition (the analogue of the Cardy `identity brane'). We apply the general method to the c_1,p triplet models and reproduce the previously known bulk theory for p=2 at c=-2. For general p we verify that the resulting partition functions are modular invariant. We also construct the complete set of 2p boundary states, and confirm that the identity brane from which we started indeed exists. As a by-product we obtain a logarithmic version of the Verlinde formula for the c_1,p triplet models.Comment: 35 pages, 2 figures; v2: minor corrections, version to appear in J.Phys.

    Higher string functions, higher-level Appell functions, and the logarithmic ^sl(2)_k/u(1) CFT model

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    We generalize the string functions C_{n,r}(tau) associated with the coset ^sl(2)_k/u(1) to higher string functions A_{n,r}(tau) and B_{n,r}(tau) associated with the coset W(k)/u(1) of the W-algebra of the logarithmically extended ^sl(2)_k conformal field model with positive integer k. The higher string functions occur in decomposing W(k) characters with respect to level-k theta and Appell functions and their derivatives (the characters are neither quasiperiodic nor holomorphic, and therefore cannot decompose with respect to only theta-functions). The decomposition coefficients, to be considered ``logarithmic parafermionic characters,'' are given by A_{n,r}(tau), B_{n,r}(tau), C_{n,r}(tau), and by the triplet \mathscr{W}(p)-algebra characters of the (p=k+2,1) logarithmic model. We study the properties of A_{n,r} and B_{n,r}, which nontrivially generalize those of the classic string functions C_{n,r}, and evaluate the modular group representation generated from A_{n,r}(tau) and B_{n,r}(tau); its structure inherits some features of modular transformations of the higher-level Appell functions and the associated transcendental function Phi.Comment: 34 pages, amsart++, times. V2: references added; minor changes; some nonsense in B.3.3. correcte

    The fusion algebra of bimodule categories

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    We establish an algebra-isomorphism between the complexified Grothendieck ring F of certain bimodule categories over a modular tensor category and the endomorphism algebra of appropriate morphism spaces of those bimodule categories. This provides a purely categorical proof of a conjecture by Ostrik concerning the structure of F. As a by-product we obtain a concrete expression for the structure constants of the Grothendieck ring of the bimodule category in terms of endomorphisms of the tensor unit of the underlying modular tensor category.Comment: 16 page

    Open-closed field algebras

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    We introduce the notions of open-closed field algebra and open-closed field algebra over a vertex operator algebra V. In the case that V satisfies certain finiteness and reductivity conditions, we show that an open-closed field algebra over V canonically gives an algebra over a \C-extension of the Swiss-cheese partial operad. We also give a tensor categorical formulation and categorical constructions of open-closed field algebras over V.Comment: 55 pages, largely revised, an old subsection is deleted, a few references are adde

    The logarithmic triplet theory with boundary

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    The boundary theory for the c=-2 triplet model is investigated in detail. In particular, we show that there are four different boundary conditions that preserve the triplet algebra, and check the consistency of the corresponding boundary operators by constructing their OPE coefficients explicitly. We also compute the correlation functions of two bulk fields in the presence of a boundary, and verify that they are consistent with factorisation.Comment: 43 pages, LaTeX; v2: references added, typos corrected, footnote 4 adde