189 research outputs found

    Modelling of decentral DHW preparation in large multi-family buildings

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    The works contributes to the need to design more efficient heating and domestic hot water preparation systems. Dynamic building and simulation plays an important role in the development of domestic hot water (DHW) preparation systems for residential buildings, in order to evaluate and optimize the final energy and the DHW comfort. The case study of this work is a big multi-family building composed of 96 flats. District heating (DH) is used to heat up the water in the storage tank located in the technical room. A distribution system connects the storage to all the fresh water stations (FWS) located in each flat. The chosen approach is to simulate the building-level DHW preparation with a single heat exchanger (HX) which approximates the behaviour of all the HXs of the building. For this purpose, the simultaneity factor (fs) should be considered. First, a representative model of the FWS for each flat is implemented in Matlab/Simulink and tested with two different control strategies of the circulation pump and two different DHW profiles, derived either from standard EN16147 or created as a stochastic profile. From the flat-level model, a building-level model is derived. Four different building-level DHW profiles are used to evaluate the simultaneity factor, and so the peak load of the building, in order to size the HX for the whole building. The DHW profiles (and so the simultaneity factor) and the parametrization of the HX influence the results. Final energy and DHW comfort (i.e. the DHW temperature and the “waiting time” to reach this temperature) are compared in each case. The return temperature of the fluid sent back to the storage is also analysed. The development of the return temperature to the storage is influenced by the DHW profiles and the thermal capacity of the pipe

    A Prediction Model for Neuronal Synaptic Inputs

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    In this manuscript it is exposed a method to approximate functions using artificial neural networks based on wavelets (wavenet). The focus is on finding the best configuration for the wavenet, from various possible settings in relation to the mathematical development of the network, to be able to approximate a FitzHugh-Nagumo model to later be used to predict any scenario with a single initial condition for the model. It is shown that after training the artificial network, it is able to approximate the non-linear behaviour of the FitzHugh-Nagumo model with high accuracy, providing a neuron model which can be then applied to models for real neurons with similar inputs to those from the wavenet. Finally, it is proved that additional linear terms applied to the outputs improve significantly the error of the approximation to those wavenets with non-linear type scale functions, thus it is been possible to obtain better results without the need to increase the resolution level and thereby reducing the simulation time

    Smart grid optimized operation driven by reinforcement learning

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    This thesis focuses on the development of a reinforcement learning model for the operation and demand response control of a smart grid. First, a generic problem is formulated to define the demand response control. Then a study case is proposed with different locations of distributed energy resources and flexible components for reducing the cost associated with its grid con- sumption and safety management. The potential application of different deep reinforcement learning models with different activation functions and network shapes, among them, will be compared and analysed for the grid operation. The goal is to find a deep reinforcement learning model to optimize the demand side of energy management of a smart grid, that achieves better results than other existing approaches. Finally, a new policy for deep reinforcement learning algorithms will be proposed. This will provide a tool to guide the energy management of elec- trical distribution grids with high penetration of renewable energy sources

    Reef Fish Spatial Distribution and Benthic Habitat Associations on the Southeast Florida Reef Tract

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    The Florida Reef Tract (FRT) extends from the tropical Caribbean up the southeast coast of Florida into a temperate environment where tropical reef assemblages diminish with increasing latitude. This study used data from a three-year comprehensive fishery-independent survey to quantify reef fish spatial distribution along the Southeast FRT and define where the assemblage shifts from tropical to temperate. A total of 1,676 reef fish visual census samples were conducted to assess the populations on a stratified-random selection of sites of marine hardbottom habitats between the Miami River and St. Lucie inlet. Multivariate analyses were used to investigate differences in assemblages among sites. Depth (m), general habitat (reef or hardbottom), and slope (high or low) strata were examined to explain the dissimilarities between assemblages. A general trend of cold-tolerant temperate fish dominated the northern assemblages and more tropical species dominated further south. Seven reef fish assemblage biogeographic regions were determined. In shallow habitats the data clustered in three spatial regions: One south of Hillsboro inlet, one in Northern Palm Beach south of Lake Worth inlet, and one north of Lake Worth inlet. The assemblage in deep habitats mainly split in close proximity to the Bahamas Fracture Zone south of Lake Worth Inlet. The presence of reef habitat aided in splitting the southern assemblage regions from the northern all-hardbottom assemblage regions in both the shallow and deep habitats. Substrate relief was significantly correlated with the differences in the northernmost deep assemblages but did not appear to affect the remainder of the shallow and deep assemblages. This bioregional study creates a baseline assessment of reef fish assemblages of the Southeast FRT for future analyses

    Analisi tecnico-economica di interventi di riqualificazione energetica in un plesso scolastico

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    Gli interventi di riqualificazione energetica di un edificio risultano necessari per rispondere alle leggi europee e nazionali che impongono misure sempre più stringenti per limitare le dispersioni termiche degli edifici e per ridurre i consumi energetici. L’utilizzo del software Edilclima ha permesso lo studio e l’analisi delle condizioni pre e post-interventi dell’edificio scolastico G. Marconi sito in Castelfranco Emilia (MO). Per mezzo del modello creato nel software, sono state determinate le dispersioni termiche dell’edificio, sulla base delle quali è stato possibile definire alcuni interventi di efficientamento energetico. Gli interventi considerati sono stati: isolamento delle pareti perimetrali verso l’esterno e verso il terreno, isolamento del sottotetto, sostituzione degli infissi. Gli interventi sono necessari per ottenere un edificio che presenti caratteristiche conformi alle leggi; hanno lo scopo di ridurre l’indice di Prestazione Energetica e i costi per il riscaldamento dell’edificio. Gli indici su cui si è valutata la convenienza degli interventi sono stati: il risparmio in termini di costo annuo per il riscaldamento e il tempo di ritorno dell’investimento (payback time). Sono stati presi in considerazione i casi di interventi singoli e di interventi combinati, il confronto tra essi, in questo caso, definisce gli interventi combinati come maggiormente convenienti rispetto ai parametri presi in considerazione per la valutazione della convenienza. Le valutazioni, inoltre, sono state effettuate in due diversi condizioni: impianto con accensione continua (sul modello delle valutazioni per la Certificazione Energetica) e impianto con accensione intermittente (sul modello delle valutazioni per la Diagnosi energetica). Le due condizioni di prova hanno messo in luce l’importanza della valutazione con impianto intermittente poiché questa rappresenta una condizione più realistica e fornisce una stima più attendibile della convenienza degli interventi

    La Mediterranea Engineering

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    In processu pro Fiscal super appositione pendonum in loco apprehenso : el apellido de los pendones que se pide a instancia del Fisco en respeto de la jurisdicion de la Real Casa de las Monjas de Sigena, se duda si se puede proveer ...

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    Copia digital : Diputación Provincial de Zaragoza. Servicio de Archivos y Bibliotecas, 2010Datos de tít. tomados de p.1, y mención de responsabilidad del final del textoSign.: A-C\p2\sInic. grab. xil. en p.