76 research outputs found

    Bare en brikke i et statlig puslespill? Sammenslåing av fylkesmannsembeter - de ansattes stemme.

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    Den siste tiden har det skjedd store endringer i fylkesstrukturen i Norge, der flere fylker har blitt slått sammen, og flere skal slås sammen på sikt. Temaet for oppgaven vil derfor være ivaretakelse av de ansatte gjennom en sammenslåingsprosess av fylkesmannsembeter, med utgangspunkt i Nord- og Sør-Trøndelag. I studien ble det tatt utgangspunkt i følgende problemstilling: ”Hvordan ble de ansatte ivaretatt i sammenslåingsprosessen, og på hvilken måte kan ivaretakelsen ha innvirket på deres identifisering med det nye fylkesmannsembetet?” Videre ble det utformet tre forskningsspørsmål med tilhørende hypoteser. For å svare på problemstillingen ble det gjennomført semistrukturerte dybdeintervju med åtte informanter fra det tidligere embetet i nord og sør. I denne studien ble det utviklet en forskningsmodell som bestod av deltakelse og dialog for å studere ivaretakelsen av de ansatte, og videre innvirkning på identifiseringen med det nye embetet. Denne forskningen kan bidra til å avdekke nøkkelfaktorer og fallgruver for ivaretakelse av medarbeidere i en sammenslåingsprosess, da det vil forekomme sammenslåing av flere fylkesmannsembeter på sikt. Ifølge informantene hos fylkesmannsembetet i nord og sør er viktig å ha muligheten til å delta i prosessen, samt tilgang til god dialog i form av kommunikasjon og informasjon i integrasjonsprosessen gjennom en sammenslåingsprosess. Informantene uttalte at de var fornøyd med deltakelsen og dialogen i prosessen, men her utmerket informantene i sør seg som mer fornøyd enn informantene i nord. Funnene indikerer derfor at deltakelse og dialog vil påvirke ivaretakelsen av de ansatte. Videre kom det frem at alle informantene i nord og sør hadde en positiv innstillig til identifiseringen med det nye embetet. Informantene oppfattet ikke sammenslåingen som en trussel og de mente at det var gjennomført en rettferdig prosess. Dette kan begrunnes med at informantene følte seg ivaretatt gjennom prosessen, og at dette har ført til en mer positiv innstilling til identifiseringen med det nye embetet. De ansatte ble derfor ivaretatt ved deltakelse og dialog, og dette har innvirket positivt på identifiseringen med det nye fylkesmannsembetet

    A survey of the requirements for emission-free building and construction sites

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    The City of Oslo’s Climate Agency has engaged SINTEF to carry out a survey of emissionfree building and construction sites for Oslo Municipality's projects. The principal themes are electricity supply, emission-free construction machinery and vehicles, and charging logistics, studying associated experiences and barriers. This report assesses building site experience from relevant projects and includes detailed studies of machine fleets, energy consumption and energy supply. The results indicate that the development towards emission-free building and construction sites is progressing rapidly, although some barriers and challenges remain. All of the municipality's building and construction sites shall be emission-free by 2025. Standard climate and environment requirements for Oslo Municipality's building and construction sites were introduced in 2019. With this new framework, contractors who can offer emission free construction machinery and vehicles in building and construction projects are awarded contracts where Oslo Municipality is the building owner. This is an innovative use of procurement, targeted to promote a quicker transition to emission free completion of building and construction activities in Oslo. In 2019, access to emission free equipment was limited, and the market for emission free building and construction services was still in an early phase of development. Standard requirements were introduced to contribute to the Municipality's goal that all building and construction activities in Oslo Municipality's public sector shall be emission free by 2025. This survey shows that development so far is in line with the goal of Oslo Municipality's public sector shall be emission free by 2025, and the framework has succeeded in its purpose. Between 1st January and 30th June 2021, 73 competitions for tender were published on behalf of Oslo Municipality for the construction sector. Of these, 66 competitions followed Oslo Municipality’s standard contractual requirements and award criteria, and eight stipulated the use of emission-free concepts, the minimum requirement in six of these being the use of emission-free excavators. This means that seven of these 73 projects were either too small or did not use electric construction machinery. There are now at least 36 construction projects in Oslo Municipality (mapped in this report) that use emission free construction machinery, vehicles and equipment. This mapping shows that it is unproblematic with smaller electric machines and equipment. But there are some challenges relating to energy supply and charging logistics when multiple, large construction machineries operate at the same time. It is reported that electric construction machineries generate less noise, less pollution, better air quality and a better working environment. The results show that there are different understandings of what an emission free building or construction site involves, and that definitions of these terms should be standardised. This will most likely be achieved through the on-going development of a Norwegian Standard prNS3770 for emission free building and construction sites. The table below summarises barriers, challenges, possibilities and solutions for emission free construction machineries and vehicles, energy supply and charging logistics.publishedVersion10202628

