12 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Bahasa Indonesia Materi Menulis Karangan Narasi Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Concept Sentence di SDN Sidorejo 2 Kabupaten Barito Kuala

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of teacher activity, student activity and to improve student learning outcomes in learning Indonesian in narrative essay writing material. This study uses a qualitative research approach with the type of Classroom Action Research (CAR). The setting of this research was carried out at SDN Sidorejo 2 Barito Kuala Regency in the even semester of the 2021/2022 academic year with a total of 26 students. Data collection techniques in this study were qualitative data and quantitative data, which were obtained through observing teacher activities, observing student activities, and learning outcomes through evaluation tests. Data analysis with descriptive analysis techniques presented in the table is interpreted with the percentages and indicators of learning completeness determined. The results showed that the quality of the teacher's activities from cycle I was carried out with good criteria, cycle II was carried out with very good criteria. Student activities in cycle I reached the criteria of good, and cycle II achieved very good criteria. The classical completeness of student learning outcomes from cycle I and cycle II increased from 73% to 84%. Based on these findings it can be concluded that the Concept Sentence learning model can increase student learning activities so that the hypothesis can be accepted. It is suggested that the Concept Sentence learning model can be used as an alternative in increasing student activity which has an impact on improving student learning outcomes


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    Faktor yang melatarbelakangi penelitian ini ialah terdapat siswa Cerebral Palsy yang mengalami kesulitan dalam melakukan proses komunikasi terutama dalam berbicara. Gangguan bicara yang dialami subjek disebabkan karena adanya kekakuan pada otot organ bicara. Otot pada organ bicara yang mengalami kekakuan atau lumpuh (spams) diantaranya adalah lidah, bibir dan rahang bawah dan menyebabkan artikulasi tidak benar. Hal ini menyebabkan pesan yang disampaikan secara verbal oleh anak sulit dimengerti komunikan, akibatnya apa yang ia butuhkan tidak dapat terpenuhi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sistem Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) dan mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap keterampilan komunikasi subjek. Metode penelitian yang digunakan oleh peneliti ialah mix methode dengan pendekatan exploratory sekuensial. Metode ini dipilih karena peneliti harus mengolah data deskripsi yang menghasilkan penjelasan mengenai kondisi objektif subjek serta pengembangan sistem AAC dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, serta data pengukuran keterampilan komunikasi subjek sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan AAC, dengan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini ialah sebuah sistem komunikasi alternatif I-Talk. I-Talk memiliki dua komponen utama, yakni tombol pemanggil untuk memanggil orang disekitar ketika membutuhkan bantuan dan papan gambar untuk menyampaikan kebutuhan. Hasil lain dalam penelitian ini ialah berupa peningkatan keterampilan komunikasi subjek. Peningkatan keterampilan komunikasi terlihat dari keterampilan komunikasi subjek yang pada awalnya belum bisa dipahami sama sekali oleh komunikan, setelah menggunakan I-Talk meningkat dengan indikator mampu memanggil orang tua, pengasuh dan guru. Selain itu, mampu menanggapi pertanyaan komunikan, menyampaikan keinginan saat ingin minum air, teh gelas, susu, roti, mie, snack, buah, buang air besar, buang air kecil, jalan- jalan,nonton TV, pulang ke rumah dan mendengar musik.;---The factor that underlying this research is there are student of Cerebral Palsy who have difficulty in doing communication process especially in talking. Speech disorders experienced by the subject caused by the stiffness of the muscles talking organs. Muscles in the speech organs that have stiffness or paralysis (spasm) include the tongue, lips and lower jaw and cause the articulation is not true. This causes the message delivered verbally by the child is difficult to understand communicant, consequently what he needs can not be fulfilled. This research aims to develop Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) system and to know its influence on subject communication skill. Research method used by researcher is mix method with sequential exploratory approach. This method was chosen because the researcher had to process the description data which resulted in the explanation of the objective condition of the subject and the development of AAC system using qualitative method, as well as the data of communication skills of the subject before and after using AAC, with quantitative research method. The result of this research is an alternative I-Talk communication system. I-Talk has two main components, namely a call button to call people around when needing help and a drawing board to convey a need. Another result in this research is the improvement of subject communication skills. Improved communication skill seen from subject communication skills that intially can not be understood at all by the communicant, after using I-Talk communication skills increased with indicators able to call parents, caregivers,and teacher. In addition, able to respond of question communicant, convey the desire when want to drink water, ‘teh gelas’, milk, bread, noodles, snack, fruits, toilet, walk, watch TV, go home and listen music


