15,767 research outputs found

    Emission and absorption noise in the fractional quantum Hall effect

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    We compute the high-frequency emission and absorption noise in a fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) sample at arbitrary temperature. We model the edges of the FQHE as chiral Luttinger liquids (LL) and we use the non-equilibrium perturbative Keldysh formalism. We find that the non-symmetrized high frequency noise contains important signatures of the electron-electron interactions that can be used to test the Luttinger liquid physics, not only in FQHE edge states, but possibly also in other one-dimensional systems such as carbon nanotubes. In particular we find that the emission and absorption components of the excess noise (defined as the difference between the noise at finite voltage and at zero voltage) are different in an interacting system, as opposed to the non-interacting case when they are identical. We study the resonance features which appear in the noise at the Josephson frequency (proportional to the applied voltage), and we also analyze the effect of the distance between the measurement point and the backscattering site. Most of our analysis is performed in the weak backscattering limit, but we also compute and discuss briefly the high-frequency noise in the tunneling regime.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figure

    Criticality and phase separation in a two-dimensional binary colloidal fluid induced by the solvent critical behavior

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    We present an experimental and theoretical study of the phase behavior of a binary mixture of colloids with opposite adsorption preferences in a critical solvent. As a result of the attractive and repulsive critical Casimir forces, the critical fluctuations of the solvent lead to a further critical point in the colloidal system, i.e. to a critical colloidal-liquid--colloidal-liquid demixing phase transition which is controlled by the solvent temperature. Our experimental findings are in good agreement with calculations based on a simple approximation for the free energy of the system.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Europhysics Letter

    Low frequency response of a collectively pinned vortex manifold

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    A low frequency dynamic response of a vortex manifold in type-II superconductor can be associated with thermally activated tunneling of large portions of the manifold between pairs of metastable states (two-level systems). We suggest that statistical properties of these states can be verified by using the same approach for the analysis of thermal fluctuations the behaviour of which is well known. We find the form of the response for the general case of vortex manifold with non-dispersive elastic moduli and for the case of thin superconducting film for which the compressibility modulus is always non-local.Comment: 8 pages, no figures, ReVTeX, the final version. Text strongly modified, all the results unchange

    Kondo effect in a one dimensional d-wave superconductor

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    We derive a solvable resonant-level type model, to describe an impurity spin coupled to zero-energy bound states localized at the edge of a one dimensional d-wave superconductor. This results in a two-channel Kondo effect with a quite unusual low-temperature thermodynamics. For instance, the local impurity susceptibility yields a finite maximum at zero temperature (but no logarithmic-divergence) due to the splitting of the impurity in two Majorana fermions. Moreover, we make comparisons with the Kondo effect occurring in a two dimensional d-wave superconductor.Comment: 9 pages, final version; To be published in Europhysics Letter

    Depinning with dynamic stress overshoots: A hybrid of critical and pseudohysteretic behavior

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    A model of an elastic manifold driven through a random medium by an applied force F is studied focussing on the effects of inertia and elastic waves, in particular {\it stress overshoots} in which motion of one segment of the manifold causes a temporary stress on its neighboring segments in addition to the static stress. Such stress overshoots decrease the critical force for depinning and make the depinning transition hysteretic. We find that the steady state velocity of the moving phase is nevertheless history independent and the critical behavior as the force is decreased is in the same universality class as in the absence of stress overshoots: the dissipative limit which has been studied analytically. To reach this conclusion, finite-size scaling analyses of a variety of quantities have been supplemented by heuristic arguments. If the force is increased slowly from zero, the spectrum of avalanche sizes that occurs appears to be quite different from the dissipative limit. After stopping from the moving phase, the restarting involves both fractal and bubble-like nucleation. Hysteresis loops can be understood in terms of a depletion layer caused by the stress overshoots, but surprisingly, in the limit of very large samples the hysteresis loops vanish. We argue that, although there can be striking differences over a wide range of length scales, the universality class governing this pseudohysteresis is again that of the dissipative limit. Consequences of this picture for the statistics and dynamics of earthquakes on geological faults are briefly discussed.Comment: 43 pages, 57 figures (yes, that's a five followed by a seven), revte

    Statistics at the tip of a branching random walk and the delay of traveling waves

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    We study the limiting distribution of particles at the frontier of a branching random walk. The positions of these particles can be viewed as the lowest energies of a directed polymer in a random medium in the mean-field case. We show that the average distances between these leading particles can be computed as the delay of a traveling wave evolving according to the Fisher-KPP front equation. These average distances exhibit universal behaviors, different from those of the probability cascades studied recently in the context of mean field spin-glasses.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    The XX-model with boundaries. Part III:Magnetization profiles and boundary bound states

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    We calculate the magnetization profiles of the σjx\sigma_j^x and σjz\sigma_j^z operators for the XX-model with hermitian boundary terms. We study the profiles on the finite chain and in the continuum limit. The results are discussed in the context of conformal invariance. We also discuss boundary excitations and their effect on the magnetization profiles.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figure

    Partition Function Zeros and Finite Size Scaling of Helix-Coil Transitions in a Polypeptide

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    We report on multicanonical simulations of the helix-coil transition of a polypeptide. The nature of this transition was studied by calculating partition function zeros and the finite-size scaling of various quantities. Estimates for critical exponents are presented.Comment: RevTex, 4 eps-files; to appear in Phys. Rev. Le

    Two-component Bose gas in an optical lattice at single-particle filling

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    The Bose-Hubbard model of a two-fold degenerate Bose gas is studied in an optical lattice with one particle per site and virtual tunneling to empty and doubly-occupied sites. An effective Hamiltonian for this system is derived within a continued-fraction approach. The ground state of the effective model is studied in mean-field approximation for a modulated optical lattice. A dimerized mean-field state gives a Mott insulator whereas the lattice without modulations develops long-range correlated phase fluctuations due to a Goldstone mode. This result is discussed in comparison with the superfluid and the Mott-insulating state of a single-component hard-core Bose.Comment: 11 page

    Chiral perturbation theory, finite size effects and the three-dimensional XYXY model

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    We study finite size effects of the d=3 XYXY model in terms of the chiral perturbation theory. We calculate by Monte Carlo simulations physical quantities which are, to order of (1/L)2(1/L)^2, uniquely determined only by two low energy constants. They are the magnetization and the helicity modulus (or the Goldstone boson decay constant) in infinite volume. We also pay a special attention to the region of the validity of the two possible expansions in the theory.Comment: 34 pages ( 9 PS files are included. harvmac and epsf macros are needed. ), KYUSHU-HET-17, SAGA-HE-6