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    This article presents professor Julius Glax as one of the leading figures in the development of Opatija \u27into a health and seaside resort. In Opatija he was a practicing physician, head physician of Southern Railways sanatoriums, head physician of the Austrian society White Cross, member of Opatija health resort commission, chairman of various societies, and author of professional articles and books. As the director of the health resort in Opatija (1899-1919), he supervised all management and logistics necessary for the development of this seaside settlement into a Austrian Nice.U članku se opisuje profesor Julius Glax (1846.–1922.) kao jedna od vodećih osoba zaslužnih za razvoj Opatije u zdravstveno i kupališno središte. Julius Glax bio je opatijski liječnik, glavni liječnik Sanatorija Južnih željeznica i austrijskog Crvenog križa. Uz to je bio član Povjerenstva Zdravstvenog centra u Opatiji, predsjedavatelj različitih društava i autor stručnih članaka i knjiga. Kao ravnatelj Zdravstvenog centra u Opatiji (1899.–1919.) nadzirao je i upravljao izgradnjom infrastrukture potrebne za razvoj Opatije iz ribarskog mjesta u austrijsku Nicu

    IV. znanstveni kongres Centralnog saveza balneologa Austrije u Opatiji, 1904.

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    The authors were interested in the lectures’ themes, organisation, the course, and the accompanied activities at the balneology congress in Opatija in 1904. The congress was organised by the principle of the health resort at the time Professor Dr Julius Glax, and consisted of two separate parts. The first part was held in Opatija from October 13 until 15, 1904. There were lectures, auto-papers, summaries, reports, discussions, and the afternoon expert trip to Crikvenica by boat. In Opatija the participants were shown the spa park, the rehabilitation paths for patients with heart difficulties, marine baths Angiolona and Slatina, the covered spa Erzherzog Ludwig Viktor Bad, and of the health institution Zander Institute. At the accompanying exhibition the Austrian and German companies represented their products, among them still recognised Bayer, C. Reichert in Karl Zeiß. Additionally, the owner of the Zanderinstitut in Opatija Dr Isor Stein presented his own therapeutic aid exerciteur there. The first part of the congress concluded on October 15, 1904 with the great banquet in the hotel Stephanie.The second part of the congress was held from October 16 until 20, 1904. The expert trip was organised to the Austrian Riviera on the Pannonia ship. The participants visited attractions and health institutions in Mali Lošinj, Pula, Brijuni, Rovinj, Grado, Aquileia and Trieste, where they also had expert lectures. The closing ceremony of the second part of the congress was in Trieste, from where the participants returned to Vienna by the special train.Autore članaka zanimale su teme predavanja, organizacija, tijek i popratne aktivnosti kongresa balneologa održanog u Opatiji 1904. Kongres je u dva dijela organizirao tadašnji ravnatelj lječilišta prof. dr. Julius Glax. Prvi se dio održao u Opatiji od 13. do 15. listopada 1904. Obuhvaćao je predavanja, referate vlastitih znanstvenih radova/djela, njihove sažetke, poruke, diskusije i poslijepodnevni stručni izlet parobrodom u Crikvenicu. Sudionici kongresa razgledali su u Opatiji lječilišni park, rehabilitacijske staze za srce, morska kupališta Angiolina i Slatina, pokriveno kupalište Erzherzog Ludwig Viktor i Zanderjev institut. Na pratećoj izložbi svojim su se proizvodima predstavile austrijske i njemačke tvrtke, između ostalih još danas poznati Bayern, C. Reichert i Karl Zeiß. Na izložbi je svojim terapeutskim pomagalom exerciteur sudjelovao i opatijski liječnik dr. Isor Stein. Prvi dio kongresa zaključen je 15. listopada 1904. velikim banketom u hotelu Stephanie. Drugi dio kongresa održanog od 16. do 20. listopada 1904. obuhvaćao je stručnu ekskurziju po lječilištima austrijske riviere parobrodom Pannonia. Sudionici kongresa posjetili su i lječilišne ustanove i znamenitosti u Malom Lošinju, Puli, Brijunima, Rovinju, Gradu, Aquilei i Trstu gdje su imali i stručna predavanja. Drugi dio kongresa završen je svečanošću u Trstu odakle su se sudionici posebnim vlakom vratili u Beč