    Potentials for emission reduction and value creation in the rehabilitation of existing building stock using input-output analysis

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    Given that most of the world’s building stock for the next 30 years already exists today, renovation of existing buildings and infrastructure represent an important pathway towards a more sustainable future. The aim of this paper was twofold: 1) to evaluate potentials for waste reduction, efficient resource utilization, economic advantages and GHG emission reduction in rehabilitation in comparison with building new, 2) demonstrate the usefulness of input-output analysis in evaluation of value creation and employment potential, and environmental effects of changes in the building stock. A macroeconomic, input-output model developed by SINTEF is used in a methodology to make comparative assessments on future scenarios on building and renovation strategies. Preliminary results show how the strategies analysed provide pros and cons when different macroeconomic indicators (value added, GHG emissions, energy efficiency) are considered. Future works will improve technical data and macroeconomic assumptions, as integrate policy analysis into the methodology.publishedVersio

    A chronological development of a framework for emission free construction sites in Norway

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    The building and construction sector is responsible for 3.4% of total GHG emissions in Norway. Around 95% of these emissions arise from the combustion of fossil fuels for the operation of construction machinery and transport. This highlights the importance of transitioning to renewable energy sources for the operation of construction sites. To facilitate this transition, a new concept is emerging in Norway, called emission free construction sites. To fully implement this concept, a clear and consistent definition of emission free construction sites and a commonly agreed stepwise approach to decarbonisation of construction activities is required. This paper presents a chronology of the development of emission free construction sites in Norway to further develop a framework. First, a review of experiences from different research and on-going national activities are presented as a background. The results from applying this framework on construction sites in Norway are presented and issues around harmonisation of definitions, standards, and system boundaries are discussed. The results of this paper are relevant for actors within the construction industry that are interested in reducing GHG emissions from construction works. In conclusion, this paper presents the first steps towards the decarbonisation of construction sites in Norway and demonstrates how Norway has become a testbed for the electrification of construction machinery on construction sites.publishedVersio

    GHG emissions accounting. Recommendations for the methodology to follow in the zero emission neighbourhood definition

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    The method for calculating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in zero emission neighbourhoods (ZEN) requires clarification on a set of methodological aspects. This is due to differing approaches in established methods, such as EN 15978, NS 3720, and FutureBuilt ZERO, as well as methodological considerations when changing the focus from building to neighbourhood level. The methodological aspects covered in this ZEN Memo relate to time-weighting, technological development, primary (neighbourhood site) land use and land use change (LULUC), and mobility. This Memo presents the advantages and drawbacks of some existing methods found in the literature for the four methodological aspects. One method is recommended for each aspect: NS 3720 with temporal presentation of the results (for time-weighting), NS 3720 (for technology-weighting), Miljødirektoratet's Excel tool (for LULUC), and a combination of ZEN MOB KPI and NS 3720 (for mobility). Methodological aspects on how to estimate emissions from the use, generation and/or import/export of energy are covered in two other ZEN Memos and are summarised in Appendix of this Memo. GHG emission methodologies are under rapid development, which indicates that the comparisons and recommendations presented in this Memo might require a future revision.publishedVersio

