4,037 research outputs found

    Heterogeneity of Glia in the Retina and Optic Nerve of Birds and Mammals

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    We have recently described a novel type of glial cell that is scattered across the inner layers of the avian retina [1]. These cells are stimulated by insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) to proliferate, migrate distally into the retina, and up-regulate the nestin-related intermediate filament transitin. These changes in glial activity correspond with increased susceptibility of neurons to excitotoxic damage. This novel cell-type has been termed the Non-astrocytic Inner Retinal Glia-like (NIRG) cells. The purpose of the study was to investigate whether the retinas of non-avian species contain cells that resemble NIRG cells. We assayed for NIRG cells by probing for the expression of Sox2, Sox9, Nkx2.2, vimentin and nestin. NIRG cells were distinguished from astrocytes by a lack of expression for Glial Fibrilliary Acidic Protein (GFAP). We examined the retinas of adult mice, guinea pigs, dogs and monkeys (Macaca fasicularis). In the mouse retina and optic nerve head, we identified numerous astrocytes that expressed GFAP, S100β, Sox2 and Sox9; however, we found no evidence for NIRG-like cells that were positive for Nkx2.2, nestin, and negative for GFAP. In the guinea pig retina, we did not find astrocytes or NIRG cells in the retina, whereas we identified astrocytes in the optic nerve. In the eyes of dogs and monkeys, we found astrocytes and NIRG-like cells scattered across inner layers of the retina and within the optic nerve. We conclude that NIRG-like cells are present in the retinas of canines and non-human primates, whereas the retinas of mice and guinea pigs do not contain NIRG cells

    Secretoneurin stimulates the production and release of luteinizing hormone in mouse L beta T2 gonadotropin cells

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    Secretoneurin (SN) is a functional secretogranin II (SgII)-derived peptide that stimulates luteinizing hormone (LH) production and its release in the goldfish. However, the effects of SN on the pituitary of mammalian species and the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. To study SN in mammals, we adopted the mouse LβT2 gonadotropin cell line that has characteristics consistent with normal pituitary gonadotrophs. Using radioimmunoassay and real-time RT-PCR, we demonstrated that static treatment with SN induced a significant increment of LH release and production in LβT2 cells in vitro. We found that GnRH increased cellular SgII mRNA level and total SN-immunoreactive protein release into the culture medium. We also report that SN activated the extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK) in either 10-min acute stimulation or 3-h chronic treatment. The SN-induced ERK activation was significantly blocked by pharmacological inhibition of MAPK kinase (MEK) with PD-98059 and protein kinase C (PKC) with bisindolylmaleimide. SN also increased the total cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels similarly to GnRH. However, SN did not activate the GnRH receptor. These data indicate that SN activates the protein kinase A (PKA) and cAMP-induced ERK signaling pathways in the LH-secreting mouse LβT2 pituitary cell line

    Low pH immobilizes and kills human leukocytes and prevents transmission of cell-associated HIV in a mouse model

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    BACKGROUND: Both cell-associated and cell-free HIV virions are present in semen and cervical secretions of HIV-infected individuals. Thus, topical microbicides may need to inactivate both cell-associated and cell-free HIV to prevent sexual transmission of HIV/AIDS. To determine if the mild acidity of the healthy vagina and acid buffering microbicides would prevent transmission by HIV-infected leukocytes, we measured the effect of pH on leukocyte motility, viability and intracellular pH and tested the ability of an acidic buffering microbicide (BufferGel(®)) to prevent the transmission of cell-associated HIV in a HuPBL-SCID mouse model. METHODS: Human lymphocyte, monocyte, and macrophage motilities were measured as a function of time and pH using various acidifying agents. Lymphocyte and macrophage motilities were measured using video microscopy. Monocyte motility was measured using video microscopy and chemotactic chambers. Peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) viability and intracellular pH were determined as a function of time and pH using fluorescent dyes. HuPBL-SCID mice were pretreated with BufferGel, saline, or a control gel and challenged with HIV-1-infected human PBMCs. RESULTS: Progressive motility was completely abolished in all cell types between pH 5.5 and 6.0. Concomitantly, at and below pH 5.5, the intracellular pH of PBMCs dropped precipitously to match the extracellular medium and did not recover. After acidification with hydrochloric acid to pH 4.5 for 60 min, although completely immotile, 58% of PBMCs excluded ethidium homodimer-1 (dead-cell dye). In contrast, when acidified to this pH with BufferGel, a microbicide designed to maintain vaginal acidity in the presence of semen, only 4% excluded dye at 10 min and none excluded dye after 30 min. BufferGel significantly reduced transmission of HIV-1 in HuPBL-SCID mice (1 of 12 infected) compared to saline (12 of 12 infected) and a control gel (5 of 7 infected). CONCLUSION: These results suggest that physiologic or microbicide-induced acid immobilization and killing of infected white blood cells may be effective in preventing sexual transmission of cell-associated HIV

    Mapping Patent Classifications: Portfolio and Statistical Analysis, and the Comparison of Strengths and Weaknesses