    Dobrovoljno vatrogasno i spasavajuće društvo lječilišta Opatija

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    Not only the health service but also several other humanitarian institutions and societies were active in Abbazia/Opatija, the most important town on the once Austrian Riviera, the town that was also known as the Austrian Nice. The most important of the societies was The Health Resort Opatija Volunteer Fire Brigade and Rescue Society. The authors of this article have been particularly interested in the society’s founding and its activity until it moved into the new building at 6, St. Florjan’s Street in 1910. The fast urbanisation and the development of the industry raised the need of the well organised activity of putting out fires. The German gymnastics societies were the first to include the education and the skills development of the volunteer firemen into their programmes. The first volunteer fire brigades appeared in Austria after 1863. The huge fire that broke out in Vienna in 1881 showed that the fast and efficient rescuing demanded a well prepared organization of a team of rescuers. Based on the initiative of the chimney sweep Franz Drescher and The South Railway Company, the volunteer fire brigade was founded in Opatija already in 1886. The founding of the volunteer rescue society was based on the idea given by dr. Jaromir Mundy, the permanent guest in Opatija and a friend of prof. dr. Theodor Billroth, in 1894. The intertwining activity of the both societies resulted in their formal joining. The head physician became dr. Franz Tripold, the chief commander was Franz Doberlet junior. For his special merits, the general assembly of the Health Resort Opatija Volunteer Fire Brigade and Rescue Society appointed him the honourable commander of the society in 1903 and he received a special photo album with the photos of the volunteer firemen and the rescuers’ practice. The Emperor Franz Joseph I Jubilee Fire Station, the Rescue Station And the Sanatorium (Kaiser Franz Joseph I Jubiläums – Feuerwehrrüstungshaus, Rettungsstation und Erholungsheim) was given to the use on 1st October 1910. Since then, the two societies worked at this same location. The Volunteer Fire Brigade Opatija has been located in this building ever since.Na austrijskoj su rivijeri, u lječilištu i morskom kupalištu Abbazia/Opatija, zvanom austrijska Nica, uza zdravstvene, djelovale i humanitarne ustanove i društva. Najznačajnije među njima bila je Dobovoljno vatrogasno i spasavajuće društvo (Die Freiwillige Feuerwehr und Rettungs-Gesellschaft des Curortes Abbazia). Autore članaka zanimao je nastanak tog društva te njegovo djelovanje do useljenja u novosagrađenu zgradu u Ulici Sv. Florijana 6. Zbog sve veće urbanizacije i industrijalizacije javila se potreba za dobro organiziranom vatrogasnom službom. U Europi su njemačka fiskulturna društva prva u svoj program uključila edukaciju i obučavanje dobrovoljnih vatrogasaca. U Austrijskoj monarhiji prva dobrovoljna vatrogasna društva osnivana su nakon 1863. godine. Tijekom velikog požara u kazalištu Ringtheater u Beču (1881.) nužnom se pokazala potreba za osnivanjem dobro organizirane spasilačke službe za uspješno spašavanje ozlijeđenih. U Opatiji je već 1886. na inicijativu opatijskoga dimnjačarskog majstora Franza Dreschera i privatnoga c. kr. Društva južnih željeznica osnovano Dobrovoljno vatrogasno društvo. Na poticaj dr. Jaromira viteza v. Mundyja, osnivača prvoga Bečkog spasavajućeg društva (1881.), te čestog posjetitelja Opatije i njegova prijatelja prof. dr. Theodora Billrotha, u Opatiji je 1894. osnovano Dobrovoljno spasavajuće društvo. Godine 1901. Dobrovoljno vatrogasno društvo pod zapovjedništvom Franza Doberlet ml. i Dobrovoljno spasilačko društvo pod zapovjedništvom cesarskog savjetnika dr. Franza Tripolda ujedinjuje se se u Dobrovoljno vatrogasno i spasavajuće društvo lječilišta Opatija. Na plenarnoj sjednici toga društva 1903., M. F. Doberletu ml. dodijeljen je naziv počasnog zapovjednika za izvanredne zasluge i darovan mu je fotoalbum vježbi Društva opatijskih vatrogasaca i spašavatelja. Dana 1. listopada 1910. izgrađen je vatrogasni dom Kaiser Franz Joseph I Jubiläums-Feuerwehrrüsthaus, Rettungsstation und Feuerwehr-Erholungsheim. Dobrovoljno vatrogasno i spasavajuće društvo otad je djelovalo na toj lokaciji. U tom domu Dobrovoljno vatrogasno društvo Opatija djeluje i danas