    User perspectives on reuse of construction products in Norway: Results of a national survey

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    Construction industry is one of the main contributors to the world's emissions and material footprints. Reuse of construction products is one way to lower the sector's embodied emissions and increase resource utilisation. The aim of this study is to identify the main drivers and challenges affecting reuse of construction products as well as assess success factors, reuse potential, and potential measures which should be considered to overcome these obstacles. An online national survey was conducted on reuse of construction products among actors from the Norwegian construction industry. The valid responses obtained from 260 participants show ‘emission reduction’ as the most important driver for reuse of construction products by all user groups. Even if regulatory and economic components were listed under drivers in the survey questions, they were considered as barriers rather than drivers by some of the respondents. All user groups, except suppliers of reused products, rated ‘lack of documentation’ as the most important barrier, and ‘good planning’ as the most important success factor. Suppliers of reused products rated ‘high cost’ and ‘good planning’ as the most challenging and the most important success factor for reuse, respectively. The findings also reveal different perceptions and levels of optimism among actors. Most respondents were optimistic about availability of reusable products (within less than 5 y), but least optimistic about finding cheaper reusable products in the near future (assuming it might take 9 to 17 y). Laws and regulations, testing, documentation and certification, and economic subsidies are mentioned as the top three measures to address the current barriers. Concerning the definition of the term ‘Reuse’, the findings indicate a lack of common understanding – and the need to create a clear description and a harmonised definition. The findings from the study show the need to take several actions to address the current challenges of reuse.publishedVersio

    "Den dagen PC-en går i stykker, da har mye av min verden gått i stykker". En kvalitativ studie om bruk av seniorvennlig PC

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    Sammendrag Den digitale utviklingen går raskt, og det er økende krav til digital kompetanse. Det er behov for digitale løsninger som ivaretar individuelle behov og funksjonsnedsettelser. Duka-PC er en PC som er utviklet spesielt for seniorer, med tanke på brukervennlighet og mulighet for individuell tilpasning. Hensikten med denne studien var å få kunnskap om hvordan seniorer benytter sin Duka-PC, og hvordan dette påvirker deres hverdag og livskvalitet. Studien har en fenomenologisk-hermeneutisk tilnærming. Vi gjennomførte semistrukturerte intervjuer med ni seniorbrukere av Duka-PC. Data ble analysert ved systematisk tekstkondensering. Funnene viser at Duka-PC bidro til mestring i hverdagen samt økt livskvalitet. Bruk av Duka-PC gav deltakerne mulighet for økt deltakelse i samfunnet. Støttetjenesten ble fremhevet som viktig for økt trygghet og mestring. Noen informanter gav uttrykk for bekymring for et samfunn som i økende grad blir digitalisert, og opplevde et økt digitalt skille. Brukervennlig PC (som Duka-PC) med en god støttefunksjon (support og opplæringsarenaer) kan bidra til økt livskvalitet, mestring og digital kompetanse blant seniorer.publishedVersio

    Waste free construction site - A buzzword, nice to have or more

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    The building and construction industry is responsible for up to 25% of the total waste generated globally. Most construction sites in Norway on average generate 40–60 kg waste per gross floor area built and the average material recovery rate is ca. 46%. Existing requirements focus on waste sorting as a measure to increase material recovery rates. There are on-going national activities with an ambition to achieve waste free construction sites. However, there is lack of a common definition, standard and transparent data collection, and reporting system. This study presents a method for the evaluation and follow-up of construction waste and the associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The methodology was tested using the actual construction waste data collected from 36 Norwegian building cases to evaluate the quantity of construction waste, waste-related GHG emissions per building typology, sorting grade and waste recycling rate. The buildings in total generated ca. 7800 tonnes of waste and ca.12900 tonnes CO2eq and on average ca. 51 kg/m2 waste and 88kgCO2eq/m2. The building projects had a high average sorting grade (89%) and a low average recycling rate (32%). Gypsum, mixed wood, clean wood, and mixed waste are the top waste fractions representing ca. 56% of the total waste volume. This highlights there is still a long way to go to achieve waste free construction sites ambitions. The results also suggest the need for using transparent data collection and communication methods, collaboration in the value chain, stricter regulations, and incentives for encouraging the development of new and existing waste prevention solutions and technologies.publishedVersio