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    Sebagian anak dengan Cerebral Palsy mengalami hambatan komunikasi terutama komunikasi secara verbal. Adanya kekakuan pada anggota gerak yang menjadi karakteristik anak Cerebral Palsy pun menyulitkan mereka berkomunikasi menggunakan isyarat. Komunikasi adalah aspek penting dalam kehidupan seseorang dalam memenuhi kebutuhannya. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangakan sistem Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) dan mengetahui efektivitasnya terhadap keterampilan komunikasi anak Cerebral Palsy. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah mix method dengan desain Research and Development (R&D). Metode ini dipilih karena relevan dengan pengembangan aplikasi yang membutuhkan kaidah penelitian kualitatif yaitu untuk mengetahui kondisi objektif kemampuan komunikasi subjek sebagai dasar untuk melakukan pengembangan sistem, dan penelitian kuantitatif untuk mengukur sejauhmana efektivitas aplikasi sistem komunikasi alternative dan augmentative IT.2 untuk mengembangakan kemampuan komunikasi anak Cerebral Palsy. Hasil dari penelitian ini ialah sebuah sistem komunikasi alternatif IT.2. Sistem komunikasi alternatif IT.2 merupakan aplikasi berbasis android. Anak dapat mengirimkan pesan berupa suara kepada handphone orang tua walaupun anak dan orang tua berada dilokasi yang berbeda. Hasil lain dalam penelitian ini ialah berupa peningkatan keterampilan komunikasi subjek. Peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi subjek yang pada awalnya belum bisa dipahami sama sekali oleh komunikan, kemudian meningkat yang ditunjukan degan subjek mampu menyampaikan keinginannya ketika ingin minum, makan, tidur, menonton TV, makan cemilan, minum jus, mendengar cerita, jalan- jalan, bermain, pulang ke rumah dan ketika merasa sakit. Kata Kunci: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), Aplikasi IT.2, Komunikasi anak Cerebral Palsy THE DEVELOPMENT OF ALTERNATIVE AND AUGMENTATIVE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM IT.2 IN SUPPORT OF CHILDREN WITH CEREBRAL PALSY COMMUNICATION SKILL Nurul Huda Fitriani Dewi 1803461 Special Education Program, Faculty of Educational Science Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ABSTRACT Some children with Cerebral Palsy suffer from communication disorders, especially verbal communication. The stiffness of limbs which become the common characteristic of children with Cerebral Palsy also makes them difficult to communicate using signs, whereas communication is a pivotal aspect in individuals’ life to satisfy their needs. Accordingly, this research aims at developing a system of Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) and ascertaining its effectiveness toward the communication skill of children with Cerebral Palsy. This research employed mixed-method research using a Research and Development (R&D) design. This method was considered relevant to the development of an application that requires both qualitative and quantitative research models. The qualitative method was applied to discover the objective conditions of the subjects’ communication skills as the foundation to develop the system while the quantitative one was applied to measure to what extent the effectiveness of the alternative and augmentative IT.2 system application toward the improvement of children with Cerebral Palsy communication skills. The result of this research was an android-based system of alternative communication application called IT.2. Through this application, children could send voice messages to their parents’ smartphones even though they are not in the same location. Another result of this study was the improvement of the subjects’ communication skills. The communication that was firstly incomprehensible by the receivers gradually showed some improvements where it could be understood when the subjects convey their requests to drink, eat, sleep, watch TV, enjoy some snacks, listen to some stories, take a stroll, play with toys, go home, and feel pain. Keywords: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), IT.2 application, Communication skill of children with Cerebral Pals

    Strategi Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Profesional Guru Pada SMP Negeri 1 Belawang

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    This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study show that: Programs to improve the professional competence of SMP Negeri 1 Belawang teachers are: Curriculum development training such as preparing annual programs, semester programs, educational calendars, training in compiling syllabus, lesson plans (RPP). Improvement and enrichment program through MGMP. Improving the competence of educators (teachers) such as teacher certification training, computer training for teachers, holding internal teacher competency workshops. 2) The implementation of teacher professional competence improvement by the principal of SMP Negeri 1 Belawang, namely: Training in compiling a syllabus, and learning implementation plans (RPP). The improvement and enrichment program through the MGMP SMP Negeri 1 Belawang has attended trainings and upgrades, both internally and externally or outside of school. Improving the competence of educators (teachers) such as teacher certification training has been carried out, but the improvement as expected has not been achieved, computer training for teachers has been carried out but has not gone well, and held an internal teacher competency workshop, there has been an increase in understanding of the competencies that must be developed. have by the teacher. 3) The obstacles experienced by the principal in improving the professional competence of teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Belawang are the lack of support for facilities and infrastructure, the lack of awareness of teacher responsibilities, and the lack of support from the school committee and the community

    Properties of Bio composite Film Based on Whey Protein Isolate Filled with Nanocrystalline Cellulose from Pineapple Crown Leaf