    Medicinsko-mehanički institut Dr. Zandera u Opatiji

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    At the beginning of the 20th century, there were different kinds of medical institutions in the health and seaside spa resort Abbazia (nowadays Opatija). The Opatija Guidebooks (1904-1914) praised the three sanatoriums and Zander’s Medico-Mechanical Institute, which was owned by Dr. Isor Stein. Dr. Zander, who is not well-known today, has been the main topic of the authors’ research. The authors have found out that Dr. Gustav Zander (1835-1920) worked as a teacher of gymnastics, a physician, and a university lecturer about the remedial gymnastics at the University of Stockholm. He constructed several devices which enabled constant and regular movement of individual parts of the human body, as well as certain devices that replaced the manual massage. Zander started his first institute in Stockholm in 1865. People could do exercise using his apparatus. He gained international fame by exhibiting his devices at the International Exhibitions in Brussels and Philadelphia in 1876 and in Paris in 1878. Several Zander’s medico-mechanical institutes were established around the world and they were all named after him. There were two hundred and two Zander’s Institutes in 1911 when his success and fame reached its peak. Zander’s Institute in Opatija was constructed already in 1904 and it was located on the ground floor of Stein’s mansion, known as Vila Stein, nowadays Vila Dora. The First World War changed the fundamental role of Zander’s Institutes and the Great Depression in 1929 destroyed them. It seems the Institute in Opatija closed down at that time too, even thought we have not found out the precise date. The modern fitness studios started to emerge in Europe in the 1950s, a few decades after Zander’s medico-mechanical institutes ceased to exist. Many modern professional fitness devices are basically derived from the apparatus that was recommended, constructed and launched into the society already by Dr. Gustav Zander. The authors of this article presume that it was Dr. Zander who already used the methods of physiotherapy and fitness that are generally used today.Početkom XX. stoljeća u lječilištu i morskom kupalištu Abbazia/Opatija postojale su različite zdravstvene ustanove. Vodiči po Opatiji (1904.–1914.) najviše su reklamirali tri sanatorija i Medicinsko-mehanički institut dr. Zandera, koji je bio u vlasništvu dr. Steina. Autore je zanimalo tko je bio dr. Zander koji je danas široj javnosti nepoznat. Ustanovili smo da je dr. Gustav Zander (1835.–1920.) bio učitelj tjelesnog odgoja, liječnik i sveučilišni predavač za medicinsku gimnastiku na Sveučilište u Stockholmu. Konstruirao je brojne naprave koje su omogućavale stalno i ravnomjerno gibanje (pomicanje/kretanje) pojedinih djelova tijela. Ti su aparati nadomjestili ručnu masažu. Godine 1865. osnovao je u Stockholmu svoj prvi institut u kojem su ljudi vježbali na njegovim aparatima. Svoje je naprave predstavio na svjetskim izložbama u Philadelphiji (1876.) i Parizu (1878.), što mu je donijelo svjetski ugled. Po svijetu su počeli nastajati tzv. mediko-mehanički instituti s njegovim imenom. Godine 1911., u doba najvećega procvata, u svijetu su djelovala 202 Zandereva instituta. Opatija je već 1904. dobila Zanderev institut u prizemlju Vile Stein, danas Vila Dora. Prvi svjetski rat promijenio je namjenu Zanderevih instituta, a velika gospodarska kriza 1929. ih je uništila. Čini se da je i u Opatiji u to doba Zanderev institut prestao s djelovanjem – točan datum prestanka rada nije bilo moguće ustanoviti. U pedesetim godinama XX. stoljeća, dakle nekoliko desetljeća nakon prestanka djelovanja Zanderevih medicinsko-mehaničkih instituta, počeli su nastajati fitness-studiji. U velikoj mjeri koriste se modernizirane aparature koje je konstruirao i uveo u praksu već dr. Gustav Zander. Autori zakljućuju da je već dr. Zander upotrebljavao metode fizioterapije i fitnessa, koje se upotrebljavaju još i danas


