5,217 research outputs found

    The Role of Acidosis in Fatigue: Pro Perspective

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    New Insights on Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Calcium Regulation in Muscle Fatigue

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    A consistent observation with fatigue in skeletal muscle is a decline in the amplitude of the myoplasmic Ca2+ transient, which is thought to result primarily from a reduced Ca2+ flux through the ryanodine receptor (RyR1) of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) (Fig. 1). This in turn is thought to contribute to the loss in muscle force and power (2). In the past 20 years, the important proteins at the t-tubule SR junction have been identified (Fig. 1), and considerable progress has been made in understanding the molecular mechanism by which t-tubular charge induces SR Ca2+ release. However, the cellular nature of the disturbance(s) in excitation-contraction coupling (ECC) responsible for the reduced Ca2+ release with fatigue have yet to be elucidated (2). Possibilities include t-tubular dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR) inactivation, a disturbance in the linking process between the DHPR and the RyR1, factors that reduce the open probability or conductance of the RyR1, and/or a decline in SR lumen Ca2+ that reduces the chemical driving force (ΔC) for Ca2+ release. It seems likely that more than one factor is involved. For example, high-intensity contractile activity increases extracellular K+ depolarizing the t-tubular membrane, which can at values less negative than −60 mV inhibit the DHPR. Concurrently, a drop in cell ATP and increase in Mg2+ directly inhibits the RyR1

    The Propositional Benacerraf Problem

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    Writers in the propositions literature consider the Benacerraf objection serious, often decisive. The objection figures heavily in dismissing standard theories of propositions of the past, notably set-theoretic theories. I argue that the situation is more complicated. After explicating the propositional Benacerraf problem, I focus on a classic set-theoretic theory of propositions, the possible worlds theory, and argue that methodological considerations influence the objection’s success

    Alterations in skeletal muscle with disuse atrophy

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    Progress is reported in the following areas: (1) microgel electrophoresis identification of single fibers; (2) skinned fiber preparation; and (3) microbiochemical techniques for assaying important enzymes and substrates in single fibers

    Ventricular Action Potential Adaptation to Regular Exercise: Role of β-adrenergic and K\u3csub\u3eATP\u3c/sub\u3e Channel Function

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    Regular exercise training is known to affect the action potential duration (APD) and improve heart function, but involvement of β-adrenergic receptor (β-AR) subtypes and/or the ATP-sensitive K+ (KATP) channel is unknown. To address this, female and male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to voluntary wheel-running or control groups; they were anesthetized after 6–8 wk of training, and myocytes were isolated. Exercise training significantly increased APD of apex and base myocytes at 1 Hz and decreased APD at 10 Hz. Ca2+ transient durations reflected the changes in APD, while Ca2+ transient amplitudes were unaffected by wheel running. The nonselective β-AR agonist isoproterenol shortened the myocyte APD, an effect reduced by wheel running. The isoproterenol-induced shortening of APD was largely reversed by the selective β1-AR blocker atenolol, but not the β2-AR blocker ICI 118,551, providing evidence that wheel running reduced the sensitivity of the β1-AR. At 10 Hz, the KATP channel inhibitor glibenclamide prolonged the myocyte APD more in exercise-trained than control rats, implicating a role for this channel in the exercise-induced APD shortening at 10 Hz. A novel finding of this work was the dual importance of altered β1-AR responsiveness and KATP channel function in the training-induced regulation of APD. Of physiological importance to the beating heart, the reduced response to adrenergic agonists would enhance cardiac contractility at resting rates, where sympathetic drive is low, by prolonging APD and Ca2+ influx; during exercise, an increase in KATP channel activity would shorten APD and, thus, protect the heart against Ca2+ overload or inadequate filling

    Ventricular Action Potential Adaptation to Regular Exercise: Role of β-adrenergic and K\u3csub\u3eATP\u3c/sub\u3e Channel Function

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    Regular exercise training is known to affect the action potential duration (APD) and improve heart function, but involvement of β-adrenergic receptor (β-AR) subtypes and/or the ATP-sensitive K+ (KATP) channel is unknown. To address this, female and male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to voluntary wheel-running or control groups; they were anesthetized after 6–8 wk of training, and myocytes were isolated. Exercise training significantly increased APD of apex and base myocytes at 1 Hz and decreased APD at 10 Hz. Ca2+ transient durations reflected the changes in APD, while Ca2+ transient amplitudes were unaffected by wheel running. The nonselective β-AR agonist isoproterenol shortened the myocyte APD, an effect reduced by wheel running. The isoproterenol-induced shortening of APD was largely reversed by the selective β1-AR blocker atenolol, but not the β2-AR blocker ICI 118,551, providing evidence that wheel running reduced the sensitivity of the β1-AR. At 10 Hz, the KATP channel inhibitor glibenclamide prolonged the myocyte APD more in exercise-trained than control rats, implicating a role for this channel in the exercise-induced APD shortening at 10 Hz. A novel finding of this work was the dual importance of altered β1-AR responsiveness and KATP channel function in the training-induced regulation of APD. Of physiological importance to the beating heart, the reduced response to adrenergic agonists would enhance cardiac contractility at resting rates, where sympathetic drive is low, by prolonging APD and Ca2+ influx; during exercise, an increase in KATP channel activity would shorten APD and, thus, protect the heart against Ca2+ overload or inadequate filling

    Effects of Low Cell pH and Elevated Inorganic Phosphate on the pCa-Force Relationship in Single Muscle Fibers at Near-Physiological Temperatures