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    Among the main bio-based polymer for food packaging materials, whey protein isolate (WPI) is one of the biopolymers that have excellent film-forming properties and are environmentally friendly. This study was performed to analyse the effect of various concentrations of bio-based nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC) extracted from pineapple crown leaf (PCL) on the properties of whey protein isolate (WPI) films using the solution casting technique. Six WPI films were fabricated with different loadings of NCC from 0 to 10 % w/v. The resulting films were characterised based on their mechanical, physical, chemical, and thermal properties. The results show that NCC loadings increased the thickness of the resulting films. The transparency of the films decreased at higher NCC loadings. The moisture content and moisture absorption of the films decreased with the presence of the NCC, being lower at higher NCC loadings. The water solubility of the films decreased from 92.2% for the pure WPI to 65.5% for the one containing 10 % w/v of NCC. The tensile strength of the films peaked at 7% NCC loading with the value of 5.1 MPa. Conversely, the trend of the elongation at break data was the opposite of the tensile strength. Moreover, the addition of NCC produced a slight effect of NCC in FTIR spectra of the WPI films using principal component analysis. NCC loading enhanced the thermal stability of the WPI films, as shown by an increase in the glass transition temperature at higher NCC loadings. Moreover, the morphology of the films turned rougher and more heterogeneous with small particle aggregates in the presence of the NCC. Overall, the addition of NCC enhanced the water barrier and mechanical properties of the WPI films by incorporating the PCL-based NCC as the filler

    Optimization of Biocomposite Film Based on Whey Protein Isolate and Nanocrystalline Cellulose from Pineapple Crown Leaf Using Response Surface Methodology

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    This study employed response surface methodology to optimize the preparation of biocomposites based on whey protein isolate, glycerol, and nanocrystalline cellulose from pineapple crown leaf. The effects of different concentrations of nanocrystalline cellulose as a filler and glycerol as a plasticizer on the thickness, the tensile strength, and the elongation at break on the resulting biocomposite films were investigated. The central composite design was used to determine the optimum preparation conditions for biocomposite films with optimum properties. The regression of a second-order polynomial model resulted in an optimum composition consisting of 4% glycerol and 3.5% nanocrystalline cellulose concentrations, which showed a desirability of 92.7%. The prediction of the regression model was validated by characterizing the biocomposite film prepared based on the optimum composition, at which the thickness, tensile strength, and elongation at break of the biocomposite film were 0.13 mm, 7.16 MPa, and 39.10%, respectively. This optimum composition can be obtained in range concentrations of glycerol (4–8%) and nanocrystalline cellulose (3–7%). Scanning electron microscope images showed that nanocrystalline cellulose dispersed well in the pure whey protein isolate, and the films had a relatively smooth surface. In comparison, a rough and uneven surface results in more porous biocomposite films. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy revealed that nanocrystalline cellulose and glycerol showed good compatibility with WPI film by forming hydrogen bonds. The addition of nanocrystalline cellulose as a filler also decreased the transparency, solubility, and water vapor permeability and increased the crystallinity index of the resulting biocomposite film

    Isolation and characterization of nanocrystalline cellulose isolated from pineapple crown leaf fiber agricultural wastes using acid hydrolysis

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    Pineapple crown leaf fiber (PCLF) is one of the major biomass wastes from pineapple processing plants. It consists mostly of carbohydrate polymers, such as cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. It can be further processed to form a more valuable and widely used nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC). This study investigates the effect of hydrolysis time on the properties of the produced NCC. The acid hydrolysis was conducted using 1 M of sulfuric acid at hydrolysis times of 1–3 h. The resulting NCCs were then characterized by their morphology, functional groups, crystallinity, thermal stability, elemental composition, and production yield. The results show that the NCC products had a rod-like particle structure and possessed a strong cellulose crystalline structure typically found in agricultural fiber-based cellulose. The highest NCC yield was obtained at 79.37% for one hour of hydrolysis. This NCC also displayed a higher decomposition temperature of 176.9 C. The overall findings suggest that PCLF-derived NCC has attractive properties for a variety of applications


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    The Realization of Speech Maxims in speech Teenagers in Banjarmasin Siring. Maxim said therules of language in lingual interaction, the rules that govern its actions, the use of language, andinterpretation-interpretation of the actions and sayings of the opponent he said. In addition, the maximis also referred to as the pragmatic form based on the principle of cooperation. Speech can be regardedas the realization of the abstract language. While teenagers are groups of children aged 12 years upto the age of 21 years for women, while children aged 13 years to 22 years for boys. The purpose ofresearch to describe the implementation and violations of conversational implicatures in speech teenagersin siring Banjarmasin on the principle of cooperation of Grice. This research approach uses a pragmaticapproach with descriptive qualitative research method, which is a method of research that is focused onthe actual problems as they are at the time of the study. Based on the results of the study revealed theimplementation of IP and IP infringement on the principle of cooperation from Grice. Implementation ofthe maxim says revealed four maxims said implementation and four violations of the maxim says, thatmaxim of quality, quantity maxim, maxim relevant, and maxims way.Key words: maxim speech, speech, teenager