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    This article presents professor Julius Glax as one of the leading figures in the development of Opatija \u27into a health and seaside resort. In Opatija he was a practicing physician, head physician of Southern Railways sanatoriums, head physician of the Austrian society White Cross, member of Opatija health resort commission, chairman of various societies, and author of professional articles and books. As the director of the health resort in Opatija (1899-1919), he supervised all management and logistics necessary for the development of this seaside settlement into a Austrian Nice.U članku se opisuje profesor Julius Glax (1846.–1922.) kao jedna od vodećih osoba zaslužnih za razvoj Opatije u zdravstveno i kupališno središte. Julius Glax bio je opatijski liječnik, glavni liječnik Sanatorija Južnih željeznica i austrijskog Crvenog križa. Uz to je bio član Povjerenstva Zdravstvenog centra u Opatiji, predsjedavatelj različitih društava i autor stručnih članaka i knjiga. Kao ravnatelj Zdravstvenog centra u Opatiji (1899.–1919.) nadzirao je i upravljao izgradnjom infrastrukture potrebne za razvoj Opatije iz ribarskog mjesta u austrijsku Nicu


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    Introduction: Many nursing and midwifery schools in many countries around the world awarded or still award graduation badges or pins to their graduates. All graduates from different parts of the former Kingdom of Yugoslavia and later the Republic of Yugoslavia educated in Slovenian healthcare schools received badges from these schools. Some of the graduates later employed in medical institutions across former Yugoslavia wore these badges on their uniforms. The main purpose of this historical research was to establish which Slovenian health care schools awarded the graduation badges and what they looked like. It was also investigated why the badges ceased to be awarded and what motivated Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care in Jesenice to reintroduce awarding the badges. Methods: Due to a lack of written sources, we conducted 393 face to face and telephonic interviews with former badge recipients across Slovenia. Their existing badges were photographed. On the authors’ initiative, a private collection of badges was started. Results: It has been established that in the 20th century all Slovenian secondary health schools awarded badges. The Nursing College, Ljubljana also awarded graduation badges. Five different types of badges in many variants were issued. The first badges were awarded to graduates by Slovenian oldest Nursing School, Ljubljana in 1925. The badges ceased to be awarded in the late 1970s and the early 1980s. Some questions about probable reasons for cessation of awarding badges remain unanswered. Less than a fifth of interviewees kept their badges. Graduating nursing badges were reintroduced in Slovenia in 2017 with a new badge which is presented and depicted in this article. The motivation for the reintroduction of graduating badges is also investigated. Discussion and conclusion: Unfortunately, many Slovenian nurses and midwives are not sufficiently aware of the meaning and importance of their badges. Although badges are important for professional image and identity of nurses, badges as a symbol of nursing have become almost completely forgotten. Graduation badges are miniature works of art and are proof of the existence and development of Slovenian healthcare schools. Nursing badges present a part of nursing history as well as being our cultural heritage. The badges deserve to be written and talked about and should be displayed in a planned future Slovenian Health Care Museum.Uvod: U mnogim zemljama diljem svijeta diplomanticama sestrinskih i primaljskih škola dodjeljivane su, a i danas se dodjeljuju, diplomske značke. Slovenske zdravstvene škole su i prije i nakon Drugoga svjetskog rata pohađale učenice iz mnogih krajeva nekadašnje Kraljevine, poslije Republike Jugoslavije. Tim je polaznicama škola uz diplomu uručivala i diplomsku značku, koju bi neke diplomantice nosile na svojim odorama radeći u zdravstvenim ustanovama na području nekadašnje Kraljevine, odnosno Republike Jugoslavije. Glavna namjera ovoga povijesnog istraživanja bila je utvrditi koje su slovenske zdravstvene škole dodjeljivale diplomske značke i kako su značke izgledale. Tragali smo za razlozima zbog kojih su škole odustale od dodjeljivanja značaka i što je ponukalo Fakultet za zdravstvo Angele Boškin, Jesenice, da uvede uručivanje diplomske značke. Metode: Zbog gotovo potpunog nedostatka pisanih izvora o diplomskim značkama uspjeli smo „face to face“ ili preko telefona intervjuirati 393 većinom umirovljene medicinske sestre i primalje – dobitnice diplomske značke. Njihove smo značke fotodokumentirali. Sakupljanjem iz raznih izvora izgradili smo i privatnu zbirku značaka. Rezultati: Dokazali smo da su u 20. stoljeću sve slovenske srednje zdravstvene škole i Viša šola za medicinske sestre u Ljubljani dodjeljivale diplomske značke. Opisano je i prikazano pet različitih tipova značaka. Prva diplomska značka dodijeljena je prvoj generaciji diplomantica prvoutemeljene sestrinske škole u Sloveniji u Ljubljani 1925. U kasnim 70-im i do početka 80-ih godina prošlog stoljeća sve slovenske zdravstvene škole odustale su od dodjeljivanja značaka. Traganje za uzrocima ostalo je bezuspješno. Manje od jedne petine sudionica intervjua još uvijek čuva svoju značku. Opisana je i prikazana i diplomska značka, koju od 2017. dodjeljuje Fakultet za zdravstvo Angele Boškin. Rasprava i zaključak: Mnoge slovenske medicinske sestre i primalje nisu dovoljno svjesne značenja i važnosti svojih diplomskih značaka. Unatoč važnosti značaka za vizualni i profesionalni identitet medicinske sestre, danas su značke kao simbol sestrinstva gotovo potpuno zaboravljene. Međutim, ove su značke male umjetnine i dokaz su postojanja i razvoja slovenskih zdravstvenih škola. Dio su povijesti slovenskog sestrinstva i slovenske kulturne baštine. Značke zaslužuju da se o njima govori i piše i trebale bi biti izložene u planiranom Muzeju zdravstvene njege