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    Intense muscle contraction induces high rates of ATP hydrolysis with resulting increases in Pi, H+, and ADP, factors thought to induce fatigue by interfering with steps in the cross-bridge cycle. Force inhibition is less at physiological temperatures; thus the role of low pH in fatigue has been questioned. Effects of pH 6.2 and collective effects with 30 mM Pi on the pCa-force relationship were assessed in skinned fast and slow rat skeletal muscle fibers at 15 and 30°C. At 30°C, pH 6.2 + 30 mM Pi significantly depressed peak force in all fiber types, with the greatest effect in type IIx fibers. Across fiber types, Ca2+ sensitivity was depressed by low pH and low pH + high Pi, with the greater effect at 30°C. For type IIx fibers at 30°C, half-maximal activation (pCa50) was 5.36 at pH 6.2 (no added Pi) and 4.98 at pH 6.2 + 30 mM Pi compared with 6.58 in the control condition (pH 7, no added Pi). At 30°C, n2, reflective of thick filament cooperativity, was unchanged by low cell pH but was depressed from 5.02 to 2.46 in type IIx fibers with pH 6.2 + 30 mM Pi. With acidosis, activation thresholds of all fiber types required higher free Ca2+ at 15 and 30°C. With the exception of type IIx fibers, the Ca2+ required to reach activation threshold increased further with added Pi. In conclusion, it is clear that fatigue-inducing effects of low cell pH and elevated Pi at near-physiological temperatures are substantial

    Effects of Thyrotoxicosis on Mitochondrial Enzymes of Rat Soleus

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    Cytochrome oxidase, glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, and succinate dehydrogenase were measured in mitochondrial fractions obtained from rat soleus muscle of control and 8 week T3 + T4 treated animals. Under these conditions of prolonged treatment, there is a five-fold increase in the specific activities of both cytochrome oxidase and glycerols-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. Significant increases in total cellular mitochondrial content and enzyme activities were observed in T3 + T4 treated animals as compared to controls. These results indicate that thyrotoxicosis can induce selective changes in mitochondrial enzymes in slow twitch red (Type I) muscle fibers

    Functional and Structural Adaptations of Skeletal Muscle to Microgravity

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    Our purpose is to summarize the major effects of space travel on skeletal muscle with particular emphasis on factors that alter function. The primary deleterious changes are muscle atrophy and the associated decline in peak force and power. Studies on both rats and humans demonstrate a rapid loss of cell mass with microgravity. In rats, a reduction in muscle mass of up to 37% was observed within 1 week. For both species, the antigravity soleus muscle showed greater atrophy than the fast-twitch gastrocnemius. However, in the rat, the slow type I fibers atrophied more than the fast type II fibers, while in humans, the fast type II fibers were at least as susceptible to space-induced atrophy as the slow fiber type. Space flight also resulted in a significant decline in peak force. For example, the maximal voluntary contraction of the human plantar flexor muscles declined by 20–48% following 6 months in space, while a 21 % decline in the peak force of the soleus type I fibers was observed after a 17-day shuttle flight. The reduced force can be attributed both to muscle atrophy and to a selective loss of contractile protein. The former was the primary cause because, when force was expressed per cross-sectional area (kNm-2), the human fast type II and slow type I fibers of the soleus showed no change and a 4% decrease in force, respectively. Microgravity has been shown to increase the shortening velocity of the plantar flexors. This increase can be attributed both to an elevated maximal shortening velocity (V0) of the individual slow and fast fibers and to an increased expression of fibers containing fast myosin. Although the cause of the former is unknown, it might result from the selective loss of the thin filament actin and an associated decline in the internal drag during cross-bridge cycling. Despite the increase in fiber V0, peak power of the slow type I fiber was reduced following space flight. The decreased power was a direct result of the reduced force caused by the fiber atrophy. In addition to fiber atrophy and the loss of force and power, weightlessness reduces the ability of the slow soleus to oxidize fats and increases the utilization of muscle glycogen, at least in rats. This substrate change leads to an increased rate of fatigue. Finally, with return to the 1 g environment of earth, rat studies have shown an increased occurrence of eccentric contraction-induced fiber damage. The damage occurs with re-loading and not in-flight, but the etiology has not been established

    The Voltage Sensor of Excitation-Contraction Coupling in Skeletal Muscle. Ion Dependence and Selectivity

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    Manifestations of excitation-contraction (EC) coupling of skeletal muscle were studied in the presence of metal ions of the alkaline and alkaline-earth groups in the extracellular medium. Single cut fibers of frog skeletal muscle were voltage clamped in a double Vaseline gap apparatus, and intramembrane charge movement and myoplasmic Ca2+ transients were simultaneously measured. In metal-free extracellular media both charge movement of the charge 1 type and Ca transients were suppressed. Under metal-free conditions the nonlinear charge distribution was the same in depolarized (holding potential of 0 mV) and normally polarized fibers (holding potentials between -80 and -90 mV). The manifestations of EC coupling recovered when ions of groups Ia and IIa of the periodic table were included in the extracellular solution; the extent of recovery depended on the ion species. These results are consistent with the idea that the voltage sensor of EC coupling has a binding site for metal cations--the priming site--that is essential for function. A state model of the voltage sensor in which metal ligands bind preferentially to the priming site when the sensor is in noninactivated states accounts for the results. This theory was used to derive the relative affinities of the various ions for the priming site from the magnitude of the EC coupling response. The selectivity sequence thus constructed is: Ca greater than Sr greater than Mg greater than Ba for group IIa cations and Li greater than Na greater than K greater than Rb greater than Cs for group Ia. Ca2+, the most effective of all ions tested, was 1,500-fold more effective than Na+. This selectivity sequence is qualitatively and quantitatively similar to that of the intrapore binding sites of the L-type cardiac Ca channel. This provides further evidence of molecular similarity between the voltage sensor and Ca channels
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