11 research outputs found

    Human Relation dalam Menciptakan Keberhasilan Kinerja yang Efisien

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    Human relationships is the translation of human relations. There are also those who translate into "human relations" or also translated "human relations", which really is not that one because that relate to each other is human. Only, here the nature of the relationship is not as fellow human beings communicate with ordinary people, not just the delivery of a message by one person to another, but the relationship between people who communicate which contains elements of profound psychological.It is said that the human connection is a communication because of its orientation on the behavior (action oriented), it contains activities to change attitudes, opinions, or behavior. Barriers between people in general have two properties, namely objective and subjective. Barriers that are objective are a nuisance and an obstacle on the course of human relationships unintentional and made by other parties but may becaused by unfortunate circumstances. Barriers that are subjective is deliberately created by someone else that is a nuisance, opposition to a communication effort

    Strategi Komunikasi pada Masyarakat Multikultural

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    Multicultural society is a multi-cultural, religious, ethnic and racial society.Communication process is done requires a certain strategy so that interactionbetween individuals in the community can take place properly. The communicationstrategy is carried out by elements of the society, from traditional leaders, ethnicleaders, religious leaders, community leaders to even the smallest element of society. The communication strategy should be able to demonstrate its operational ways practically, in the sense that the approach may vary from time to time depending on circumstances

    Badan Pengawas Pemilu dalam Sistem Ketatanegaraan Indonesia dalam Perspektif Komunikasi Politik

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    The concept of political communication in the democratic transition towards the establishment of a democratic state often involve new phenomena as the implications of the choice of the nation in building a perception of an open political event . Each country undergoing democratic transition always pass through political processes that may lead to mismanagement of the system due to the country\u27s political actors involved in - it offers the concept of democracy is based on the background thinking and understanding of each of the idealization of the implementation of a democratic system in the country . Democratic governance envisioned by the citizens of the nation was sometimes must pass through a political transition that is not elegant and often inserted by the political practices of authoritarian power

    Model of School Preparedness Policy in Earthquake Disaster Mitigation and Volcanic Eruption at Senior High School in Bukittinggi

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    The purpose of this research  1) to determine the model of school preparedness policy in the earthquake disaster, 2) to know the model of school preparedness policy in volcanic eruption problems. Type of research used quantitative and qualitative research (Mixed Method) that use in a research activity and supported by using SWOT analysis techniques and AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). The result of this research Model of school preparedness policy in earthquake disaster mitigation that is; (1) Strengthening governance, transparency, and accountability of earthquake disaster management, (2) Conducting training through extracurricular scouts at schools, (3) Preparing curriculum on disaster early. While the model of school preparedness policy in mitigating the catastrophic eruption of volcano namely; (1) to build social capital of disaster school responses for eruption of volcano eruption, (2) to relocate schools close to dangerous zone of volcanic eruption, (3) making design of psychology recovery program for school society in disaster of volcano eruption

    Seminar Mbkm untuk Kesiapan Mahasiswa Pli Fkip Upi Yptk Padang

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    Ilmu dan kompetensi berubah dengan sangat cepat seperti selama pandemic   covid-19   ini,   kebijakan   yang   dilakukan   harus   siap   dengan Perubahan setiap saat. Dinamika dibutuhkan untuk bisa fleksibel dan kreatif dalam menghadapi Perubahan. Oleh karena itu mahasiswa harus mempunyai kapasitas baru untuk menjadi SDM di masa depan yang siap untuk berpengalaman hari ini dan merancang di hari esok. Kita tidak bisa hanya mengacu pada text book cara belajar kita selama ini. Oleh karena itu, kita perlu menyiapkan SDM unggul yang menguasai berbagai bidang keilmuan, siap berkolaborasi lintas disiplin keilmuan, dan siap jadi penyelesai berbagai permasalahan yang kompleks. Merealisasikan salah satu bentuk kegiatan pembelajaran di luar program studi, berdasarkan Permendikbud No 3 Tahun 2020 Pasal 15 ayat (1) yaitu magang atau praktek kerja. Program ini dapat dilakukan selama 1-2 semester sehingga memberikan pengalaman yang cukup kepada mahasiswa, pembelajaran langsung di tempat kerja (experiential learning). Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) adalah salah satu fakultas yang ada di Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK yang memiliki program kependidikan. FKIP UPI YPTK yang memiliki progran praktek lapangan industri/magang. Praktek Lapangan Industri (PLI) bertujuan untuk penerapan dan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan keterampilan mahasiswa didunia kerja/ dunia industri Praktek Lapangan Industri ini nantinya diarahkan dan merupakan salah satu bentuk realisasi dari kampus merdeka