    Franz Tripold (1865.–1956.), jedan od najznačajnijih liječnika-pionira u Opatiji

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    Dr Tripold was one of the first Austrian physicians to practice in Opatija. He graduated from Karl-Franzens University in Graz in 1889 and moved to Opatija in 1891. Along with his medical practice, Tripold was the head physician of the Volunteer Fire Brigade and Rescue Society of Opatija and meteorological observer. In 1906, he published a climatological study entitled Das Klima von Abbazia (The Climate of Opatija), which was based on his own 8-year observations of the weather conditions and the 12-year observations done by his predecessor, E. Krainz. In 1908, he was appointed Imperial Counsellor by the Austrian emperor. For his medical practice in Opatija, Dr Tripold received several foreign awards, and the Viennese Volunteer Rescue Society appointed him its honorary member. The Tripolds moved to Turin in 1947. He was buried there at Cimitero monumentale. Opatija, Town-Museum of Central Europe, a project designed to identify and reunite old friends, has honoured the memory of Dr Tripold by including him in a poster of the ten most famous citizens of Opatija, and the fire station in Opatija placed a plaque on the wall in his honour.Jedan od prvih liječnika koji su došli raditi u Opatiju bio je dr. Franz Tripold. Godine 1889. promaknut je za doktora opće medicine na Karl-Francovu sveučilištu u Grazu. U Opatiju je došao 1891. godine. Uz obavljanje liječničke prakse, bio je i šef-liječnik Dobrovoljnoga vatrogasno-spašavajućeg društva te skrbnik vremenske stanice u Opatiji. Godine 1906. objavio je klimatološku studiju Das Klima von Abbazia (Opatijska klima), koja je nastala na osnovi njegova dvadesetogodišnjeg bilježenja opatijske klime. Godine 1908. car Franjo Josip odlikovao ga je titulom dvorskog savjetnika. Za svoj rad u Opatiji dr. Tripold primio je niz odlikovanja. Dobrovoljno spašavajuće društvo u Beču proglasilo ga je svojim počasnim članom. Godine 1947. odselio je u Torino, gdje je 1956. preminuo. Sa suprugom je pokopan na Cimitero monumentale di Torino. Opatija – grad muzej ukazala je dr. Franzu Tripoldu poštovanje uvrštavanjem na plakat desetorice najznačajnijih Opatijaca te spomen-pločom na Vatrogasnom domu


