46,857 research outputs found

    Observation of fine one-dimensionally disordered layers in silicon carbide

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    The improved resolution of synchrotron edge-topography is enabling thinner (less than 100 microns), silicon carbide crystals to be studied, and is providing a more detailed and wider database on polytype depth profiles. Fine long-period and one-dimensionally-disordered layers, 5-25 microns thick, can now be confidently resolved and are found to be very common features, often in association with high-defect density bands. These features are illustrated in this paper using three examples. A new long period polytype LPP (152H/456R) has been discovered and reported here for the first time

    Pre-terrestrial oxidation products in carbonaceous meteorites identified by Mossbauer spectroscopy

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    The occurrence of ferric bearing assemblages, comprising phyllosilicates, oxide hydroxides and magnetite, in carbonaceous chondrites (CC) indicates that these meteorites underwent pre-terrestrial, sub-aqueous oxidation reactions. Reported here are results of a Mossbauer spectral study of a suite of CC demonstrating that a variety of ferrous and ferric bearing phases may be distinguished in different classes of this meteorite type

    Stability of Elastic Glass Phases in Random Field XY Magnets and Vortex Lattices in Type II Superconductors

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    A description of a dislocation-free elastic glass phase in terms of domain walls is developed and used as the basis of a renormalization group analysis of the energetics of dislocation loops added to the system. It is found that even after optimizing over possible paths of large dislocation loops, their energy is still very likely to be positive when the dislocation core energy is large. This implies the existence of an equilibrium elastic glass phase in three dimensional random field X-Y magnets, and a dislocation free, bond-orientationally ordered ``Bragg glass'' phase of vortices in dirty Type II superconductors.Comment: 12 pages, Revtex, no figures, submitted to Phys Rev Letter

    A near zero velocity dispersion stellar component in the Canes Venatici dwarf spheroidal galaxy

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    We present a spectroscopic survey of the newly-discovered Canes Venatici dwarf galaxy using the Keck/DEIMOS spectrograph. Two stellar populations of distinct kinematics are found to be present in this galaxy: an extended, metal-poor component, of half-light radius 7'.8(+2.4/-2.1), which has a velocity dispersion of 13.9(+3.2/-2.5) km/s, and a more concentrated (half-light radius 3'.6(+1.1/-0.8) metal-rich component of extremely low velocity dispersion. At 99% confidence, the upper limit to the central velocity dispersion of the metal-rich population is 1.9 km/s. This is the lowest velocity dispersion ever measured in a galaxy. We perform a Jeans analysis on the two components, and find that the dynamics of the structures can only be consistent if we adopt extreme (and unlikely) values for the scale length and velocity dispersion of the metal-poor population. With a larger radial velocity sample and improved measurements of the density profile of the two populations, we anticipate that it will be possible to place strong constraints on the central distribution of the dark matter in this galaxy.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Quantum Collective Creep: a Quasiclassical Langevin Equation Approach

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    The dynamics of an elastic medium driven through a random medium by a small applied force is investigated in the low-temperature limit where quantum fluctuations dominate. The motion proceeds via tunneling of segments of the manifold through barriers whose size grows with decreasing driving force ff. In the limit of small drive, at zero-temperature the average velocity has the form vexp[const./αfμ]v\propto\exp[-{\rm const.}/\hbar^{\alpha} f^{\mu}]. For strongly dissipative dynamics, there is a wide range of forces where the dissipation dominates and the velocity--force characteristics takes the form vexp[S(f)/]v\propto\exp[-S(f)/\hbar], with S(f)1/f(d+2ζ)/(2ζ)S(f)\propto 1/ f^{(d+2\zeta)/(2-\zeta)} the action for a typical tunneling event, the force dependence being determined by the roughness exponent ζ\zeta of the dd-dimensional manifold. This result agrees with the one obtained via simple scaling considerations. Surprisingly, for asymptotically low forces or for the case when the massive dynamics is dominant, the resulting quantum creep law is {\it not} of the usual form with a rate proportional to exp[S(f)/]\exp[-S(f)/\hbar]; rather we find vexp{[S(f)/]2}v\propto \exp\{-[S(f)/\hbar]^2\} corresponding to α=2\alpha=2 and μ=2(d+2ζ1)/(2ζ)\mu= 2(d+2\zeta-1)/(2-\zeta), with μ/2\mu/2 the naive scaling exponent for massive dynamics. Our analysis is based on the quasi-classical Langevin approximation with a noise obeying the quantum fluctuation--dissipation theorem. The many space and time scales involved in the dynamics are treated via a functional renormalization group analysis related to that used previously to treat the classical dynamics of such systems. Various potential difficulties with these approaches to the multi-scale dynamics -- both classical and quantum -- are raised and questions about the validity of the results are discussed.Comment: RevTeX, 30 pages, 8 figures inserte

