3 research outputs found

    Morphological characteristics of halophilic bacteria in traditional salt production

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    The use of bacteria in improving the quality of salt on a laboratory scale is still minimal. Bacteria are found in seawater as raw materials for various types of salt. One of the bacteria that are tolerant to salinity levels in raw saltwater is halophilic bacteria. Exploration of halophilic bacteria isolates contained in seawater as raw material for salt is an effort to provide initial information on the use of these bacteria in improving the quality and quality of salt. This study aims to determine the morphological characteristics and gram grouping of halophilic bacteria contained in raw water, reservoir water, and evaporator water during the traditional salt production process. The methods used in this study were bacterial isolation, purification, and gram staining test. Morphological characteristics were carried out by visual observation of bacterial colonies formed in Petri dishes, while the gram test of bacteria was carried out by staining pure isolates. Morphological characteristics and groupings of gram bacteria were observed under a CX43RF binocular microscope with a digital camera type MDCE-5C. The results of this study found 2 isolates circular in raw saltwater, 5 isolates in irregular, filamentous and circular shapes in reservoir water, and 3 isolates in circular and filamentous shape in purification water. The bacterial isolates found varied in the form of groups of gram-negative bacteria and groups of positive bacteria, while the predominant form of bacteria was bacilli. The results of this study are expected to be initial information that can be used as a reference to improve the quality and quantity of salt production

    Pelatihan Budidaya Sayuran Hidroponik Dengan System Wick Di Kelurahan Sungai Pagar

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    This service aims to introduce a hydroponic vegetable cultivation system using the wick method in Sungai Pagar Village. The environment in Sungai Pagar Village is characterized by sandy soil due to the accumulation of peat soil, so plant cultivation activities are still limited. In this context the wick method is adopted as a relevant solution. Training activities were carried out through several stages, including field surveys, delivery of materials, sowing seeds, making AB mix nutrition, making a hydroponic wick system from used plastic bottles, and monitoring and evaluation. The results of the training showed an increase in participants' knowledge about hydroponic cultivation and their abilities in caring for hydroponic plants. Each training participant succeeded in making a hydroponic wick system using used plastic bottles and was given a hydroponic cultivation package to continue cultivation at home. In order to improve food security and the community's economy, this training made a positive contribution by introducing an environmentally friendly and hydroponic vegetable cultivation system. efficient. In conclusion, this training was successful in introducing and training the public in hydroponic vegetable cultivation using the wick method

    Antalogi puisi: karya anak-anak bangsa dari Papua

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    Antalogi puisi karya anak-anak bangsa dari Papua merupakan salah satu bentuk apresiasi Balai Bahasa Papua, Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan terhadap anak-anak bangsa yang memiliki keterampilan menulis sastra, terutama puisi. Hal ini dilakukan mengingat pemahaman masyarakat terhadap konsep estetika masih kurang. Puisi dalam buku ini merupakan hasil karya sastra siswa-siswi sekolah dasar dan sekolah menengah pertama yang mengikuti sayembara penulisan puisi bagi siwa SD dan SMP se-Papua dan Papua Barat