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    The South Railways Company built two hydrotherapeutic institutions Warm baths (Warmbade-Pavillion) and Hydrotherapeutic Institution (Hydropatische Anstalt) in the Angiolina Park in Opatija in 1884. The both institutions were in operation till 1904. Due to the deterioration of the both hydrotherapeutic institutions and increasing number of guests (in 1899 - 4009 guests, in 1902 - 19.001 guests) the South Railways Company built in 1902-1904 new modern hydrotherapeutic treatment institution the Covered Bath of the Archduke Ludwig Viktor (Erherzog Ludwig Viktor Bad). The leading physician (dirigierender Arzt) of these institutions was Professor Dr. Julius Glax, who added the thalassotherapy to the balneology. In 1907 the post of the leading physician of the Covered Bath of the Archduke Ludvig Victor (Erherzog Ludwig Viktor Bad) took over Dr. Albert Nussbaum. The Covered Bath of the Archduke Ludvig Victor institution was operating till 1919, when it was transformed into a hotel.Društvo Južnih željeznica u Opatiji sagradilo je 1884. godine u Opatiji Kupališni paviljon s toplim morskim kupkama (Warmbade-Pavillion) uz Hotel Quarnero i Hidroterapeutski zavod (Hydropatische Anstalt) u parku Angiolina. Kupališni paviljon i Hidroterapeutski zavod djelovali su do početka 1904. godine. Uslijed dotrajalosti tih ustanova i velikog povećanja broja lječilišnih gostiju (1899. godine - 4009 gostiju, 1902.godine - 19.001 gostiju). Društvo Južnih željeznica sagradilo je od 1902.-1904. godine novu, najmoderniju hidroterapeutsku ustanovu pod imenom Kupalište nadvojvode Ljudevita - Viktora (Erzherzog Ludwig Viktor Bad). Glavni liječnik Hidroterapeutskog zavoda i Kupališta nadvojvode Ljudevita - Viktora bio je prof. dr. Julius Glax, koji je balneološku terapiju dopunio sa talasoterapijom. 1907. godine postaje glavni liječnik kupališta dr. Albert Nussbaum. Zatvoreno Kupalište nadvojvode Ljudevita - Viktora ukinuto je 1919. godine, kada je prenamijenjeno u hotel

