118 research outputs found

    Epidemiology and burden of Rotavirus-associated hospitalizations in Ferrara, Italy

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    Objective of this study was to provide data on hospitalizations for rotavirus gastroenteritis (RVGE) in Ferrara, Italy. The study was conducted analyzing the hospital discharge forms of all children admitted to the Pediatric Department of the University of Ferrara, Arcispedale Sant'Anna, from January 2001 through December 2005. The database was searched for all gastrointestinal diseases and in particular RVGE. During the period under study 3277 children, of which 2038 inf.60 months of age, were hospitalized; 247 children inf.5 years old were admitted for acute gastroenteritis and 89 (4.4% of all and 36% of gastroenteritis-related hospitalizations) had rapid screening tests positive for rotavirus. A seasonal pattern was observed for RVGE with an increase in winter and early spring. The average length of hospital stay was 5.7 days. The median cost of each hospitalized case of RVGE ranged between 1417 and 1595 Euros. The present research confirms that rotavirus gastroenteritis represents an important cause of hospitalization in children and is responsible for significant costs for the Public Health Care System. An effective vaccination program could significantly reduce the incidence of hospitalization and the associated costs

    Consensus Statement on Animals’ Relationship with Pediatric Oncohematological Patients, on Behalf of Infectious Diseases and Nurse Working Groups of the Italian Association of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology

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    : Contact with animals in pediatric oncohematologic patients is associated with many benefits, but the risk of contracting zoonoses, even if low, must be considered by clinicians. In order to assess the awareness about this topic, we surveyed the Italian pediatric oncohematology centers, which resulted in heterogeneous responses. The Infectious Diseases Working Group and the Nurse Working Group of the Italian Association of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, together with veterinarians from the National Federation of Italian Veterinarians, drew up a consensus document to unify the indications to be given to families with the aim of guaranteeing a safe interaction between patients and animals and improving the collaboration of clinicians with veterinarians and families

    Enhanced engraftment and repairing ability of human adipose-derived stem cells, conveyed by pharmacologically active microcarriers continuously releasing HGF and IGF-1, in healing myocardial infarction in rats

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    One of the main cause of ineffective cell therapy in repairing the damaged heart is the poor yield of grafted cells. To overcome this drawback, rats with 4-week-old myocardial infarction (MI) were injected in the border zone with human adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) conveyed by poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) microcarriers (PAMs) releasing hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) (GFsPAMs). According to treatments, animals were subdivided into different groups: MI_ADSC, MI_ADSC/PAM, MI_GFsPAM, MI_ADSC/GFsPAM, and untreated MI_V. Two weeks after injection, a 31% increase in ADSC engraftment was observed in MI_ADSC/PAM compared with MI_ADSC (p < 0.05). A further ADSC retention was obtained in MI_ADSC/GFsPAM with respect to MI_ADSC (106%, p < 0.05) and MI_ADSC/PAM (57%, p < 0.05). A 130% higher density of blood vessels of medium size was present in MI_ADSC/GFsPAM compared with MI_ADSC (p < 0.01). MI_ADSC/GFsPAM also improved, albeit slightly, left ventricular remodeling and hemodynamics with respect to the other groups. Notably, ADSCs and/or PAMs, with or without HGF/IGF-1, trended to induce arrhythmias in electrically driven, Langendorff-perfused, hearts of all groups. Thus, PAMs releasing HGF/IGF-1 markedly increase ADSC engraftment 2 weeks after injection and stimulate healing in chronically infarcted myocardium, but attention should be paid to potentially negative electrophysiological consequences

    Combined antiretroviral therapy reduces hyperimmunoglobulinemia in HIV-1 infected children

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    Objective: To evaluate the effect of combined antiretroviral therapy on serum immunoglobulin (Ig) levels in HIV-1 perinatally infected children. Methods: Data from 1250 children recorded by the Italian Register for HIV Infection in Children from 1985 to 2002 were analysed. Since Ig levels physiologically vary with age, differences at different age periods were evaluated as differences in z-scores calculated using means and standard deviations of normal population for each age period. Combined antiretroviral therapy has become widespread in Italy since 1996, thus differences in Ig z-scores between the periods 1985-1995 and 1996-2002 were analysed. Data according to type of therapeutic regimen were also analysed. Results: Between the two periods 1985-1995 and 1996-2002, significant (P < 0.0001) decreases in IgG (6.29 ± 4.72 versus 4.44 ± 4.33), IgM (9.25 ± 13.32 versus 5.61 ± 7.93), and IgA (10.25 ± 15.68 versus 6.48 ± 11.56) z-scores, together with a parallel significant (P < 0.0001) increase in CD4 T-lymphocyte percentages, were found. These decreases were confirmed regardless of whether the children were receiving intravenous Ig or not. Ig z-scores were significantly higher in children receiving mono-therapy than in those receiving double-combined therapy (IgC, P < 0.0001; IgM, P = 0.003; IgA, P = 0.031) and in the latter children than in those receiving three or more drugs (P < 0.0001 for all z-scores). Ig z-scores correlated inversely with CD4 T-lymphocyte percentages and, directly, with viral loads. Conclusions: Our data show that in HIV-1 infected children combined antiretroviral therapy leads to reduction of hyperimmunoglobulinemia which parallels restoration of CD4 T-lymphocyte percentage and viral load decrease, which it turn probably reflects improved B-lymphocyte functions. © 2004 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

    Mesenchymal stem cells in cardiac regeneration: a detailed progress report of the last 6 years (2010–2015)

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    Impatto della cefalea sul Sistema Sanitario Nazionale

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    Cefalea = dolore avvertito in corrispondenza del cranio, provocato dalla stimolazione di strutture intracraniche sensibili al dolore. È la più comune tra le sindromi dolorose. In Italia colpisce circa dieci milioni di persone in modo episodico, due milioni in modo cronico La cefalea è un sintomo molto comune in età evolutiva ed un problema di rilevante entità nella pratica clinica Le cefalee primarie costituiscono l’80% dei casi che giungono all’osservazione specialistica, le cefalee secondarie il 15-20%. Sul SSN si deducono le seguenti osservazioni: -il costo medio per caso appare costante; -l'importo medio per prestazione strumentale aumenta ma la richiesta di diagnostica per "caso" diminuisce; -aumenta la richiesta di consulenza diminuisce l'esito in ricovero; -si chiedono meno esami ma più complessi: segno di una maggior affinatezza diagnostica dopo l'approccio clinico?- minor tendenza al ricovero con conseguente miglioramento dell'appropriatezza organizzativa ottimizzazione delle risorse del sistem


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    Negli ultimi 20 anni si sono realizzati diversi interventi innovativi nella formulazione dei latti per l'infanzia: questi cambiamenti si sono succeduti con un ritmo sostenuto e sono stati in genere ben recepiti dalla classe pediatrica. Questo continuo succedersi di modificazioni rappresenta certamente un fatto positivo ma va anche valutato con molta razionalità e senso critico in quanto può esistere il rischio che alcune scelte possano rispondere più a criteri orientati da esigenze di marketing che a reali richieste nutrizionali. L'articolo approfondisce dettagliatamente alcune delle più recenti acquisizioni in tema di nutrizione infantile, quali gli acidi grassi a lunga catena, i probiotici e i nucleotidi


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    Drugs containing iron are one of the most serious causes of poisoning in children younger than five years. No evidence exists to document a clear relationship between the dose ingested and the severity of intoxication. We present the case of a 2 year old girl who complained, as the only symptom, of abdominal pain after the ingestion of 10 tablets of ferrous salt about 60 mg/kg. This clinical summarizes the management of accidental ingestion of iron by children
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