35 research outputs found

    Heat and fluid flow in a scraped-surface heat exchanger containing a fluid with temperature-dependent viscosity

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    Scraped-surface heat exchangers (SSHEs) are extensively used in a wide variety of industrial settings where the continuous processing of fluids and fluid-like materials is involved. The steady non-isothermal flow of a Newtonian fluid with temperature-dependent viscosity in a narrow-gap SSHE when a constant temperature difference is imposed across the gap between the rotor and the stator is investigated. The mathematical model is formulated and the exact analytical solutions for the heat and fluid flow of a fluid with a general dependence of viscosity on temperature for a general blade shape are obtained. These solutions are then presented for the specific case of an exponential dependence of viscosity on temperature. Asymptotic methods are employed to investigate the behaviour of the solutions in several special limiting geometries and in the limits of weak and strong thermoviscosity. In particular, in the limit of strong thermoviscosity (i.e., strong heating or cooling and/or strong dependence of viscosity on temperature) the transverse and axial velocities become uniform in the bulk of the flow with boundary layers forming either just below the blade and just below the stationary upper wall or just above the blade and just above the moving lower wall. Results are presented for the most realistic case of a linear blade which illustrate the effect of varying the thermoviscosity of the fluid and the geometry of the SSHE on the flow

    Mediterranean versus Red sea corals facing climate change, a transcriptome analysis

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    The anthropogenic increase in atmospheric CO(2) that drives global warming and ocean acidification raises serious concerns regarding the future of corals, the main carbonate biomineralizers. Here we used transcriptome analysis to study the effect of long-term gradual temperature increase (annual rate), combined with lowered pH values, on a sub-tropical Red Sea coral, Stylophora pistillata, and on a temperate Mediterranean symbiotic coral Balanophyllia europaea. The gene expression profiles revealed a strong effect of both temperature increase and pH decrease implying for synergism response. The temperate coral, exposed to a twice as high range of seasonal temperature fluctuations than the Red Sea species, faced stress more effectively. The compensatory strategy for coping apparently involves deviating cellular resources into a massive up-regulation of genes in general, and specifically of genes involved in the generation of metabolic energy. Our results imply that sub-lethal, prolonged exposure to stress can stimulate evolutionary increase in stress resilience