    Dobrovoljno vatrogasno i spasavajuće društvo lječilišta Opatija

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    Not only the health service but also several other humanitarian institutions and societies were active in Abbazia/Opatija, the most important town on the once Austrian Riviera, the town that was also known as the Austrian Nice. The most important of the societies was The Health Resort Opatija Volunteer Fire Brigade and Rescue Society. The authors of this article have been particularly interested in the society’s founding and its activity until it moved into the new building at 6, St. Florjan’s Street in 1910. The fast urbanisation and the development of the industry raised the need of the well organised activity of putting out fires. The German gymnastics societies were the first to include the education and the skills development of the volunteer firemen into their programmes. The first volunteer fire brigades appeared in Austria after 1863. The huge fire that broke out in Vienna in 1881 showed that the fast and efficient rescuing demanded a well prepared organization of a team of rescuers. Based on the initiative of the chimney sweep Franz Drescher and The South Railway Company, the volunteer fire brigade was founded in Opatija already in 1886. The founding of the volunteer rescue society was based on the idea given by dr. Jaromir Mundy, the permanent guest in Opatija and a friend of prof. dr. Theodor Billroth, in 1894. The intertwining activity of the both societies resulted in their formal joining. The head physician became dr. Franz Tripold, the chief commander was Franz Doberlet junior. For his special merits, the general assembly of the Health Resort Opatija Volunteer Fire Brigade and Rescue Society appointed him the honourable commander of the society in 1903 and he received a special photo album with the photos of the volunteer firemen and the rescuers’ practice. The Emperor Franz Joseph I Jubilee Fire Station, the Rescue Station And the Sanatorium (Kaiser Franz Joseph I Jubiläums – Feuerwehrrüstungshaus, Rettungsstation und Erholungsheim) was given to the use on 1st October 1910. Since then, the two societies worked at this same location. The Volunteer Fire Brigade Opatija has been located in this building ever since.Na austrijskoj su rivijeri, u lječilištu i morskom kupalištu Abbazia/Opatija, zvanom austrijska Nica, uza zdravstvene, djelovale i humanitarne ustanove i društva. Najznačajnije među njima bila je Dobovoljno vatrogasno i spasavajuće društvo (Die Freiwillige Feuerwehr und Rettungs-Gesellschaft des Curortes Abbazia). Autore članaka zanimao je nastanak tog društva te njegovo djelovanje do useljenja u novosagrađenu zgradu u Ulici Sv. Florijana 6. Zbog sve veće urbanizacije i industrijalizacije javila se potreba za dobro organiziranom vatrogasnom službom. U Europi su njemačka fiskulturna društva prva u svoj program uključila edukaciju i obučavanje dobrovoljnih vatrogasaca. U Austrijskoj monarhiji prva dobrovoljna vatrogasna društva osnivana su nakon 1863. godine. Tijekom velikog požara u kazalištu Ringtheater u Beču (1881.) nužnom se pokazala potreba za osnivanjem dobro organizirane spasilačke službe za uspješno spašavanje ozlijeđenih. U Opatiji je već 1886. na inicijativu opatijskoga dimnjačarskog majstora Franza Dreschera i privatnoga c. kr. Društva južnih željeznica osnovano Dobrovoljno vatrogasno društvo. Na poticaj dr. Jaromira viteza v. Mundyja, osnivača prvoga Bečkog spasavajućeg društva (1881.), te čestog posjetitelja Opatije i njegova prijatelja prof. dr. Theodora Billrotha, u Opatiji je 1894. osnovano Dobrovoljno spasavajuće društvo. Godine 1901. Dobrovoljno vatrogasno društvo pod zapovjedništvom Franza Doberlet ml. i Dobrovoljno spasilačko društvo pod zapovjedništvom cesarskog savjetnika dr. Franza Tripolda ujedinjuje se se u Dobrovoljno vatrogasno i spasavajuće društvo lječilišta Opatija. Na plenarnoj sjednici toga društva 1903., M. F. Doberletu ml. dodijeljen je naziv počasnog zapovjednika za izvanredne zasluge i darovan mu je fotoalbum vježbi Društva opatijskih vatrogasaca i spašavatelja. Dana 1. listopada 1910. izgrađen je vatrogasni dom Kaiser Franz Joseph I Jubiläums-Feuerwehrrüsthaus, Rettungsstation und Feuerwehr-Erholungsheim. Dobrovoljno vatrogasno i spasavajuće društvo otad je djelovalo na toj lokaciji. U tom domu Dobrovoljno vatrogasno društvo Opatija djeluje i danas

    Fokus-Naturtag – Beratungskonzept zur Förderung des Naturschutzbewusstseins und der Naturschutzleistungen landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe

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    Landwirte spielen eine zentrale Rolle bei dem Versuch den Rückgang der Biodiversität in Agrarlandschaften zu stoppen. Naturschutzberatung versucht deshalb das ökologische Wissen zu verbessern, passende Naturschutzmaßnahmen auf Betriebsebene zu finden und die Motivation der Landwirte zu stärken. Das Konzept des "Fokus-Naturtags" stellt ein Material- und Methodenset zur Durchführung von eintägigen Naturschutzberatungen sowohl für konventionelle als auch Bio-Betriebe zur Verfügung. Die Beratungsergebnisse werden nicht in Form eines Berichtes sondern durch ein Poster oder eine Mappe dokumentiert, die Berater und Landwirt gemeinsam aus extra erstellten Materialien - verschiedenen Aufkleber, mobile Fotodrucker - zusammenstellen. Von der Bioland Beratung und den Projektpartner wurden 80 Fokus-Naturtage durchgeführt. Die Erfahrungen waren überwiegend positiv. Eine interviewgestützte Evaluation ist geplant und soll Auskunft über die tatsächlichen Naturschutzwirkungen auf den Betrieben nach der Beratung geben