    Quantum Resistive Transition in Type II Superconductors under Magnetic Field

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    It is shown that, within a Ginzburg-Landau (GL) formalism, the superconducting fluctuation is insulating at zero temperature even if the fluctuation dynamics is metallic (dissipative). Based on this fact, the low temperature behavior of the Hc2H_{c2}-line and the resistivity curves near a zero temperature transition are discussed. In particular, it is pointed out that the neglect of quantum fluctuations in data analysis of the dc resistivity may lead to an under-estimation of the Hc2H_{c2} values near zero temperature.Comment: 7 page

    Numerical Study on Aging Dynamics in the 3D Ising Spin-Glass Model. II. Quasi-Equilibrium Regime of Spin Auto-Correlation Function

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    Using Monte Carlo simulations, we have studied isothermal aging of three-dimensional Ising spin-glass model focusing on quasi-equilibrium behavior of the spin auto-correlation function. Weak violation of the time translational invariance in the quasi-equilibrium regime is analyzed in terms of {\it effective stiffness} for droplet excitations in the presence of domain walls. Within the range of computational time window, we have confirmed that the effective stiffness follows the expected scaling behavior with respect to the characteristic length scales associated with droplet excitations and domain walls, whose growth law has been extracted from our simulated data. Implication of the results are discussed in relation to experimental works on ac susceptibilities.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Localization of thermal packets and metastable states in Sinai model

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    We consider the Sinai model describing a particle diffusing in a 1D random force field. As shown by Golosov, this model exhibits a strong localization phenomenon for the thermal packet: the disorder average of the thermal distribution of the relative distance y=x-m(t), with respect to the (disorder-dependent) most probable position m(t), converges in the limit of infinite time towards a distribution P(y). In this paper, we revisit this question of the localization of the thermal packet. We first generalize the result of Golosov by computing explicitly the joint asymptotic distribution of relative position y=x(t)-m(t) and relative energy u=U(x(t))-U(m(t)) for the thermal packet. Next, we compute in the infinite-time limit the localization parameters Y_k, representing the disorder-averaged probabilities that k particles of the thermal packet are at the same place, and the correlation function C(l) representing the disorder-averaged probability that two particles of the thermal packet are at a distance l from each other. We moreover prove that our results for Y_k and C(l) exactly coincide with the thermodynamic limit of the analog quantities computed for independent particles at equilibrium in a finite sample of length L. Finally, we discuss the properties of the finite-time metastable states that are responsible for the localization phenomenon and compare with the general theory of metastable states in glassy systems, in particular as a test of the Edwards conjecture.Comment: 17 page

    Electron-Phonon Coupling Origin of the resistivity in YNi_{2}B_{2}C Single Crystals

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    Resistivity measurements from 4.2 K up to 300 K were made on YNi_{2}B_{2}C single crystals with Tc=15.5 K. The resulting rho(T) curve shows a perfect Bloch-Grueneisen (BG) behavior, with a very small residual resistivity which indicates the low impurity content and the high cristallographic quality of the samples. The value lambda_{tr}=0.53 for the transport electron-phonon coupling constant was obtained by using the high-temperature constant value of d(rho)/dT and the plasma frequency reported in literature. The BG expression for the phononic part of the resistivity rho_{ph}(T) was then used to fit the data in the whole temperature range, by approximating alpha^{2}_{tr}F(Omega) with the experimental phonon spectral density G(Omega) multiplied by a two-step weighting function to be determined by the fit. The resulting fitting curve perfectly agrees with the experimental points. We also solved the real-axis Eliashberg equations in both s- and d-wave symmetries under the approximation alpha^{2}F(Omega)= alpha^{2}_{tr}F(Omega). We found that the value of lambda_{tr} here determined in single-band approximation is quite compatible with Tc and the gap Delta experimentally observed. Finally, we calculated the normalized tunneling conductance, whose comparison with break-junction tunnel data gives indication of the possible s-wave symmetry for the order parameter in YNi_{2}B_{2}C.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Proceedings of SATT10 Conference, to be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.