    Kriterer for sirkulære bygg. Kartlegging av bransjestandard

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    Kriterier for sirkulære bygg - Kartlegging av bransjestandard Det er behov for videre metodeutvikling av sirkularitet i norske bygninger, inkludert målenheter, definisjoner, systemgrenser og kartlegging av bransjestandard. Denne rapporten samler nåværende statistikk og data for å sette «dagens» bransjestandard for sirkularitet i norske bygg. Resultatene viser at den norske byggenæringen er rundt 7% sirkulær i 2023 ifølge FutureBuilts sirkularitetsindeksmetode. Framskrivingene viser at sirkularitet kan være rundt 14-42% innen 2030 og 34-71% innen 2050 når en rekke politiske og strukturelle tiltak og endringer gjennomføres. Det vises også at dersom målet om full sirkularitet skal oppnås må det settes inn enda flere tiltak. Allikevel er det høye usikkerheter i datakvalitet på grunn av mange antagelser, mange datahull, og et lappeteppe av ulike datakilder. Resultatene fra denne studien er et første steg mot å kartlegge sirkularitet i den norske byggenæringen og viser at et mye mer detaljert datagrunnlag om sirkulær statistikk trengs for å redusere usikkerheter. Resultatene viser hvor mye som må til for at Norges byggenæring skal være fullt sirkulær. Disse resultatene er nyttige for blant annet videreutvikling av FutureBuilts sirkularitetsindeks og Grønn Byggallianses miljødashboard. ZEN partnere FutureBuilt, Bærum kommune, Oslo kommune, Statsbygg, Asplan Viak, og Multiconsult har bidratt til denne rapporten. I tillegg har Entra bidratt.publishedVersio

    Ocean Space Centre. Klimagassutslipp fra teknisk utstyr og tekniske installasjoner

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    Målsetningen med denne ZEN-casen er å kartlegge omfanget av klimagassutslipp fra teknisk utstyr og tekniske installasjoner samt vurdere tilgang og kvalitet på miljødata for disse. Rapporten vil være et grunnlag for å prioritere hvilke deler av de tekniske installasjonene det bør utvikles bedre miljøi-nformasjon om. Rapporten bidrar med erfaringstall i en tidlig designfase for Ocean Space Centre (OSC). Ved datamangel har vi benyttet klimagassresultater fra et annet prosjekt, Høgskulen på Vestlandet (HVL). Resultatene viser at de totale klimagassutslippene for livsløpsmodulene A1-A3 (Utbygging) og B4 (Utskifting) for OSC Fløy A er på 2,9 kgCO2e/(m2·år) for kun tekniske installasjoner og på 9,1 kgCO2e/(m2·år) hvis man inkluderer utslipp knyttet til bygningskroppen. Rapporten viser at det fortsatt er en stor grad av usikker-het og antakelser når det gjelder klimagassberegninger for tekniske installasjoner i en tidlig designfase. Videre arbeid vil inkludere nye klimagassberegninger når omfanget av mengdeberegninger for tekniske installasjoner blir bedre spesifisert og flere spesifikke utslippsfaktorer er tilgjengelig i form av miljødeklarasjoner (EPD) for ulike typer tekniske installasjoner. Videre bør det gjennomføres klima-gassberegninger for flere bygninger når detaljerte materialinventarer og bedre utslippsdata for tekniske installasjoner er tilgjengelig. Videre arbeid kan også involvere utvidelse av systemgrensen til flere livsløpsmoduler, inkludert modul D (Konsekvenser utover systemgrensen) og B6 (Energibruk i drift), for å se avveininger mellom klimagassutslipp fra tekniske installasjoner og gevinst fra redusert energi-bruk og egen energiproduksjon.publishedVersio