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    The Cooperative Patent Classifications (CPC) jointly developed by the European and US Patent Offices provide a new basis for mapping and portfolio analysis. This update provides an occasion for rethinking the parameter choices. The new maps are significantly different from previous ones, although this may not always be obvious on visual inspection. Since these maps are statistical constructs based on index terms, their quality--as different from utility--can only be controlled discursively. We provide nested maps online and a routine for portfolio overlays and further statistical analysis. We add a new tool for "difference maps" which is illustrated by comparing the portfolios of patents granted to Novartis and MSD in 2016.Comment: Scientometrics 112(3) (2017) 1573-1591; http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11192-017-2449-

    Differences in serum IL-6 response after 1°C rise in core body temperature in individuals with spinal cord injury and cervical spinal cord injury during local heat stress

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    Objectives: Passive rise in core body temperature achieved by head-out hot water immersion (HHWI) results in acute increases in serum interleukin (IL)-6 but no change in plasma adrenaline in patients with cervical spinal cord injury (CSCI). The purpose of the present study was to determine the mechanism of heat stress-induced increase in serum IL-6. Setting: A cross-sectional study. Methods: The study subjects were 9 with CSCI, 10 with thoracic and lumbar spinal cord injury (TLSCI) and 8 able-bodied (AB) subjects. Time since injury was 16.4±4.1 years in TLSCI and 16.1±3.4 years in CSCI. Subjects were subjected to lower-body heat stress (LBH) by wearing a hot water-perfused suit until 1°C increase in core temperature. The levels of serum IL-6, plasma adrenaline, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, C-reactive protein (CRP), and counts of blood cells were measured at normothermia and after LBH. Results: Serum IL-6 concentrations increased significantly immediately after LBH in all the three groups. ΔIL-6% was lower in CSCI subjects compared with AB subjects. Plasma adrenaline concentrations significantly increased after LBH in AB and TLSCI subjects, but did not change throughout the study in CSCI subjects. Cardiac output and heart rate increased at the end of LBH in all three groups. Conclusion: Under a similar increase in core temperature, ΔIL-6% was lower in the CSCI group compared with the AB group. These findings suggest that the observed rise in IL-6 during hyperthermia is mediated, at least in part, by plasma adrenaline

    TriResNet: A Deep Triple-stream Residual Network for Histopathology Grading

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    While microscopic analysis of histopathological slides is generally considered as the gold standard method for performing cancer diagnosis and grading, the current method for analysis is extremely time consuming and labour intensive as it requires pathologists to visually inspect tissue samples in a detailed fashion for the presence of cancer. As such, there has been significant recent interest in computer aided diagnosis systems for analysing histopathological slides for cancer grading to aid pathologists to perform cancer diagnosis and grading in a more efficient, accurate, and consistent manner. In this work, we investigate and explore a deep triple-stream residual network (TriResNet) architecture for the purpose of tile-level histopathology grading, which is the critical first step to computer-aided whole-slide histopathology grading. In particular, the design mentality behind the proposed TriResNet network architecture is to facilitate for the learning of a more diverse set of quantitative features to better characterize the complex tissue characteristics found in histopathology samples. Experimental results on two widely-used computer-aided histopathology benchmark datasets (CAMELYON16 dataset and Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC) dataset) demonstrated that the proposed TriResNet network architecture was able to achieve noticeably improved accuracies when compared with two other state-of-the-art deep convolutional neural network architectures. Based on these promising results, the hope is that the proposed TriResNet network architecture could become a useful tool to aiding pathologists increase the consistency, speed, and accuracy of the histopathology grading process.Comment: 9 page

    Spatio-temporal analysis of malaria incidence at the village level in a malaria-endemic area in Hainan, China

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Malaria incidence in China's Hainan province has dropped significantly, since Malaria Programme of China Global Fund Round 1 was launched. To lay a foundation for further studies to evaluate the efficacy of Malaria Programme and to help with public health planning and resource allocation in the future, the temporal and spatial variations of malaria epidemic are analysed and areas and seasons with a higher risk are identified at a fine geographic scale within a malaria endemic county in Hainan.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Malaria cases among the residents in each of 37 villages within hyper-endemic areas of Wanning county in southeast Hainan from 2005 to 2009 were geo-coded at village level based on residence once the patients were diagnosed. Based on data so obtained, purely temporal, purely spatial and space-time scan statistics and geographic information systems (GIS) were employed to identify clusters of time, space and space-time with elevated proportions of malaria cases.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Purely temporal scan statistics suggested clusters in 2005,2006 and 2007 and no cluster in 2008 and 2009. Purely spatial clustering analyses pinpointed the most likely cluster as including three villages in 2005 and 2006 respectively, sixteen villages in 2007, nine villages in 2008, and five villages in 2009, and the south area of Nanqiao town as the most likely to have a significantly high occurrence of malaria. The space-time clustering analysis found the most likely cluster as including three villages in the south of Nanqiao town with a time frame from January 2005 to May 2007.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Even in a small traditional malaria endemic area, malaria incidence has a significant spatial and temporal heterogeneity on the finer spatial and temporal scales. The scan statistics enable the description of this spatiotemporal heterogeneity, helping with clarifying the epidemiology of malaria and prioritizing the resource assignment and investigation of malaria on a finer geographical scale in endemic areas.</p
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